February 2015 - Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Total Approx 1385 calories +

    Breakfast (400 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Mediterranean Blend Veggies or Zucchini w/Tri Pepper Blend
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon pumpkin butter 25 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (385 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    2 slices Applegate Farms Black Forest Ham & lettuce 50 Calories
    Laughing Cow white cheddar cheese 35 calories
    Greek Yogurt 100 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 calories)
    grilled chicken wrap w/salsa 600 calories

    Tae Bo Power w/gloves
  • Hello all!

    Took today off and took Hunter to the vet for a booster shot, they did his annual and some other shots so he's good for the year, funny how anxious I got until they said he was all good...it surprised me that I felt that anxiety, not that I don't care about him, but just surprised.

    TTOM showed up after 5 weeks, glad to get it out of the way before I go on my trip, so unpredictable except the weight gain...

    Got a chair massage at work Thursday, helped the neck, going to get another next week, this little injury really slowed me down, but I'm not quitting, never happen.

    Hope everyone's having a great weekend

    holy cow, a bunch of us posted at the same time it seems!
    coolmom so proud of you!!

    Novangel You should be coming out of the coffee detox soon, it took me 72 hours, then felt great, of course I'm back on it again...I do love my coffee

    Diana sorry to hear about the traffic, hope things are getting better, one of my friends from high school lives in NC, he's been posting a lot of FB updates on the storm and how people are driving not so cautiously, we're so used to that kind of weather up here, I always worry more about the other people on the road when I'm driving in the bad weather, stay safe!!

    Ian I missed that you are travelling again, safe travels! have a good trip!

    Veil my non-weight loss goals are to remain active and get fitter and stronger. Someday I hope to do some serious hiking in Yosemite National Park, in the meantime, hiking and enjoying the outdoors when and where I can, this winter is frustrating me since I can't get out as much, thanks for the opportunity to look at the non-weight loss goals again, which I feel I am very successful at, the dang scale is another story

    best to all
  • All posting at the same time!

    Diana, i'm always amazed how well you do dining out. I hope I can get in that same groove while traveling.

    Kelijpa, thanks! The chair massage sounds fab. I hope it helps the neck.

    Novangel, I'll be interested in reading about your experiences with the supplement. Sorry about the bikini. Maybe a different style would be more flattering.
  • Everything stretchy gives me the lovely muffin top. I mean it's doable but I'm disappointed that 3 years later I still am still battling my midsection. I will be interested to see what happens with these supplements too.
  • Good morning everyone

    I came here to just read. and then post. But I am going to write a tiny bit of personals. Just because... welll. I cant stop myself from doing it

    Kelijpa, I am so glad that Hunter and you got through that vet apt. wont have to deal with it again for another year. I hope your neck is soon doing better

    Diana, sorry about that 2 hours in traffic. I would not have been a happy camper. Nor would I have been happy at a waffle house unless i could get what I wanted. And believe me, there would be things I wanted there

    Novangel, Would you mind saying the name of the supplement you are taking for corsisol? I take relora for cortisol. And then a bit of homeopathic cortisol as well. For me the Relora makes a dramatic difference. But I am curious what you are taking. I am always looking for different options.

    Fluffy good luck with the performance. I am sure you will be good. I have a feeling you always are. even when you think you are not. I used to have the same thing when I was at my parents house. I think I would self medicate for whatever reasons. Whatever it is for you, just know that you are in good company.

    GMNEVO great that you are doing all that walking. I am SO impressed.

    Ohclementine, still LOVING that pink hair. Sorry about the binge day. But you got back on track today. I know the whole weight and dieting thing can be so hard. And even painful. Don't tell anyone, but I had a binge day today.

    Sensualappeal, just keep trying. i think that's the important thing. Even if now is a challenging time and things are not working out the way you want. We are here for you. Just keep trying. Eventually you will get back on track

    Ian, awesome you are going to Europe next week, for work. I hope you have a great time,in addition to working.

    Veil, glad you are working on getting healthy. I think it is great if everyone pays attention to health.

    Coolmom, you have duck fat? Oh that does sound good. Perhaps if you do not have enough you could fry potato pancakes. That would take less fat. Pre cooked potatos grated with fresh onion and cooked in fat. Sounds amazing. And maybe some carrots grated in there too. Oh yes. Grated carrots, potato and onion. Okay, Well now i know what I would have

    Syckgirlsfv, you seem to work so hard at school. That's great. What will your degree be in? Hope the presentation goes well on Monday. What's the subject of it?

    If I left anyone out, I am sorry. And I am saying hi

    Today I had a huge eating day. Ate bittersweet chocolate Calets, 2 apples and eggs cooked in butter in addition to the regular food I eat. So tomorrow I will be about 3 lbs higher. AND I am going to Costco tomorrow. Samples.

    I spoke with my mother tonight. Seems my brother's widow is going to go from the west coast to the east coast to visit my mother in April. That means I will likely be asked to go as well. For me it is not a long trip. I live 5 hours by bus from her. I do not like to drive to Boston. I will have to lose quite a bit to go there. Today I reached my usual normal low for this winter ( which is pretty high actually). But when I go to Boston I will have to be 4.5 lbs lower than that.

