Ups & Downs Support Group: October 2014

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  • I am down tonight. I really don't feel like going back to work tomorrow. I am feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Plus I am tired, I'm sure that is not helping. If you read this tonight, please say a prayer for me.

    I have to get up at 5 am.
  • Lisa
    Lisa (ohiofreespirit): I just saw this and I am praying for you. Sorry I didn't see it sooner. As you told lilturtle before, take some DEEP BREATHS to help calm and center yourself. You will be okay. Keep telling yourself that. Please post when you can and let us know how things are going today. I am hoping that you got some sleep last night and that it helped. Everything feels harder and bigger and more overwhelming when we are tired. I am sending you lots of big hugs!!! Please hang in there and know that you will be in my prayers today.
  • Hello everyone!! Yesterday was my last day at the summer job I can't believe it went by so quickly!! 5 months gone in a flash..but that's how quick summer is for me, overall. But I know I did a very good job at my position, got lots of comps regularly, tried to be helpful to all, both in job-related and friend-related, got a wonderful cash tip and card from a lady, and tried new recipes, which were well-received, and rode my m'cycle to work like 85% of the time

    I'm sorry I'm not much of a support right now, I've barely slept and can't think very clearly. I have read through all the posts, and just don't know where to begin to respond, so I'll just say for now congrats to the victories I see here, and I feel for those struggling right now as well. You're all in my thoughts.

    That is so sad to read, and you said you can't get doctor's help 'til the 25th? I hope you are not feeling so ick now and wishing you the best!

    Quote: Hi Holly/Cupcake I like that road name! I live in the Laurentians in Quebec and there are lots of motorcycles cruising through the mountains here, our weather is like late summer too. I too suffer from SAD, I'm a nature-lover and I need to be out every day. At least though I'm in the country now, my bf and I moved from the horribly crowded/polluted city in May and we will never look back. We have nature out every'll be our first winter here, I hope it won't be too long, I get such cabin fever. I'm trying not to think of it yet though!
    Thanks! I'm happy for you that you are in a beautiful setting to live now! Winter in the north country...well, I think you and I will be commiserating about that this winter, LOL! we'll get through it. Our nice fall weather has changed finally to very chilly and rain this week, ugh. Oh congrats on the credit card credit!!

    Quote: I had a detailed response all typed out to you all and it deleted! But regardless, it's good to hear from y'all. I hope things are going well.

    Things are looking up for me, I am struggling less with getting over this guy and that's good. I cleaned my room yesterday and it makes me feel so much better. I work today and tomorrow, so I don't have to worry about having plans. Things are fairly calm. And I weighed in this morning at 263.4 - down .4 since last time
    don't we hate when we lose our long typed-out posts! but Yay for feeling good about cleaning your room, that ALWAYS helps me too. Congrats on being down weight-wise!

    Quote: I am down tonight. I really don't feel like going back to work tomorrow. I am feeling overwhelmed and depressed. Plus I am tired, I'm sure that is not helping. If you read this tonight, please say a prayer for me.

    I have to get up at 5 am.
    Oh that made me sad Lisa! I hope you were able to get up on time today, and that you get through your day not overwhelmed. Sorry to hear about your itchy doggie Elvira, love that name and just love Black Labs also! she must be a loving comfort to you. Does your daughter Jennifer arrive soon?

    Quote: Hi, everyone. I'm back after being away for a couple of months. First, the death of a friend sent me into a bit of a tail spin, then my computer kicked the bucket. I'm back online now and hopefully moving back to being on track.

    Unfortunately my long run of being binge-free that started Nov. 1, 2013 ended in October 2014. Yesterday was the worst day of two weeks worth of sugar bingeing. So, I need to reset the tools to reflect my 5 pound weight gain and the fact that I'm starting over in my efforts to remain binge free.

    I've been battling a really self-destructive bout of depression. Everyone here already knows all that entails, so I won't bore you with the details. I haven't been exercising quite as vigorously as I did during the summer months. The change in season seems to helped throw me off there. I am still doing at least three workouts a week but I really do need to bump things back up. Since it is getting dark earlier and earlier, I need to make adjustments. I have difficulty driving after dark, so pretty soon I should come home straight after work instead of going to the gym. It's getting colder, so soon, I won't be able to take long bike rides on the weekends. My longest trip so far was 27 miles. I hoped to accomplish a 30 mile ride before temps dropped to a point it is too difficult to ride but I don't know that I'll make that goal.

