Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - August 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Hello Everyone! Welcome to the Check-In! Let's make it a great month!

    I want to welcome everyone to the Daily Accountability Check-In. Our goal is to stay accountable and on track by posting our daily food and exercise choices. All food and exercise programs are welcome. Consistency is the key to reaching our weight loss goals.

    Introduce yourself or jump right in and tell us what you have been doing.

    Here's to the start of a great month!
  • Diana, I live for your "new month" threads.

    My eating habits: Everything in moderation, calorie cycling, and IF

    My exercise: Alternating jogging with Jillian at least 5 days a week

    Tonight I ran 5k on the treadmill.
  • Today was alright...Peter and I had a nice long talk. We are considering trying again. Augs and I went for a long swim and a long walk. The walk was lovely except a bogan bloke laughed at me signing to Augs, and called me an idiot and then he noticed Augs's facial features and called him r*tarded. I don't think Augs understood, but he knew I was sad about it.

    Breakfast - nothing
    Lunch - leftover chicken breast and grilled veg
    Tea - a Devon sandwich on wheat
    Snacks - peach
  • Excited to get in here at the beginning of the month!

    My goals this week are to drink at least 80 oz. of water, and do at least 30 minutes of cardio once per week.

    I did well today, all things considered (I work at a gas station/convenience store during the dinner shift, so my food choices there are still a struggle)

    Breakfast: 8 oz. bolthouse breakfast smoothie
    lunch: Turkey sandwich with light mayo, lettuce, onions and swiss cheese, green peppers (a handful) and 1 big-ish spoon of potato salad
    dinner: 2 chicken strips, ranch
    snacks: handful of sliced canteloupe, and one bacon rollup (one slice of bacon, shredded cheese, and a pilsbury biscuit, all rolled and baked together)

    Annnnnd, 100 oz. of water! Goal reached
  • okay, I am responding to July posts
    Diana, I find it really interesting that you look so very thin at the weight you said. Perhaps you are one of those fortunate people who has a lot of muscle mass. And of course you work out as well. And you may have big bones. If so, thats wonderful. That would help a lot as the years progress.

    Coolmom, you described my fantasy meal. Crabcake and ceasar salad. I would eat it for sure if someone would take me out and buy it for me, lol.

    Ian, you are amazing, how much you exercise. I admire you and
    Syckgirlfv, Diana and all the others here who are great at that.

    Novangel "nekkid" all I can say about that is I am very glad I live alone. otherwise I would frighten people.

    PatPat. yay, kitty returned. I am very happy for you

    Kelijpa you wrote that you feel "good, healthy and strong". That is more important than anything. Too may people lose their health while trying to be thin.

    I was told today by the naturopath that because of my age I have to focus more on health than on being thin. I work so hard at making sure I do not balloon up again. It is so easy to fall off that wagon and balloon up again. As so many times before.

    Anyway, I left there and went to the co-op where I found popchips staring me in the face as I walked in the door. They were on sale. So yes I bought some. Yesterday I did well eating. And I will do well tomorrow.

    I also did 10 minutes on the trampoline. And did homolateral crossovers which builds some muscle in the upper legs.

    I found out that I do not need any more of the RX Armour Thyroid. But I do need something else. And then vitamin K. And I need a tiny bit more iodine. I am looking forward to getting the other thing. But the Dr had to order it for me. I think it will take care of the increase in hypo. Which the Dr said was minimal. But enough to treat it. So that may help, I hope. She also told me that I do not need more mag than what I am getting with my calcium and multi vits. She cautioned me not to take more. So that is not the answer to my cocoa cravings. Good to know.

    As someone who lives in the frozen tundra, I am not ready for August. Anything that comes closer to autumn and winter is dreaded. But other than that August is a great month. ( and a very nice name as well, Sydney)

    Sending hopes for a great August for everyone. Thank you for being here. I am so grateful to be part of this good community. Grateful to each of you.
  • Last day of July was a bit of a mess so a fresh start for August
  • Aryastark, heres to a fresh start for August. I hope its a good one for you
  • Good Morning, Everyone! TGIF!

    Chelainabear Hi and welcome to the check-in! Good job on your day!

    aryastark Hi and welcome to the check-in! New month, new start!

    I didn't add on any yoga last night since it was late and I needed to get up early.