    I will eat when I am there. I go there a bit under goal weight so my mother doesnt criticize me when I eat. I am too old to gracefully care. But I still do care if I am criricized about my eating. Old shaming etc.

    I hope eveyone has an awesome Saturday.
  • Good morning all,

    Haven't weighed in yet.
    Happy end of Feb. sounds like we're all ready to start a new month!

    We had 1 degree this morning, they were calling for negative temps so I guess we should be grateful. I am grateful to have a nice warm house to live in.

    We're going out to breakfast, looking forward to something with toast and hash browns...

    Sun's out! Have a great day everyone
  • Good Morning, Everyone! Happy Weekend!

    Last night I added on:
    Tamilee Webb's Total Body Stretch (standing and seated sections)
    The Power of Letting Go from Meditations for Emotional Freedom
    This Morning: Oxycise Level 1 workout

    I decided to bite the bullet and weigh in. Not happy but it is what it is.

    Calories for yesterday: 1385 +
    Weigh In: 172.8
    Up: 1.2 pounds from my last weigh in

    Kelijpa I forgot, when are you leaving for your trip? Enjoy the breakfast. Ah, the chair massage sounds great. I am wanting to get a massage. I had one when we went on our cruise. Does someone come around and give the massages at work?

    Flower You should have smelled the waffle and syrup smell wafting through the place. I think you know and understand.

    Novangel Which supplement did your Dr. recommend? I hope it helps you. Do you notice feeling more relaxed or anything like that?

    CoolMom I am actually more comfortable eating out. I feel more tempted when I cook.

    Have a fantastic day!
  • It's kinda good it's the end of Feb and tomorrow is March - it's like, the perfect time to stop sulking and get back in gear. My weight last week on Saturday was 148.8... and after a week of eating bad, and the last 2 days eating REALLY bad and binging I went back on the scale, expecting maybe 2 lbs up.. but I went back up to 156.6!! WOW! Is this real?! I am shocked. Many weeks of work and I am right back where I was because of a few days of overeating? This is just nuts. So discouraging.

    I'm thinking it might be becuase I binged last night and the night before, but still. 8 lbs up?! For real?

    I hope these fall off and aren't here to stay. I'm getting in gear today and tomorrow I am back on full force, plan ready and just not giving in. You'll be seeing me a lot here. Thanks all!
  • Fluffypuppy, Thank you. Yes, I have been very stressed between things at home and work. I'm disappointed I have again turned to food I think the food journal is a good idea, I might have to try that. It sounds like you have a stressful weekend coming up, thinking positive thoughts for you!

    GMNEVO- Thank you, you are so right! Must remember accomplishments. Is there anything specific about the weekends that throws you off track?

    Flower- Thank you, I hope things improve for you too

    sensual appeal- Don't freak out, several pounds of that is likely water weight. Hopefully most of it passes in a day or so!

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Yesterday I went out to lunch with a friend and it was really nice. I took some time to reevaluate things and I'm feeling better. This morning I'm down to 192.6 which is the lowest I can remember being in over 5 years. I've lost nearly 15lbs since January 1st. These are all things I need to remember. I'm at this really awkward point where I've lost over 40lbs but I'm still obese. Just going to keep going and remembering it's not linear and I'm not perfect.

    B-1/2c yogurt, 1/2 banana, 1/2oz walnuts, drizzle of honey, cinnamon, +coffee
    S-1c carrots, 1 small chocolate
    L-1/2 Almond Butter sandwich, 1 apple
    S- String cheese
    D- Roasted chicken thighs and roasted beets
  • Diana she comes to the plant on Thursdays, they have a little wellness center , she sets up her chair in one of the rooms, you make an appointment, it's nice I don't know why I don't do it more often, really helps the tight shoulders

    Sensualappeal definitely not really eight pounds, don't panic, if you quit your program it will be 8 pounds, just do the best you can in the days you can, it'll even out

    Ohclementine that's perfect, no play on words intended,
    it's not linear, and I'm not perfect
  • Hi!!
    We can get healthier! We can make healthy choices!
    I send out positive vibes to everyone!

    B- 1 egg w cheese, lemon blueberry smoothie
    L- PB & celery, pecans, tea
    S-potato chips
    D- 1/2 cheese sandwich

    E- yoga & walking
    W-239 yay! water weight dropping off
  • Ohclementine thank you so the positive words and way to go!!! That's awesome you're at the lowest you've been in 5 years. Just keep going! We are all there for you. Soon, that "awkward place" won't be a place you're in anymore. Just push through it.
  • Down 1lb to 175.4lbs.

    Breakfast was sardines, eggs, squid and smoked mussels.

    Lunch was fish.

    For exercise, I did 60 minutes weight training after breakfast and ran 10 miles before lunch. I have a half marathon coming up in a couple of weeks so I am training for that.

    CoolMom, hope you enjoyed those sardines! Nice work!

    Diana, no - not seeing the kids this time . I will be staying in Central London for a few days. Instead, I have arranged to meet up with a friend. It is a short trip, so I am not too worried about the food. If I am not eating out I will find a supermarket and get some fish!
  • Getting us started for the new month: http://www.3fatchicks.com/forum/weig...e-welcome.html
  • Whaaaaaaaaaaaaa?