A Merry December For The Worldly Chicks

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  • Shad ~ I'm sorry to hear you dont enjoy Christmas...Do you have a favorite holiday or holiday's? Mine are Christmas and Thanksgiving.

    Michelle ~ Its okay that you are behind on reading posts. Thanks for saying your sorry about Clyde

    Happy ~ I cant go ahead the whole tree but thanks for the advice


    Woke up at 5:00 a.m. this morning and Scott, my mom and I went to my mom's work to turn on the ice cream machine and then we come home and started making the food for Christmas dinner and then at 2:00 p.m. my older brother and his family came over and we ate Christmas dinner and then we opened presents and then I helped my mom clean the kitchen and thats all I did for today. I'm gonna do my 40 min. chair work out before I go to bed for the night. I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hello! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas! We had such a nice time with our friends yesterday. We ate well (I tried to be on track--didn't do it perfectly but better than I would have if I hadn't thought about it)

    We watched two movies--Stand Tall and Jesery Boys--both were very good.

    My DH got me some really pretty things for Christmas. I love clothes and purses and he indulged me in that way. He also gave me beautiful new teal color pea coat.

    I am working until noon today and then off until Monday. We are taking our 2006 Hyundai Sonata in for a oil change and DH hears a noise he doesn't like so we will have that checked out. We have a 2013 one that we try not to drive back and forth to work (unless we have things going on and can't ride share that day) to keep the mileage down on it) so we need to keep the 2006 in good running order. I hope it won't be expensive--too close to the holidays!

    Terra: It sounds like you enjoyed Christmas with your family. How nice that you and Scott helped your mom with the cooking and cleaning up for Christmas dinner.

    Happy: What books are you reading? I saw on FB that you are still dealing with your cold. I hope you feel better soon.

    Ceejay: Congratulations on that raise!

    Shad: I thought the clothes were darling and when those little girls get them on and feel all pretty they will then be excited about them.

    Michelle: Good for you for getting back to the gym. I'm sure you will see things moving quickly now.

    Annie: I have got to get busy and get these pounds to dropping...you are doing great!

    Hello to Dee & Laura.

    I will see you all tomorrow.
  • Susie ~ Yeah I had a nice Christmas. Yeah Scott and I always help my mom clean the kitchen after we eat Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner.


    I woke up at 5:00 a.m. until 7:00 a.m. and then I went back to sleep until 9:00 a.m. and now its almost 11:30 and I'm staying up for the rest of the day. I'm gonna do my 40 min morning chair exercise in a few mins and then I'll do my 40 min. evening chair exercises tonight at 7 p.m. Scott, My mom and I were gonna go food and non food shopping at Walmart this morning but mom caught the flu from a co-worker last week and last night it started to affect her so now we arent gonna go shopping until she feels better. I feel so bad for her.
  • Hi ladies,

    I hope you all had a good Christmas - ours was quiet as usual. DH was feeling like he was coming down with a cold, late yesterday evening I started feeling badly too. We had a nice dinner - I used my "new" china finally. I was going to go to the gym today but I'm not feeling up to it. Tomorrow the washer repair guy is coming again - the part he "fixed" slipped out again and the washer is making noises. I hope the repair guy gets here first thing so I have the rest of the day to do my stuff. Hate this "they will be there between 8 and 5 thing where you often fritter the whole day away. Even if they gave morning or afternoon - I'd prefer that. I have some things to clean up around the house but nothing too intense. They are having 75 percent off sale at the Thrift Store on Christmas stuff - I'm glad I don't have to deal with that - 50 percent off is easy - and we have to figure that as we ring it in. Then there is the discussion between what is "winter themed" not on sale vs "holiday" stuff which is on sale. Hopefully it will be all gone by the time my next shift rolls around on Tuesday, although I'm sure they will leave things out until at least January 2. We are also headed for the deep freeze come Monday. Looks like it will stay that way for a while. I can't complain - we have had a more mild winter compared to last year and sooner or later you know it's got to hit the single digits - better January than before. I'll hit the sauna at the gym and come out and be a steaming mess

    Terra - sorry your Mom is sick - seems like there's a lot of colds going on right now. Be careful you don't catch it.

