Maintainers Volume 15

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  • Thanks Liana!

    I am feeling less scared and more just excited to be in long-term healthy eating. I have no desire to go back to my old eating habits. I didn't even like them when I was LIVING them!

    I don't know that I made the "perfect" P4 lunch today, but I was really wanting to eat a BLT (we have these delicious beefsteak tomatoes from the garden....mmmmm). So, I did used a piece of whole wheat flatbread (9g of carbs) and then added bacon, spinach, mayo, cheese and tomatoes. Fats were 32g vs. 11g carbs with veggies. Maybe a little higher in fat than what I will always aim, but I need to do some experimenting. I felt like I had to add fat to balance out the flatbread carb.

    I snacked on some raw almonds and just about MELTED, they were so delicious!

    I set MyFitnessPal at 1700 calories a day.....not sure if that is correct, but I still would like to ease into my calories. What ratios do you use for your fat/carb/protein?

    I don't even have an appropriate starch in my house for dinner....may have to run to the grocery for a few easy choices!
  • LOL, you know you are IP when you have no starches in your house... your lunch sounds perfect 3:1 no problems there. My macros are set to 40% carb 20% protein 40% fat, but I tend to ignore them, lol. I am always over on protein, fat, & fibre, and always under on carbs & sugars. I'm just trying to stay in my baseline 1600 cal (that doesn't count exercise for the day) while still doing the 3:1 disassociation thing. Even if I'm over on calories I'm not too worried since I'm not struggling to stay under 1600+ 1/2 exercise calories. I think the thing I am concentrating on mainly right now is my fibre grams so that my carbs aren't the processed kind very often.

  • evemomma - Hooray for maintenance! And hooray for benign cysts! (you know what I mean).

    I didn't have a huge desire to add in a lot of the foods I ate prior to P1 either. Some of them I still haven't eaten. You'll decide as you go along what food you want to work into your day and what isn't worth it to you.

    I have MFP set for 1700 calories currently (trying to find the exact "sweet spot" still) and the ratios set up for 30% carbs, 35% fat & 35% protein but I ignore most of the numbers (you just have to put something and that's closest to what I do).

    I figure calories is a top limit as a rule but don't get stressed if I go over, I'm trying to keep my carbs at around 100-125 net, get at least 105 gr of protein and in the neighborhood of 65-70 gr of fat. I don't worry if I go over on any of it. I plan my menus on getting enough protein and fat in first and then the rest of it. Don't worry, you'll find the best spot for you!

    joysh - hooray for getting the pounds gone!

    I love your attitude re: batwings! I have decided not to worry about them for the moment since there's not much I can do except keep working on the muscles and give my body time to adjust. And at my age, I don't expect them to totally disappear. That's okay - I don't have to be perfect, I just have to be the best me I can!
  • Thanks RuthAnn...that's where my ratios were also! You and Liana are both similar in weight to me, so it's helpful to see how you both deal with your food and fat/carb balances. Thanks for the effort to post all those daily menus!!!!
  • Ruth Ann, that is fantastic news that the surgery can happen so soon. I'm very happy for you and can only imagine how excited your are.

    Liana - it helps to read your comments and food ideas to deal with cravings etc. it is a bit of a struggle after being so rigid with IP for a year, even tho I was not 100%er, to seeing how to be flexible but always coming back to a balance at the end of the day.

    joy- my twins are 6. We hired a sleep trainer when they were 8 months to help us get them to sleep. Made a big difference. They started growing, not getting as sick, ect. And I stopped losing my mind. Working at the music camp for kids sounds busy and rewarding. Sounds like you are doing well on the reboot and almost there.

    Eve- you have done so awesome on this journey. I'm happy to be following in your footsteps.

    We are kid free here until Sunday in-laws took them away for the weekend. DH and I need to reconnect, we have been in a pretty negative place for the past 6 weeks. Lots of job stress for him and life is just busy. Hoping for some nice weather to go for a walk or bike ride and then date night!
  • Joysh: Great job on losing those pounds and continuing. I love that book.