    Anyway, I'm slogging through life and hope to soon be back into a more positive mindset. Oh, and I'm signed up for graduate school so I'm taking courses online. The fact that my laptop croaked the day before the semester started did nothing to ease my stress levels, trust me.
    I am so sorry about the loss of your friend of course that would derail you!! I hope you are dealing with it without feeling too sad...hugs!!
    I know you enjoyed your bike riding and took alot of justfyable pride in them so it sux that dark and cold weather will stop them . I hope you can find the adjustments to make so you can still fit your exercise in, you were doing so well so consistently! And WOW to graduate school!! I admire anyone so very much who has the discipline to go so far with learning.

    Quote: Hi everyone!
    I'm new to the group and looking to share/seeking some support. I've been struggling with my weight for many years and as of recently recovered from a problem with bulimia. That being said my main problem is that my feelings to binge still nag at me on a regular basis, and it has been a long struggle trying to lose the weight I gained in a healthy way and not give into my "munchy feelings"! Last night I had a pretty big binge (no purging!) and my issue now is trying to deal with the guilty feelings that follow. I think part of why I have so much trouble staying on track with a health and fitness plan is because I feel that once I've put on a certain amount of weight I start to feel defeated in my attempts to try to get healthy because of how long it takes for me to actually see any results. Looking for support or just to hear from anyone who has dealt with similar problems in their health journey.
    Hello and congrats of your recovery...and best wishes with the rest of your journey. Oh, you have good company if you 're looking to not give in to 'munchy feelings' with me! I have to battle wanting to eat when I am not hungry, or when I am upset, whatever. It does suck that it takes a while to see results even when we are trying hard..we will do it together!

    Quote: I have been remiss at posting here lately because I have been having some family issues that has left me feeling very emotional. Sitting around most of the time feeling like crying has not helped with my weight loss and has definitly added to my feeling depressed. Hopefully I can start to pull myself out of my funk this week. Looking forward to reading more of these boards.
    I'm sorry about the family issues! are you feeling better today?

    HI KATHLEEN you post so much, I couldn't decide which one to highlight but thanks for keeping us all together!! That was kewl () reading of your listening to the helpful audio tapes. Putting what we 'know' into practice, that IS the hard part isn't it but I love your attitude of not perfection, just try!! Have you been able to get out in the :sun: to walk your pups?

    Hi Fi! and kitties ... Hi Lil'Turtle!! how is your knee recovery??

    Have we heard from Amy?? (Seabiscuit) and Sabrina?? and CDubs, and Monte Cristo...

    Well Ladies today I did work out for 50 minutes (Jillian Michael's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism) with weights; and last night had a sensible dinner with no snacking or carbs. Getting back on the diet and exercise wagon for the MILLIONTH time, sigh.
  • Holly!!!
    Holly: It is so wonderful to hear from you!!! I just LOVE reading your cheerful and encouraging posts! Thank you for all of the support you give to all of us. I am sad for you that your summer job has come to an end. That is great that you are so talented and so well-received there. A cash tip and card sound great! Well-deserved, I am sure! I am STILL trying to HOLD ON TO summer. I am in denial that w....w.....winter is coming soon. I think I have a touch of SAD with the change in season this year. But I will pull out of it soon enough. I have NOT pushed my butt out the door enough to walk my pups in the sunshine! It always helps both me and them, so I am working on doing it more often. We do have a nice back yard for them, but it's not the same. Plus, the walking is so good for all 4 of us! Well, my daughter stayed home from school today, and she is nagging me to get her lunch. Will check back later for Lisa and everyone else. Sadly, we have NOT heard from those that you mentioned in your post. Hope all is okay with them!
  • Quote: I am STILL trying to HOLD ON TO summer. I am in denial that w....w.....winter is coming soon. I think I have a touch of SAD with the change in season this year. But I will pull out of it soon enough.
    If you manage to pull out of it, let me know how I do have a Verilux light therapy light, but I didn't use it last year, was hoping the SAD wouldn't hit me too hard..I think I just have normal "can't let go of beautiful summer/green/growing things/i love flipflops/early light/late dusk/warmth" syndrome But regular exercise does help combat it, along with positive thinking, as you have endorsed!

    I raked for over an hour, yard looks much better, still have a section to do but came in for brunch (3 eggs cooked with some veggies and a leftover chicken thigh, no skin) And it has warmed up quickly, it is now 57 so I think I will find some excuse to ride to town!