    Susie - glad you had a nice Christmas. I love clothes - not so much purses. It's nice that DH picked you out some good stuff. My DH is world's apart from what I really like when it comes to clothes. You'd think after 40 years he'd figure it out The books I am reading are 3 books from America's Test Kitchen - they show some really interesting cooking techniques as well as recipes. It's the techniques I like and also some ideas for recipes are always welcome. I am also reading 2 biographies - one from Patti Boyd Harrison Clapton and the other from Paul McCartney. And I just picked up Jodi Piccoult's newest Leaving Time. Thank you for the reminder that the Jersey Boys movie is available for rent. Have to check that out - surprisingly DH said he's watch that too. I hear you about keeping your car running as long as possible. We have a 2003 Avalon that I really like (not for snow though) and I hope we can keep it for a few more years also. Just not impressed with cars today and they are so expensive to replace! Do you put a lot of miles on yours?

    Hello to the rest of the chicks. Happy Boxing Day! I need to get off the computer and get busy before the day is gone. Have a great day all!
  • Morning all,

    Was a quiet Boxing Day for me. Went up the ladder and scrubbed the front of the carport ready for painting only to find a bit of rot there as well. It's not bad and I can fix it myself - sometimes I just wonder if the wood preservative is not as good as it is supposed to be or whether the timber got any at all, but I also think that there wasn't enough maintenance done in the early years so now I am paying the price.
    Anyway, I have a lunchtime barbeque to go to today, which should be interesting as it is raining. And since I am not fond of the hostess, this will really be interesting as she will have no alternative plans put in place. Just figured that it wouldn't dare rain on her parade. Any reorganising will have to be done by someone else.

    Slowly feeling better over this damn cold. It's the choking, hacking sensation that rolls around every so often that gets me. Hope that goes away soon.

    Ceejay - hope your nephew is okay now. It seems that since parents are apparently opting out of vaccinations these days, those horrible old diseases like croup are on the rise again.
    Well done on the raise.

    Happy - your dinners are sounding amazing. I'd have gone for the lobster tail as well. Crab legs always seem so much work for so little result. The rib roast sounds good.
    Had a laugh at the turkeys pecking the car. They could probably see their reflections in it. Go away strangers - right!

    Susie - well done for eating well. It is all too easy to slip into 'it's the holiday season' mode and over eat. There was good food at my nieces place and I did not overeat there and just had normal meals since. I just know there will be some great food at the barbeque since C & T (parents of the happy couple I am going to visit) are foodies and so is C's mum. I will have to be careful like you were.

    Terra - hope your mum gets better soon. Nasty time to have a cold or flu, especially in the cold weather you are having over there.

    Well that is about it. I'd better get busy and sort out the morning before I have to clean up and go to the barbeque. I want to go and buy a high pressure hose system for myself. It will make cleaning the house outside so much easier than a ladder and a bucket. Couple of other things I need at the shop as well. Like bread. I didn't want to go yesterday since they have the boxing day sales on, and I can't stand the greed and selfishness that goes with them. It's all so commercial these days. People buy more than they need, then complain that they can't get their credit cards back on track. Like what??? If it is already maxed, why did you go out and buy some more?
  • Afternoon all. Happy Boxing Day. Sorry I didn’t get here yesterday - I was pretty tired out from Christmas Eve that on Christmas morning I just chilled out on the sofa and watched an old movie called “Holiday Affair”. It starred Janet Leigh (of “Psycho” fame), as well as Gregory Peck. The little boy in the movie was really good – he practically stole the show!

    Christmas Eve dinner here at the house was a bit too labor-intensive to allow me to have quite enough time with my family, but it was good to see them nonetheless. We had prime rib with au jus and homemade horseradish sauce, mashed sweet potatoes, roasted/seasoned white potatoes, steamed green beans, and cheddar bay biscuits (from a mix). Very tasty. Bf and I were beat after the day as well the cleanup afterwards.

    After a lazy Christmas morning watching that movie, I took doggy for a nice walk, and then bf & I went to bf’s mom’s for dinner with her and bf’s aunt. I wish I could say it was the relaxing gathering I’d hoped for, but it actually wasn’t…Bf’s aunt cannot let there be just one conversation (among a group of just four people!) and I left with the start of a headache after four hours of listening to two conversations at once. It doesn't help that there was a rather heated disagreement between the two sisters at one point. On the bright side, the meal was tasty. We brought home a few slices of ham.