    Jenny, I had two colicky twins and did not get sleep. I could have used a sleep trainer! Enjoy your free time with your DH!

    Evemomma: I like beef steak tomatoes. That sounded like a great lunch.

    Ruthann: I am excited for you and your surgery next week!!

    Canadjinh and Ruthann, You guys are masters at the calories, carb and fat ratios.

    Thank goodness it is Friday. My birthday is on Sat and it will be a no starch day..but will have Indian food!
  • Happy Birthday Maile!!!!! I hope you have wonderful Indian Food and dessert, too (not sure what Indian desserts are, but I'm sure they're delicious).

    We celebrated my daughter, my, and my son's birthday while I was on P1. My hubby's birthday is in October, definitely looking forward to making a cake again!

    Jenny.....Your'e almost here!!!!! Can't wait until you get to start eating the breakfasts, but they do take some time! With getting myself and my kids ready for school, it was quite a challenge. I found that I did better if I got up and ate my breakfast early so I wasn't tending to the kids' needs at the same time. I, too, HATE making lunches already (read that somewhere if your threads). I have employed the help of my kids more this year (age 8 and 4) so that really the only thing I do is spread the peanut butter (that's a challenge for them). They bag their sandwhiches, get out their lunchboxes and cold packs, choose their dairy/fruit/veggie and or snack and put it altogether. I do write them a note on their napkins because I don't see them until later in the evening with my work schedule. Still takes time!

    I woke this morning feeling SO excited to be onto the next part of this weight loss journey. I don't feel anxious....just happy. Human's are SO fickle, aren't we? I spent the better part of 4 years unhappy with my weight, and I just refuse to spend that negative energy in another direction.

    Today I realized I could add extra skim milk to my coffee and not mess up Ketosis. I also was happy to break up my breakfast. I had my first part and will eat my "second breakfast" (anyone think of Lord of the Rings with that?) in a little while. I would like to spend a little time today preparing some meal ideas so that I don't get stuck while I'm still getting a feel for things.

    We've had a cold snap go through, and I am EXTREMELY unprepared in the clothing department. I wore my XL jacket to the bus stop with my son this AM and laughed at how it looked on me. I only have one pair of jeans that fit. I wish clothes weren't so expensive.....grrrrr.....I'm a big cheapskate. I have mostly been getting my clothes at our local GoodWill. We live in a pretty wealthy area (not me, but lots of professors and doctors and executives), so the GoodWill is full of very nice clothes, but you have to dig.

    I think I need to set a clothes budget and just do some indulging. I have a very hard time indulging on myself - that's the big reason I even put off doing IP for years because of the expense. Any suggestions?

    Take care all and HAPPY WEEKEND!!!!!!
  • evemomma: Yes, clothes are an issue when you lose a few sizes thats for sure. I finally got rid of the last of my too big items. They aren't flattering when they hang on you and actually make a person look bigger. When I started buying clothes that fit, people really commented on my weight loss as it showed a lot more and the clothes were a lot more flattering. I had a good friend that gave me a couple of huge garbage bags full of clothes that she didn't fit anymore and they were the perfect size for me. I also shopped sales in stores that were changing seasons and trying to get rid of their last season items. I paid less than some consignment store prices which I also shopped at and found great items. I also dig and look for brand names that look new, so worth it! This is the fun part, trying on smaller clothes. I used to get so cranky when I was buying something new. I hope you are able to find some cute clothes and good deals!