    "Progress, not perfection" THAT is the phrase I was trying to remember this morning, which is what you keep telling us
  • Hey yall. Having a really rough day today. I missed a staff meeting at work (because I forgot) and I feel awful about it. I am so oversensitive and it just makes things feel impossible! I have been eating poorly and I'll probably gain all my weight back but oh well.
  • Quote: Hey yall. Having a really rough day today. I missed a staff meeting at work (because I forgot) and I feel awful about it. I am so oversensitive and it just makes things feel impossible! I have been eating poorly and I'll probably gain all my weight back but oh well.
    Oh that must have made for a rough day!! real sorry to hear that Try not to derail your GREAT progress by turning to food..I know it's hard. You hang in there! ;
  • good morning! I am happy to say I did not eat anything after dinner last night, that is a small victory.

    Rainy gloomy day here, I have a dental cleaning at 10:30 and then I will probably tackle my closet, or the kitchen, or just veg I raked almost the whole yard yesterday so I feel I can veg today. Day 2 of my (almost) week off.

    Just did the following workout, it was brutal, I had to adapt some moves to baby my knees

    will check in later - told you, once I had some time, I would be a regular here again!
  • AmyLynne: So sorry to hear that you had a rough day yesterday! Try not to beat yourself up about missing the staff meeting at work. You are human and you made a mistake. You are not the first person to ever miss a staff meeting and you won't be the last. Give yourself a break! I hope you won't give up on your weight loss efforts. Even if you have been eating poorly, you can STOP and turn that around at ANY moment! You don't have to be perfect. Just strive for a little PROGRESS each day! YOU CAN DO THIS!!! I hope you are having a better day today!

    Holly: It is so good to have you back and posting often!!! Way to go on raking your leaves yesterday and NOT eating a thing after dinner! That is a great accomplishment! Good luck deciding what you will (or won't) tackle today! You are probably having your dental cleaning right this moment. Hope it is going well. Enjoy the rest of your week off! You deserve it!!!

    Lisa: Are you feeling any better today?!? I hope all is well with you! Sending a hug your way!

    Fi: Where did you go??? How are you??? How are the kittens? Hope all is well.

    Trish: How is your knee surgery recovery going? Please post if you get a chance. I hope things are beginning to look UP for you!

    Waving hello to everyone else and wishing you a bright and healthy day!!!
  • Sorry I've been so absent. The pneumonia has passed, I still have a lingering cough but not severe. These last few days I’ve been struggling with being so busy I can’t even see straight. My office is moving and I’m the gopher on all things no one wants to do. I feel very taken advantage of and under appreciated. On top of it I had a very disappointing pay increase. Yes it’s an increase but it’s not nearly enough to get me out of the cycle of payday loans I’ve been in. Barely enough for one extra meal a pay period. I know I shouldn’t complain but it’s still disappointing when I was told I would be “extremely happy”. I almost wish they had just left my pay alone as I’d come to terms with things and it wasn’t stressing me out as much. And I haven’t had the time or energy to clean my house which is getting to me. The depression is a bit of a beast I don’t feel like battling right now, I just want to be sad. I looked at my fiancé last night and told him I didn’t realize how much sugar was a crutch for me in these low times. The urge to just run to the store buy a few chocolate bars hunker down and be miserable is strong but I haven’t caved so far. My scale is telling me I haven’t lost any weight this week despite being good and that’s stressing me out, half of me feels screw it I’m not doing good anyways just cheat and feel better, but half if me is trying to say no, not losing anything is even more reason to stick with it. I’m only getting the chance to type this all out now because everyone’s in a meeting so I finally caught up on everything for a moment and there’s no one here to throw new frustrating tasks at me. I hope everyone’s doing well I appreciate the encouragement and I really hope to be a better contributing member of the group soon.

  • Kay please don't stress about feeling that you're not 'here' enough, you obviously have alot going on now, and boooo to those who gave you high hopes on your pay raise, the jerks "extremely happy" yeah right %*&@#! I hope your cough goes away completely and that things calm down in the office once the move is completed. Please don't give up your weight loss efforts!! I know how it stinks to not see a lower number weight wise but maybe you will have a 'whoosh' soon.

    well I have put if off for almost 3 years but today my dentist gently insisted that if I were to go ahead and schedule a couple of crowns, my teeth need them, with no more delay. So (sigh) I am financing my mouth 'only' $2800 and I will pay it off as quickly as I can. Because there is more work to be done, but I can take another year to start to save for that.

    I have not tackled anything, just sitting and enjoying doing nothing but surfing the 'net ! Yay for self indulgence.
  • Hi all,

    Jennifer went back to school today. I'm kinda down. It's always hard on me after she goes back. I've talk to my therapist and it relates to my problems with abandonment issues.