    Last night we watched another old movie – “It Happened on 5th Avenue”. I’d never seen it, and it was cute. I still have a couple other holiday movies I dvr’d that I want to watch.

    Ahhh, today - finally a day to just relax! The only productive thing I’ve done is get the garbage and recycling bins wheeled out to the curb for pickup. Oh, and I’ve got a load of laundry in the washer. Okay, I also checked my work e-mail. Nothing urgent came through, thankfully. I’ll be glad to have already gone through most of it when I return to the office Monday. But that’s about it. I went to the library and picked up some books, as well as the Peggy Cappy yoga video. (Happy – my library lets us have those for 2 weeks, probably because it’s not a movie/new release.)

    No plans at all for the remainder of the day except more laundry and some puttering around. The thought that we have to return that !@#$#% tree stand to the store is niggling at me, but it’ll get done, perhaps this weekend. They better not try to give us a hassle about it!! End of topic, before I get all worked up, LOL.

    Tomorrow will be Jazzercise class, and at night is a party at which we won’t stay long because bf is tentatively planning to go to another party of a friend in the city. Not me, I just want to get home at a decent hour and kick back and enjoy some “me” time.

    Ceejay – Nice you had yesterday off and it sounded nice and relaxing. . The chicken and dressing sounds good to me right about now. I guess I didn’t eat enough yesterday – I’ve been hungry all day. Safe travels to your uncles’ tomorrow!! I hope your nephew’s child is feeling better now – breathing issues are scary!! I’d be happy with a 4 % raise too! Everything else has gone up (except gasoline I guess) - we need raises just to keep up with the necessities!!

    Shad – Sorry your cold has been giving you fits. Mine is easing up. I only took Nyquil one night at bedtime and woke up with that awful grogginess. Christmas Eve I took one dose of a daytime cold med just to control the runny nose/congestion. Otherwise, it’s been bearable. Anyway, try to resist the call of your to-do list and just let your body rest and eradicate this cold! Awww, cute nieces and cute clothes! Nothing cuter than kiddie clothes!!

    Michelle – You sound like you’re doing great with the workouts, and I’m so glad you’re getting your energy back. I was worried that the reason for the energy deficit was too few calories! Santa might not be able to keep up with you as your fitness continues to improve, LOL! Yeh, all the prep over last weekend and on Tuesday & Wed. was a LOT, but it was nice to host my side of the family. Not to say bf and I weren’t whooped by all the activity (and stress) on Tues/Wed – we definitely wore ourselves out. But our hosting duty is done for a couple years - for Christmas at least - LOL. I’m so glad you were able to eat out with your friend, and I know as your body gets accustomed to your new eating guidelines it’ll get easier to work eating out into your life once again. My best wishes to Bob in his recovery from this 2nd surgery.

    Happy – Good job with the gym workouts! The garland on the bannister sounds nice. We usually put some lighted garland on our fireplace mantle. Didn’t get around to that – yet, lol. Since we are having people over on NYE, bf wants to get that garland up, and the big wreath as well. Too funny – I know of a few people who like to take everything down on the 26th, but we’re the sort to wait until after New Year’s to do that. If I’m going to spend a good amount of time decorating, it’s staying up for more than just a week or two. LOL re the turkeys pecking at the car! No damage I hope!!!! Your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day meals sounded wonderful! Sorry to hear you and hubby caught colds. Ugh. Sorry the thrift shop drama is turning you away from wanting to continue with that – what a shame. But would you plan to continue on the activities that don’t include shifts at the shop? Independent projects sound like the best way to go. This morning I went over to the strip mall where my local thrift shop and the bakery are (the one that sells the awesome rye bread) and was disappointed to see both of them closed. Probably for the best – the Christmas stuff is half off and I have a feeling I would’ve ended up carting home a few items. My intention is to actually go through some of my existing Christmas bins and weed out some of the items that never go on display for whatever reason. I like the America’s Test Kitchen tv series on PBS, and we own one of the ATK cookbooks and one of the Cook’s Illustrated cookbooks. After that one dog of a cookie recipe from a magazine advert that I made the mistake of trying, I’m definitely more comfortable trying out recipes that have been thoroughly tested, such as ATK’s.