    Hi to everyone else! So happy for you Ruth Ann! I will be waiting to hear how the surgery goes and how many lbs that'll take off of you. Just curious about that. And how much more comfortable you will be! Nice to hear that the lbs are coming off joysh, I am right where you are too. I enjoy reading everyones posts as always, they keep me motivated! Hi Lianne and Maile, Jenny, Slip and anyone I've missed! I hope you all have a great weekend.
  • Hello happy Friday
    I moved over to P3 today, down one 1. I think I will stay on P3 more or less indefinitely. I'm reading the "what are you eating today maintainers" thread from the beginning and plugging some breakfast ideas I MFP to see hoes it works out. I said to my coach that I would ease it I to this week, I may do IP breakfast every other day.
    Did anyone struggle with stopping to lose weight? It feels so consuming top and the I get thinking, well how low could I go? I can go form over eating disorder to a different disorder. I have bought new fall clothes so need to maintain

    Eve- that's great your kids are helping. I will work towards that. They are doing a great job unpacking lunch bag.
    What about putting some $ away each week that would use for IP and the use that for new clothes?

    Maille Enjoy your birthday celebration tomorrow.
  • You're a better man than I am...
    Quote: Alright! I resent the wimp moniker! I had to wear full gear to work - long canvas cargo pants, leather steel toe work boots, work shirt under a full safety yellow reflective vest and then run back & forth to the barricades moving them for the necessary vehicles in the full sun for hours - so there!
    BTW, that's why I don't live in the East, lol. My hair ends up looking like a full-on afro in humidity - so I like the dryness of the West. Besides, I'll be calling you a wimp in the winter, lol. I like your new mod cut - very chic! Your before picture looks a lot like a friend of mine who is a radio DJ here in town, perhaps it's the facial hair and the impish grin.
    I was picturing you relaxing on a bench wearing an attractive dress, in the "heat" (you know, like in your Avatar pic) not decked out in construction crew garb. You're WAY more manly than I am. hehehe

    Where I was born and raised the temperature ranged widely from 105F in the summer to -20F in the winter. But generally it would stay between 90F and 20F, so you're right, I'm very much likely to be a cold weather wimp compared to whatever you're used to when it gets chilly.

    My hair is naturally curly / wavy (just another reason I'm so adorable) but keeping it shorter makes it easier to keep from goin' all afro.

    I've had facial hair for decades. Every once in awhile I shave it off, but usually grow it right back within a month. This time I'm gonna keep it off indefinitely.

    I went to my surgeon on Wednesday for my post-op follow-up. All is well. I'm going to start walking more beginning this weekend, and slowly work my activity level up until November 1st. Then I'll start low-end workouts and gradually ramp those up. I'm really eager to snug down and firm up, but I'm completely disinterested in injuring myself by rushing things.

    I reached out to a gal I dated a few times back at the beginning of 2012. We're going to have dinner next weekend, non-romantically. Just in case you were wondering.

    She and I parted friends ("You're the nicest man I've ever met, but...") and we've gotten together a few times for dinner just to catch up and consult with each other about a few things.

    The last time she saw me was November 9, 2012. I weighed 70 lbs more than I do now. I told her I wanted to show her something - it's a surprise. :-) She's the only person I know in this area (that I'm willing to reconnect with) that hasn't seen me since I've lost all of my excess weight. It'll be fun to see her reaction.
  • Jenny38 - enjoy the time with your dh! Although we don't have kids, it's hard to work in "us" time with everyday life going on - I admire those who can do it with kids added into the mix.

    Congrats on moving to P3! It does seem overwhelming when you start and when you move to maintenance but after a bit you figure things out. You kind of just get to know the values of the foods you eat a lot and what goes well together. Really it does get easier. After a full year on P1 I was really nervous about phasing off and wondered if I'd lost enough, but I'm glad I phased off when I did.

    Maile - Happy birthday to you! Hope it is a wonderful day for you!

    evemomma - YES, indulge yourself! I'd start with the basics - pretty underthings!

    Thanks Hawaii69! And you're right - too big clothes make me look frumpy! Part of the fun of being in maintenance is buying clothes that I can actually wear for awhile, trying to find stuff that fit and looked good while losing was really time consuming.