    I have yet another migraine today, three days in a row.

    I only have one job tomorrow, it kind of feels like I have the day off. lol

    I also have a Dr's appt for my finger. When I fell down a couple of months ago, I really messed it up and it hasn't seemed to totally heal up. Sunday, I could have cried it hurt me so badly.

    Holly, sorry about your teeth, I've put mine off too. I really need to get in and get it over with.
    Kay, don't worry about how much you post, just do the best you can. srsly.
    Kathleen, thank you for wishing me a healthy day. I need more of those.
    amylynne, I am so sorry you are having a rough day. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.

    Much love.
  • Hi folks, today is a little better. I slept for 13 hours last night. When I get really depressed, I sleep so much. I felt rested though, so that's good. I needed the sleep. Work has been really stressful... I work in the mental health field directly with clients and sometimes it gets difficult. (and HIPAA prevents me from really talking to anyone about it)

    VermontMom - I love raking. One of those chores I just really like! Good for you for no eating after dinner. That's sooo hard for me! Also glad you are fixing your mouth even though it's expensive. It'll be good in the long run.

    IBelieveInMe2 - Thanks for the support! very encouraging. Tomorrow is a new day. Back on the losing-weight-train then.

    Kay - glad the pneumonia is gone but so sorry to hear about everything else. I totally get the overworked-and-underpaid situation. Hoping it gets resolved soon. And even if you only post once a month I am glad you are here

    Lisa - I hope your migraines get better! Headaches are the worst. It totally disables me for the whole day. Hoping they get better quickly.
  • Kay: Glad to hear that the pneumonia has passed, but sorry you have a lingering cough. I hope all of the busyness settles soon for you. It is always great to hear from you, but please don't feel bad when you can't post. I am sorry to hear that you feel taken advantage of and under appreciated at work. Sounds like your pay increase was lousy. Why in the world would they tell you that you would be "extremely happy?" That is really odd and misleading! Keep on RESISTING that urge to run to the store and buy chocolate and hunker down and be miserable. Do your best to focus on what IS working for you in your life right now, even if only little things. List them..... in your mind and/or on paper. You might not have lost any weight this week, but at least you didn't gain either! I am working so hard on TRAINING my mind to work WITH me and not against me in this weight loss effort. It all begins in the mind, at least for me. I will be thinking about you and hoping that things begin to look UP for you soon!!! Sending you a BIG HUG in the meantime!

    Holly: OUCH on the cost of financing your mouth/dental needs! It will be money well invested, though, remember that. Glad to hear that you otherwise enjoyed doing "nothing" today. HOORAY for a little well-deserved SELF-INDULGENCE on your week OFF!!!

    Lisa: Great to hear from you! Sorry you are feeling DOWN about Jennifer going back to school. That must be difficult, especially if you have abandonment issues that get triggered when she leaves. YIKES, I have THAT to look forward to (NOT!!!) next year when my son goes away to college. I hate that you have another migraine..... 3rd day in a row! I have been there often and it is REALLY crappy! Do you have medicine that usually helps? Does anything give you relief ~ even if just temporary? Have you tried an ice pack on your head at the site of the pain? Do you wake up with them? I usually do. I hope you wake up migraine-FREE tomorrow!!! Sorry to hear about your messed up finger, too. Glad you have a doctor appointment scheduled to check it out. Did you break it? It sounds like the pain is excruciating. Hope the doc can help you somehow.

    AmyLynne: Happy to hear that today is a little better for you and that you got a great night's sleep and feel rested. I can understand how working in the mental health field would present a unique challenge, especially since you can't discuss things with anyone. Do you have some relaxation techniques that could help? A warm bubble bath? Deep breathing? Yoga? A walk outdoors? Soothing music? Retail "therapy?" Just a few suggestions off the top of my head. Please be sure that you remember to take care of YOU, too! You matter!
  • good morning! but it's dreary, thick low clouds, drizzly, 44 degrees, yuck. At least it's not sn*w

    this morning I did this FitnessBlender routine, 30 min. of warmup, then HIIT and bodyweight strength, stretch.

    Lisa I'm sorry that it makes you so down when your daughter goes back to college and I hope NO migraines today!! let us know how the dr's appt. for your finger goes, too

    Hi Kathleen!! and amylynn, Kay, chardonnay, Fi, Trish, worth...all of you! wishing you all cause I sure don't have it here, lol