    Annie - Great job with the weight loss sister!!! Awesome!! Keep up the good work. Between you and Michelle and Happy, I’m starting to get psyched to get back to some exercise and trying to eat more mindfully. Poor C dealing with this hernia/hisnia (teehee). I hope that by supporting each other with your dietary challenges, you can both see great results and feel great! Yeh, none of the cookies are chocolate, and for whatever reason, I’m not all that tempted to go to town on them. I’ve given away a lot of them to family, and I’m ready to stick the rest in the freezer until we have friends over on NYE. The cheesecake too has all been sent home/left with family – bf and I had one small slice each yesterday when we brought it over to his mom’s for dinner yesterday. I guess it’s a good thing not to have any of my trigger/red light foods in the house!

    Terra – Sounds like you had a nice Christmas with your family. Does your family cook anything special for the holidays? We don’t have a special dinner or particular dish, but here’s something goofy I did: I decided to put out some Bugles and some whipped cream cheese with chives for one of the appetizers because my grandmother used to do that when she had the whole family over on Christmas Day back when I was a kid. My sister saw that & knew why I did it! I’m so sorry your mom caught the flu!! I hope she isn’t hit too hard with it and feels better soon.

    Susie – I’m glad you enjoyed your time with your friends yesterday. Fun to watch kids opening their gifts!! I hope taking care of the car issue isn’t too expensive. We have a 2005 Acura that we’re trying to keep in good repair until we take the plunge and purchase something newer. Cosmetically, it needs some work, but recently we’ve been focusing on the mechanicals. Nice you get to leave work early today!
    Well, that’s it for me. Everyone have a wonderful weekend! TTFN.
  • Woke up today at 7 a.m. Had to get the trash out to the curb. It has been a beautiful day with sunshine so I got out and swept pine needles off the driveway. Then raked those pine needles up and put them in a trash bag. I also disposed of a dead squirrel. Don't know what happened to it but I used a shovel to pick it up and put it in the trash bag.
    Decided not to go to the doctor today. I need to go in January for refills so I'll suffer along until then. Bought a different brand that I could take every two to four hours and that seems to be helping. I will be watching my diet as well.
    I've really enjoyed my two days.
    I had to laugh at the turkey's pecking at the car. Hope they didn't damage it. Hope your cold get better soon. How are you like going to the gym.

    I found an upper Body Electric video on line. I liked it. At least I don't have to be in any big hurry tomorrow morning to get to my uncles. I can still sleep in if I want to.

    I'll finish this later.
  • Hi ladies,

    I've got a bunch to do today. Have to take return some clothes at Kohl's, then see Bob, and maybe stop at my step-mom's. I've got website work to get done, as well as house cleaning.

    I had a lovely Christmas Eve. D and I went to my step-mom's and exchanged gifts and played a game. On Christmas Day, the D and I were invited (along with my step-mom and her significant other) to a family friend's home for Christmas lunch. They live 1/2 mile from the ocean, so after lunch, we all walked down to the beach and walked along the beach for awhile, and then walked the 1/2 mile uphill back to their home. The weather was gorgeous! Bright sunshine and low 70s. We couldn't have asked for a better day.

    I was pleasantly surprised that I was able to walk so far, as I wouldn't have been able to just a few months ago.

    I'm going to try and get back on here after I get my errands, visits and cleaning done.

    Much love and many hugs to all,
  • Happy & Shad ~ Yeah Thankfully it was just a 24 hour bug

    Laura ~ I only food item we make that other people probably dont is Strawberry Cheesecake Salad and My aunt makes home made Stuffing.


    Woke up at 6:00 a.m. this morning because my back was hurting. So far today my mom,Scott and I went to both Walmart and Dillions. I'm about to do my 40 min. Chair Exercises and then I'll do my 40 min. Evening chair exercises also and thats it. Mom's over her sickness, It was just a 24 hour bug. So I'm glad she's over her sickness.
  • Feeling somewhat better this morning. However I felt that way yesterday and it all went to **** in a handcart in the afternoon.

    Still raining although brightening somewhat. We've had a good drenching this time round but it could ease up somewhat to allow the water to soak in.

    Laura - good to hear that your cold is gone. Wish mine would just go away. Sounds like you had a good time with the family over Christmas.

    Ceejay - glad you disposed of the poor old squirrel. More leaves???? Keep up the exercise.