    Have a great weekend everyone!
  • Jenny....after being on IP since April, I feel so used to it. I can't imagine how much more accustomed you have gotten after a year. Are you worried about the freedom of P4? Don't get too caught up in that worry yet. Enjoy these amazing breakfasts! Only from reading scads and scads of IP info do I say this....P3 is specifically designed to awaken your pancreas and rev up your metabolism to burn more calories. It works! I had no weight gain (some loss even) on P3....I am teaching my body a new way of dealing with carbs. Make sure you give your body that same chance to learn. It will!!!
  • Evemomma: I can just see you sitting around in your new smaller frilly undies (OK maybe not frilly if that's not your style) enjoying your big breakfasts. I do envy that as breakfast is still a toughie for me. I never am hungry and have to just eat what I'm supposed to... and I usually hang around in fuzzy jammie pants & an old concert/music festival T-shirt. Lately I have been having a lot of pain and I hate to keep taking X-strength Robaxacet as I know the Acetaminophen is bad for the liver. I seem to have difficulty moving on those days and eat more calories than I should be...considering no exercise.

    Jenny, enjoy your P3 and revel in the freedom! Savour the big breakfasts!
    I went to my surgeon on Wednesday for my post-op follow-up. All is well. I'm going to start walking more beginning this weekend, and slowly work my activity level up until November 1st. Then I'll start low-end workouts and gradually ramp those up. I'm really eager to snug down and firm up, but I'm completely disinterested in injuring myself by rushing things.

    I reached out to a gal I dated a few times back at the beginning of 2012. We're going to have dinner next weekend, non-romantically. Just in case you were wondering.

    She and I parted friends ("You're the nicest man I've ever met, but...") and we've gotten together a few times for dinner just to catch up and consult with each other about a few things.

    The last time she saw me was November 9, 2012. I weighed 70 lbs more than I do now. I told her I wanted to show her something - it's a surprise. :-) She's the only person I know in this area (that I'm willing to reconnect with) that hasn't seen me since I've lost all of my excess weight. It'll be fun to see her reaction.
    You are a smart man, Brad... too many jump right in and go gung-ho to get back in shape after surgery, and it's a slow & steady process if you are to be safe and successful. Glad you have a plan. Hoping you have fun surprising your friend at dinner. never know... friends make the best partners/spouses. You have a good back story together. She may see you in a completely different light now

    Happy weekend to all you IP chickies!
  • JHep - Seeing people's reaction to your weight loss is always fun - walked right by my old boss earlier this year and he didn't recognize me and I've known this guy for 25 years! Have fun at your dinner.

    canadjineh - sorry about your pain, it just seems to suck all the energy out of you, doesn't it? I'm so looking forward to living without pain in the near future. Wishing you several pain free days in a row.

    Got so much to get done in the next few days and no energy to do any of it. Doesn't help that I had to quit taking Aleve for awhile. But gotta get the tires rotated on the car, make a grocery run, pick up new jammies, get some work done at the office, etc., etc. Let's see how far I get.
  • Quote: We've had a cold snap go through, and I am EXTREMELY unprepared in the clothing department. I wore my XL jacket to the bus stop with my son this AM and laughed at how it looked on me. I only have one pair of jeans that fit. I wish clothes weren't so expensive.....grrrrr.....I'm a big cheapskate. I have mostly been getting my clothes at our local GoodWill. We live in a pretty wealthy area (not me, but lots of professors and doctors and executives), so the GoodWill is full of very nice clothes, but you have to dig.

    I think I need to set a clothes budget and just do some indulging. I have a very hard time indulging on myself - that's the big reason I even put off doing IP for years because of the expense. Any suggestions?
    Do you ever come to my side of the river?
    Scholarshop and Resale Shop are my two favorites.
    The "Society" women donate clothes to Scholarshop. Resale Shop is run by National Council of Jewish Women. I get lots of items with new tags still on there. No digging to find nice things at either place. I bought 2 winter coats at Scholarshop last year for $30 each. One is a wool Talbots. A teenager complimented me on the other, so it MUST be cute!!! In addition, there's a really nice consignment shop on Brentwood. They only take higher-end brands.

    I've also found useful items at the Chesterfield Goodwill (I live about 2 miles from it) but you're right, you must dig!