    Calories for yesterday: 1400 +
    Weigh In: 169.4
    No Change

    Have a great Friday and start to your weekend!
  • Hello

    Oh, a new thread! how great ^^

    Reminding July: I started dieting, and exercising.
    I have lost 6,9 Kilos (15,2 lbs), which is far more than the 3,5 I was aiming for. I am glad for that

    In exercise: I went from difficulty one in my game to the easier tracks of 3 (of 4), and from only being able to play 20 minutes because of being exhausted to being able to play 60- even 120 minutes if I want.

    Eating: My fridge is filled with veggies, meat, milk products, meat and stuff and my sweets cupboard with dried fruit, and seaweed snacks, much different to all the processed stuffs I had in there before. I am hungry sometimes but I am able to control my eating fairly well. Except from those 2 beer lapses

    The Goal for August still stays at 3,5 kilos.

    Today is my "lets whoop calories up to shake it a bit" day, so there will be lasangna, and uuuuuh potato chips (alongside the homemade dip and veggies) because changing my lifestyle means cutting these things down, not forbidding anything. I still wont store stuff like that around the house for now because I know me too well. but that portion bag of chips is well deserved I guess
    Already did my hour of exercise, because I am a good girl.

    to all of us for the new month, may you happily reach whatever goals you have

    welcome, and I like your username. fresh start, off we go

    PS: Mackerel tastes AWESOME! got me a few more cans of that today while shopping ^^
  • Sydney, that would really make me want to punch someone.

    Diana, from your response in the July thread, I believe bone and muscular structure will change how dense your body is. With dense bones and working out, it's not surprising you weight more than you look like you weigh!

    I have the opposite problem. I have small bone structure and higher body fat %. So I look fatter than people around my weight . I have been weight training though, so I hope it helps over time .

    Today, I had an egg white wrap and a strawberry / scrambled egg English muffin.
  • Happy August everyone! lol

    Thunder and lightning kept me awake at night and then our street getting resurfaced woke me up early. This does not set me up well for good sleep before my work weekend.

    Food today-
    Egg on toast
    Coffee with milk

    Not sure about dinner. I'm in a slump but I have a couple things planned: a bolognese sauce for whatever and a black bean soup.
  • I'm surprised I didn't, Lacie.

    7:15 am andi only just crawled out of bed. August is still sleeping and I never wake a sleeping child so I think I shall sit here and be quiet for a while
  • Is that August in your new profile pic, Sydney?? CUTE!!!! (I just remembered you have a son, and younger, I think. Ha! Sorry) I was also going to mention that my aunt is deaf and I always noticed the flow of her written messages are a little odd. I thought it was something lost in translation from never having heard the language spoken, but your text comes across fluently. Now I'm not sure why my aunty's text is odd. She is 70 though and lived through difficult times for deaf children.

    My daughter and I were trying to learn ASL but without practice it gets lost quickly!
  • I would have f@cking laid that bloke out Sydney, so sorry to hear that and well done on maintaining your composure. Great to hear you are trying again with Peter. Use this chance and make sure things change. Both of you. I blew mine because things just carried on as usual for another year-and-a-half. This is it...so use it. Consider marriage counseling. I couldn't get my wife there.

    Thanks flower123 and well done on focusing on healthy eating. That has been a shift for me too (from eating less to eating more but different) and I feel much better for it.

    PatPat, really glad you enjoyed the mackerel. If you like that stuff, there is a world of fish out there...

    Down 2.4lbs today to 169.2lbs. I took the day off work to continue sorting the house out. I got some things done but work had me do a few emergency things so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked. I got some cooking done though. I now make crabcakes for the week and freeze them. I used 4lbs of lump crab to make 12 crabcakes. Yummy but $$.

    Breakfast was sardines, squid and oats. Lunch was my usual with steelhead, crabcake, squid and chipotle cod.

    Exercise was 50 minutes weight training. I took a rest day from running today.
  • Weighed in for the first time in months. I'm up. Need to get down. The good thing is the edema was TOM related and went away

    today calories in 1035 plus supper

    salad with a little dressing
    beer stick with cheese
    lamb roast
    cheese snack

    Too much cheese. but I have been on the run and trying to keep the carb cravings down.

    did my 30 minute swim and a huge amount of walking.