    Michelle - Congratulations on the walk to the beach and back. You really are improving condition now. Guess you will be our skinny Minnie soon.

    Terra - good to hear that your mothers flu didn't last long. Horrible to be feeling down over the Christmas season when every one else is drinking and eating and being noisy.

    Seems that my remote controlled gate does not like long periods of rain and/ or having the big tree shade it for part of the day. It has decided not to work or to only work very slowly. I took the cover off the motor yesterday - not that I know what I am looking at - and surprised two geckos who had set up house in there. There is power to the motor - I figured that because there are red and green lights working. I don't know whether it is my controller or the gate unit that is misbehaving. DS2 doesn't get home until next weekend so I will have to manhandle the darn thing. I used the key to put it onto manual but it doesn't want to do that either. So I have to pick it up off the wheels and manhandle it open or closed. Always something.

    Anyway, I had better go clean up some of my mess. My coffee is done and I have to go buy cat food. The cats are not impressed with me right now.
  • It's bedtime at the uncles. so I'm getting ready to turn in also. When I got here my uncle wanted to go check on my aunts house. They are in
    tx with her daughter. I put in a light bulb on the carport and swept off the acorns off the driveway. And my cousin wanted to get the mileage off her mom's vehicle.
    More later.
  • Thought I posted last night, must have closed the browser before I hit enter. DH gave me a doozer of a cold, I am feeling quite miserable. Been doing a lot of sleeping mostly. Yesterday the Sears guy came to fix my clunky washing machine. He replaced one part and ordered another. Was on the phone switching to about 5 people - all of whom insisted I pay for the part - not when I just bought an extended warranty!!! I felt sorry for him, he said no one knows what they are doing there. He ran the washer through a diagnostic cycle with some towels in there and then was nice enough to toss them in the dryer when done. He seemed like a nice enough fellow. So when he left I took the wet towels out and put them back in the washer, this time with soap. I sat in the recliner and dosed off. DH asked me why the washer was beeping. It had an error code that basically said the water will not drain out of the tub. So there I was with a washer full of water and heavy wet towels. DH said it was possible when he put the washer back together he could have pinched the wire that told the switch to open up and let the water drain out. He called Sears and was given the run around by them - they can't come back until the part is in. He said to have the guy return TODAY to fix what he broke. He got no where. I was able to get about half of the water drained out. Made a big mess pulling wet towels out and squeezing them as best I could and just drying them. We soaked up the rest of the tub water as best we could - that "Sham Wow" towel works pretty good! DH said he will take a quick look see to see if he sees anything obvious with a relay wire. Good thing I am caught up on laundry however since my laundry drains to the septic system, I don't want to overload it so I don't ever do more than 3 loads per day. Sears is not due back until January 7 with the part. The service people said they would send someone out on Monday to check the washer but we both know that WON'T happen. I did not go to the gym yesterday - am stuffy and short of breath and I know if I saw me there in the condition I am in, I would have been upset - keep your germy self home lady!

    The deep freeze has moved in - a day early. Temps in the teens moving to single digits tomorrow and below zero overnight. That's good - the freeze actually kills the germs so I don't mind. AND I have an excuse to light the fireplace which I totally enjoy so all is good. Now if only kitty would keep her paws off my keyboard I would be a happy camper.

    Ceejay - that was nice of you to do a little sweeping at the aunts house. Glad the tummy is feeling better - often our eyes see things our stomach's don't like - happens to me a lot too Ugh on the dead squirrel, hopefully he is resting comfortably on those pine needles. Do you have the really long ones by you? That's what we had in TN, I like the shorter ones we have up here. To your question, I do like the gym although there are far more men there than women. I think the women tend to gravitate towards the classes rather than working out on the machines. I don't mind the guys so much - most are nice enough, I just roll my eyes at the grunters who have to be really LOUD about it. Can't hear them with my iPOD strapped on though.

    Shad - bummer that your cold is lingering. Has it been more than a week? I would imagine travelling does not do well for it. Would hate to fly with a stuffy head. Some people down south had remote gates - I thought they looked pretty but I was always thinking they would be more trouble than they were worth - which is why many people left them open I suppose. Are you home through the new year now?

    Terra - when will you be able to start walking again? How is the foot? That's good that Mom recovered quickly and no one else got sick.

