October 2014 Starters

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  • Agreed, the chemical taste of most WF dips are too overwhelming.
  • Quote: 1 egg + 3 egg whites = IP packet

    For a half dinner portion, look at the sheet. It says 6 eggs (2-4 whole, remainder whites) for the dinner protein.

    So, just divide that in half. You could have 2 whole + 1 white or
    1 whole + 2 whites
    Yay!! I finally found this important piece of information!! Thanks Lisa!! I am eating real eggs today instead of the IP omelet packet. Thanks a ton!!
    I guess i will stick to my usual meals
    B-vanilla shake powder IP
    S-chocolate drink in carton IP
    L-eggs!!! and real ones this week!!*
    D-8oz of real protein!!
    Hope I get good results on my next WI!!
    Week 3 IP, here I come!!!
    PS-"Losing weight is hard. Maintenance is hard. Being fat is hard. Pick your hard. (-Ishbel)" Such an inspiring quote!! Thanks for sharing it Lisa!!! I have picked my *hard*!!!
  • Anyone using the WF marshmallow dip? What are you doing with it? It honestly tasted nothing like marshmallow to me but I have it so I need to do something with it! LOL
  • Quote: Welcome back Pamelama! I'm rebooting as well. I'm glad to hear your husband is okay now. My husband had some pretty intense chemotherapy after we got married and I gained quite a bit of weight. It's a crazy experience. Good luck to you and see you on the boards
    Thanks stephascope! It is a crazy experience. I can't imagine going thru that right after you got married. Hope all is well with you now. Thanks for your nice words.

  • New to group
    Hi all, just want to introduce myself. I went on IP last Feb and lost 23 lbs. My coach had to stop and I didn't find another one that clicked. I thought I could do this on my own and have maintained using alternative products but have not lost any more. I am starting to creep up and know I have to do something. I am concerned about the cost but I figure that limiting eating out can make up for part of the cost. What are your thought about being able to maintain weight on IP?


  • First WI
    I only lost 2 pounds, but I lost 2 inches my waist, alone. Since Wed I have lost another 3 pounds. So, by the end of the week I'm hoping I'll have lost 6+ pounds this week!

  • Stephascope- I noticed you mentioned your husband going through chemo. My son, who is 4 now, started chemo in October of '13 and just finished 5 months ago. He started when he was 3. He had Hepatoblastoma (liver cancer). He is doing well and we are waiting for his surgery to be scheduled to have his port removed. We had to postpone last week because he had a respiratory infection.
  • Quote: Hi all, just want to introduce myself. I went on IP last Feb and lost 23 lbs. My coach had to stop and I didn't find another one that clicked. I thought I could do this on my own and have maintained using alternative products but have not lost any more. I am starting to creep up and know I have to do something. I am concerned about the cost but I figure that limiting eating out can make up for part of the cost. What are your thought about being able to maintain weight on IP?


    It would be helpful if you can post what a few days' meals look like for you. MANY on here have successfully lost on alternative products (including me, I lost about 50 of 70lbs on alternatives, only used IP products through a clinic for the first 3 months). If you are maintaining your weight but not losing, and still following the IP protocol (3 packets, 8oz meat & 4 cups veggies), then it's possible that the alternative products you are choosing are not within IP guidelines, or something else is at play.
  • Quote: Stephascope- I noticed you mentioned your husband going through chemo. My son, who is 4 now, started chemo in October of '13 and just finished 5 months ago. He started when he was 3. He had Hepatoblastoma (liver cancer). He is doing well and we are waiting for his surgery to be scheduled to have his port removed. We had to postpone last week because he had a respiratory infection.
    Hi Sunni J,

    I'm so glad to hear your son is doing well. I imagine it has been tough watching such a young person go through all that. It affects the whole family. I hope he continues to improve and the surgery goes well!

  • Good morning!

    My birthday last week totally threw me off. I can't blame anyone but myself. However, it was a GREAT birthday and I actually didn't have cake and icecream for the first time in a very long time. Now I won't mention the other stuff I ate though! So when I went to weigh in Saturday, I was honest and told her that I had not been on OP and the scale reflected that. I gained 3 pounds. But I won't let it set me back. I'm back OP today and hope that my scale will reflect that next Saturday. Thank goodness my Thanksgiving is going to be very low key because my daughters will be with their dad. Christmas is my next hurdle.

  • Hi Everyone!

    Whew! The past two weekends have been challenges, but I did it! I managed to stay mostly OP. I did treat myself to a glass of wine or two . . . but overall, I stuck with it, ordering salads, with grilled chicken and the dressing on the side, drank my water and felt great!

    Weigh in this morning I was down 5 lbs! Bringing me to a total of 21 lbs since Sept 29th, when I officially started this journey. It's mostly noticeable in my face. However, my clothes are fitting better and I know it will be noticeable in other areas before too long.

    So I've met my first goal, now hoping to reach my second goal to be down an additional 20 lbs by Thanksgiving . . . worried that I won't be able to maintain the 4+ lb weight loss per week that it will require, so it'll mean being super strict with my food log and making sure I get in all my H2O.

  • Quote: Hi Everyone!

    Whew! The past two weekends have been challenges, but I did it! I managed to stay mostly OP. I did treat myself to a glass of wine or two . . . but overall, I stuck with it, ordering salads, with grilled chicken and the dressing on the side, drank my water and felt great!

    Weigh in this morning I was down 5 lbs! Bringing me to a total of 21 lbs since Sept 29th, when I officially started this journey. It's mostly noticeable in my face. However, my clothes are fitting better and I know it will be noticeable in other areas before too long.

    So I've met my first goal, now hoping to reach my second goal to be down an additional 20 lbs by Thanksgiving . . . worried that I won't be able to maintain the 4+ lb weight loss per week that it will require, so it'll mean being super strict with my food log and making sure I get in all my H2O.

    Congrats to you Pinkie! Keep up the great work! I weigh in tomorrow. Nervous but I stepped on the scale this morning and I've lost the weight that I've gained and then some! Finally got back on program and have been walking my tail off! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • Steadily losing although last week was a zero loss but no gain. We had Halloween Party and Block party. Tried really hard to have plan but ended up eating chocolate cake. I was surprised how quickly I was able to get back on plan after the cake and a few off plan items (although lower in carb and sugar).

    I lost 40 pounds last year in 6 months with a few substitutes/modifications. I intend to do it a gain and go for at least 80 pds this time. I buy a substitute pancake a use egg whites nearly everyday for breakfast.

    I do like several of the IP products and can't find substitutes that I like. I do use a little sour cream, have avacado once a week and usually use very small amounts of salad dressing. I may lose a little slower but I will have a better chance of staying on plan for a long period of time.

    At some point my coach may ask about my food purchase since I have not ordered 3 boxes per week every week. Not sure what I will say.
  • Grateful!!
    I'm so grateful for the IP program and for this website!!! I started on October 16 and have lost 13 lbs so far!This is a healthy way to loose the weight that has crept up on me over the past few years. I love reading the posts, everyone offers so much encouragement.......looking forward to the day I can go to my closet and pull anything out to wear....I'm tired of stretchy pants and bulky sweaters! I found a couple great sites for IP recipes. I will post them tomorrow!
    Have a great OP week!
  • fatigue
    I've been at it for 9 weeks now and today for some reason my muscles(?) legs felt really weak. I could barely run to chase the kids in a game of tag I felt like I was trying to run in mud... Any tips or suggestions or others this has happened to?