On Plan Thread, Jan 2-10

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  • Tuesday actual:
    B: kefir, hb egg, mozz/tom/pesto salad
    S: cheese stick
    L: chick peas sauteed with arugula, 2 turkey mbs
    S: almonds
    D: taco soup
  • Thanks Tammy... good to be back

    Phase 1

    Scrambled eggs

    Raw veggies w/ hummus
    diet coke

    Greek yogurt

    Chicken wing salad
    glass of skim milk

    Cucmber slices
    cheese string
  • More or less p1 too

    2 coffee
    Greek yogurt

    2 HB eggs
    celery w hummus

    Thinking lemon chicken
    Salad w grape tomatoes & feta

    Herbal tea

    Need to do some food prep. Last night was bible study so prep got scratched
  • Tuesday: Phase 1 Day 2

    B-2 veggie quiche cups, slice Canadian Bacon
    S- cheese stick
    L- spinach salad w/ black beans, deli turkey
    S- Smoothie (milk, cottage cheese, ice, dab of PB, SF cocoa)
    D- grilled chicken breast; brussel sprouts/mushrooms/onions tossed with olive oil and roasted
    S- decaf coffee and something: maybe a 3 minute flourless cake?
  • I've had a really bad cold ever since I started this thread last week.i've managed to stick very close to my 1.5, anyway. The scale has come down 3 pounds already. I'm always grateful for that.my planned menus got all tweaked around, but I haven't indulged in any crummy comfort foods. I'm grateful for that as well.

    I am always amazed at how stable my blood sugar is these days. Yesterday I ended up having to jump in the car and go down to Denver to help my husband's daughter for a while. Plan food didn't happen and I didn't get home until almost 5 PM. In spite of that, I was able to stop at whole foods and do some grocery shopping and didn't even look at any of the sugary treats that were available. I was able to stay focused and stick with my mental list. That's what I love about South Beach.
  • Wednesday actual:
    B: kefir, hb egg, tomato/pesto salad
    S: slice of smoked gouda, cucumbers
    L: chick peas/arugula/chicken/parm cheese
    S: almonds
    D: taco soup

    Cheated a bit with a couple of glasses of wine tonight. Grrrrrr
  • Phase 1

    Missed posting yesterday but stayed on plan the whole day (yippee)!!

    Todays menu:

    Breakfast/Lunch (we ate late): Frittata (I'm really loving these - so easy and uses up leftover bits)

    Dinner: Chili (I'm going to try making some faux cornbread with chickpeas since I'm out of white beans - I'll let you know how it goes) and I'm also going to make Kalyn's phase 1 PB pie for dessert

    Snacks: cukes & hummus, cheese sticks, nuts

    This is day 7 on phase 1 and I think it's gone really well. DH is tired of phase 1 and I think he would like to start adding in some phase 2 food so I'll probably throw a piece of toast or fruit his way starting tomorrow. I'll do my official weigh in tomorrow but I've done a few sneaky looks and I think it's going to be more than my hoped for 3#. I'm drinking tons of water today and making sure to keep my willpower going!

  • I hope you are feeling better Debbie!

    I missed my post yesterday but it was

    B: turkey pepp, cheese stick, V8
    L: Taco bake
    D: leftover spaghetti squash and meat sauce with a salad.

    There was snow...I worked from home and then had to trek into the city so not as many veggies as I wanted!

    B: turkey pepperoni - I had 2 hard boiled eggs but the shell wouldn't come off!
    S: V8
    L: Taco bake with avocado
    S: cucumbers and spinach dip
    D: Huge salad from Whole Foods
    D: PBC
  • Wednesday: Phase 1 Day 3

    B-2 veggie quiche cups, slice Canadian Bacon
    S- greek yogurt
    L- spinach salad w/ black beans, grilled chicken
    S- Smoothie (milk, cottage cheese, ice, dab of PB, SF cocoa)
    D- tacobake
    S- decaf coffee and 3 minute flourless cake
  • Thursday actual:
    B: nf greek yogurt, chick pea and tomato salad with pesto
    L: Ugh - veered off plan
    S: carrot sticks and almonds
    D: the last of the taco soup.
    S: popcorn and wine. Oh dear...
  • Phase 1

    We are sort of drowning in leftovers here so today is going to be a leftover/buffet sort of day. We are on day 8 of p1 and things are going well. DH has lost 8.5# and I've lost 2.5#.

    Pearlygirly - I'm sorry but I just don't know the answer to your question about the NF vs LF greek yogurt. I can provide my own experience input but please know that it is in no way an expert answer. I find dieting to be a very personal event. Everyone's bodies react in different ways to different types of food. For me I have to be uber careful about any type of starch and I am very sensitive to sodium. So...even when I'm on p2 I can't have hardly any starchy foods and I always have to be careful and not add much (if any) salt to my food. Other people may be just fine with those things but can't eat the same amount of beans I can without having some sort of adverse reaction to them. We are all different. If you find that having LF greek yogurt does not negative impact your weight loss efforts, then I say go for it. We all need to find what works for us both with our bodies and with our lifestyles.

  • Pearlygirly - Phase 1 is about purging all the bad sugars out of your system. So I'd steer clear of the flavorings. I am currently eating a 2% plain Fage yogurt with a Crystal Light flavor packet mixed in. Not sure that LF is bad per se. Like, I buy LF and not NF cheese. Works for me and I agree with Gabby that all dieting is personal!


    B: V8, lf greek yogurt and crystal light packet
    S: mozz, basil tomato salad with vinegar
    L: huge salad with veggies, hummus, olives and feta
    S: cottage cheese
    D: Chilean sea bass, asparagus
    D: either Jello or PBC
  • Thursday: Phase 1 Day 4

    B-spinach and cheese omelet
    S- greek yogurt
    L- salad w/ black beans, chicken salad
    S- pistachios (and yes, I counted them)
    D- whichever leftover DS1 and DH don't want: tacobake, chili, enchilada (meat, cheese, sauce with no tortilla)
    S- decaf coffee and ?
  • That's a great idea - just starting South Beach for the first time in 10 years & needed help with a meal plan. Thank you.
  • Friday actual:
    B: carrot stix/almonds/turkey slices/small cube of cheddar cheese
    L: turkey mbs with mushroom/spinach/chick pea/leek stir fry, might top this with some parm cheese
    D: off plan again!

    I'm clearly not complying with Phase 1...got to rethink my strategy.