    Michelle - sounds like you had a great day. I sure would love to hear the surf and walk on the beach - enjoy it for me too. That's great that you were able to walk longer than before. Remember these NSV when you get frustrated with the scale.

    Laura - your dinner sounded fabulous. Do you like those Cheddar Bay biscuits? I have 2 boxes in the pantry I mean to cook up one day. Thank you also for the movie reviews - I have saved several on a list to check out when I'm looking for suggestions. I liked Yoga for Arthritis better than Yoga for the Rest of Us. I have 2 more on their way from other libraries. What did you think? I hope you were able to spend part of the long weekend enjoying some time to yourself. Ugh the thought of taking the tree stand back is downright UGH. Fighting off all those bargain shoppers too! I tend to agree with you about leaving the decorations up until New Year's once you invest all the time of putting them up. I don't understand the day after put everything away, toss the tree out December 26th 'ers My Mom would keep things up until Jan 6 - feast of the Three Kings.

    Hi Susie, Dee, and Annie - hope you are enjoying the weekend.

    Kitty is being obnoxious - she is really PUSHING my left hand and putting her paw across the function keys on the keyboard. She wants to curl up and go to sleep and I keep bouncing her head by typing. Silly kitty. Anyway I think I'll go make a pot of chicken soup. Have a good Sunday everybody.
  • Hello Looks like everyone had a very Merry Christmas! Mine was okay like most r. On Christmas day we drove 1 1/2 hrs. to b w our 2 sons & families in the afternoon. Our son phoned on Christmas Eve to say we'd not b having a dinner, his wife changed her mind about cooking because dIL had a headache (our dIL I mentioned on a prior post, my dh says that she & ('fruitcake'/dh calls Cher behind her back), r from the same 'nut tree' LOL So our DS asked if we'd mind if he grilled chicken breasts to make tacos & DS would make guacamole', etc. & veggies for a salad & that the kiddos wanted to make 3 kinds of devil eggs I taught them @ my home. We had plenty of food for all 9 of us for that day. I made 2 sauces w raspberries & peaches from my freezer for short-cakes, a Fresh 'chicken gravy' from a new roasted chicken I had in the oven when DS phoned & our 2 sons made buttermilk biscuits w me after we ate dessert, to snack-on that evening. I took my pasta-roller & cheese, etc. to make fresh ravioli w my 2 DS & my grandbabes w any leftover chicken, my boys r great cooks starting @ 4 yrs. helping me. Whenever we have a family dinner, my family asks to make 'fresh pasta' to keep, so they freeze their veggie cooking water (spinach, carrot, etc) to flavor the pasta dough & add vitamins. When dIL got bored texting, she joined us cooking & that made us a very Happy family.
    We made the pasta after we all played Pictionary. I bought 'Smurf Monopoly' & took it & 6 of us played it; while 5 of us played card games. DS has a X-Box & he kept it & his TV off during the entire day/evening our party was happening. In memory of our son's Grandma, my lovely-hearted x-mIL; I annually make several Slovak recipes during the holidays keeping our DS memories of her w them, she taught me how to bake & cook; so I had 2 gift tins filled w her pastries as gifts & 1 for sharing. She was adorable, too bad my x-dh didn't follow Her example instead of his violent temper.

    I got dh a cordless drill he wanted & dh got me flatware/silverware I wanted. We're on a tight budget w auto parts hitting us hard right now & our propane heat, so we kept our personal gifts under $100 this year; we spend $75 on each of our 4 grandbabes & that isn't much now days when the kiddos jeans r $20 pr. but they r always happy w our gifts. DH had Friday off from work & he bought a tailpipe & muffler & engine belts & put them on yesterday, original factory parts that lasted 14 yr. Next week I have to get 4 new tires on my car & drain dh's Christmas work bonus.

    Today dh went back to our creek looking for downed-trees to make patio furniture & didn't find anything & he looked in our Cedar swamp & found several 20 ft.-30 ft. trees down, he'll go back & 4-wheel them up to our pole barn to prep when the ground freezes again. So, dh & I get to sketch-out/w a blueprint what we each want & get it finished by our March anniversary. I'd like a glider-sofa w a reclining back w a latch to flip-down wide enough to lay/nap & that I can touch my feet on the ground to swing. I'll upholster cushions & he'll debark the logs, etc. If I can locate my dvd w some of the furniture dh & I have made I'll put some pics on here. Our wood pieces r customized for ppl because their different heights & little ppl want to touch the ground when they sit too, & ppl w long legs/long torso want a wider back & to sit higher up. So w a custom sofa/loveseat/chair everyone is comfy as if they're sitting in a cozy recliner.

    I made a pork loin yesterday in my slow-cooker & shredded 1/2 for sandwiches/salad & we'll eat the other half cubed-up in a stew for supper tomorrow. Dh only has New Years day off from work, I give my employee January off & she & her dh fly out west for vaca. My business is relaxing/slow & peaceful in January & July, & I get to enjoy the seasons. I'll do personals tomorrow, I gotta go give 6 puppy baths now, I just finished our 3 doggies baths. I hope you'all enjoyed the spring weather weekend we just had the cold will b back this week
  • Dee - sounds as if you had a very busy holiday. You have made me nostalgic talking about the swing. When I lived in Memphis we had a swing up by the pool. I would lay on it, stare at the sky and swing gently with one foot pushing off the ground. Sometimes I'd turn the pool light on and the blue light would sparkle in the trees overhead at night. It was beautiful and VERY peaceful. I do miss that. We brought the swing with us but the blasted red pine squirrels shedded the cushions the first winter we were here. Talking about pasta I am also feeling a bit guilty that I have a pasta roller new in the box I bought 2 years ago that I MEAN to use but don't get too. Ok, a goal for this January It's nice that you can go out on the property to gather materials for the furniture making. We just bundle the brush in the back where we can to make homes for the woodland critters - other stuff DH burns which the hippie in me freaks out - such POLLUTION in our lovely woods and fresh clean air. Quick thinking on the tacos for Christmas supper. Nothing like changing plans AT THE LAST MINUTE

    Shad I also meant to compliment you on the pictures of the kidlets. Such cuties and I loved the clothes too. Good choices. There's only so many toys one can get them.

    Today was a lazy day - I am feeling worse today than the last 3 days I've been sick. Just totally exhausted although I have been taking cold medicine at night and it's knocking me out so I get a good rest. I don't even hear the snoring DH claims is coming from my side of the room. It was a beautiful sunny day - we haven't seen the sun in many days. I sent DH out looking for photo opportunities and I passed out in the recliner. Had a light dinner of leftovers for him, more soup for me and I'm about to hit the recliner again - this time with a book and a nice cup of hot tea. And some tissues. Tommorow I was supposed to get my hair colored but I left a message at the salon on Saturday - I just know she won't get it but I have no other way to contact her. I also cancelled my training appointment and I am bummed that I will miss my Kundalini yoga class. Drat, drat, and drat. I don't like being sick but I can see this is highly contagious and I don't want to pass this to anyone as I would be irritated if someone else made me sick - when I give DH his goodnight kiss I pull my shirt up and we kiss through the "shirt screen" I'm not even sure I will make my shift at the thrift shop Tuesday and I've never had a sick day yet! Maybe it's more than just a cold and that flu that's going around. Anyway - have a good night everyone.
  • Shoot.
    I had half a post done when something made it close the internet. Things have been very scratchy netwise over the last couple of days.

    I've sorted the gate as mentioned in the last post. It seems it doesn't like rain much so it didn't charge. One day later with only a little rain and the panel sloped to allow it to drain, and I have my gate back. I hope I have deterred the two little geckos from setting up house again in the box. They are up to no good in there I can tell.

    Happy - get better soon. If your cold is anything like mine, you need to rest up and keep warm and hydrated. Mine just disappeared overnight. Not sure why overnight, but I ain't complaining I can assure you.

    Ceejay - nice of you to help out the family while they are away.

    Dee - sounds like you've been busy over Christmas with the children and all. Nice that your sons care enough to ensure all the kids are at least fed.

    Okay before I lose it again, I had better go. It's my bedtime anyway. I've had a fairly productive day so I'm looking forward to my bed, even if it means leaving the aircon in the lounge.

    Oh yes, one thing about that cold, I rarely had much of an appetite while I had the cold. Today I felt that I could really eat. Here's my lunch. Healthy - yes? Mango, Apricot, peach, strawberries, kiwifruit, and fig with a blueberry yoghurt.