Daily Accountability/Lifestyle Change - July 2014 - Everyone Welcome!

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  • Coolmom don't worry about lurking. Even the best of us do that. I think it's awesome that your doing weight lifting. Always wanted my own home gym, but alas don't have the room for it. *taps chin* But wonders, is carrying in groceries for a family of five considered weight lifting?

    kelijpa - adding extra veggies always seems to help, although I swear at times I think my family is out to saboatoge me. My middle daughter made chocolate cake on Saturday and my husband brought home 3 HUGE chocolate bars today. I gave him the evil eye - but so far I have resisted. I really need to be strong and stay on this diet.

    Ian Hope your poker night went well. Miss not seeing you on the boards today - even if your diet info looks like Greek to me. I love seeing familiar faces when I come on her.

    Flower - the jogging trampoline sounds like fun. Other than the fact that I trip over air....guess I should stick to my yoga for now. At least it does require a great amount of coordination or me lifting both feet off the floor at the same time. But I'll second Diana's opinion. Don't worry about the exercise (which I had to use spell check for as well - and I'm an author!) It'll come with time.

    Psychic - that's cool that you took your friend out to eat. I LOVE pizza. And the extra calories were definitely burned off by your walk. We got to treat ourselves occasionally or we'll get frustrated and stop.

    Diana - do I hurt - do I ever! I have muscles I didn't realize I had. But amazingly enough it's my palms that hurt the worst. All those damned downward dog, then upward dog moves. Not used to placing that much weight on my hands. Hoping that will become easier as I continue. I will admit even despite the pain and sore muscles, I love the last ten minutes of the work out. My entire body feels like lead but I feel more peaceful than I can remember being.
  • hi all
    Diana, I lost electricity last night in the storm. So I did not do the trampoline. but I am going to do it tonight. i honestly would not have done it if you hadn't asked. So I appreciate that.

    Today was not my best carb day. I went in to lake champlain chocolate factory to get the cocoa powder and I had a sample. It was very good. Milk chocolate square with toasted almonds and sea salt. Then I went to the co-op and left there with a lot of needed things. And a 100 calorie bag of sourcream and popchips. But it is still the cocoa that is my undoing. If only my digestive system and palate would get together and agree on a kind of coffee that both wold enjoy. Palate says full throtle coffee. Digestive system says low acid. I like the taste of acid with my coffee

    morning cocoa 140
    Chocolate 70
    popchips 100
    lunch fish, chicken carrot and cabbage stew 300
    afternoon cocoa 140
    dinner chicken sausages 220 salad 100
    evening cocoa 120
    protein drink in afternoon and evening 140
    total calories for day 1330
    10 minutes on the trampoline will be done. Gratitude to Diana for the inspiration
  • Okay quick recap of my food from earlier with my supper and exercise added on:

    Breakfast - 6pts
    Coffee with FF creamer - 1pt
    1 cup cooked oatmeal - 2pts
    1/2 cup of unsweetened applesause - 1 pt
    tsp of Cinnamon - 0 pt
    Large Banana - 2 pt

    Lunch - 5 pts
    1 cup of lettuce - 0 pt
    1/4 cup of chopped tomatoes - 1pt
    half a hard boiled egg - 1 pt
    3 tbsp of diced green pepper - 0pt
    1 tbsp of scallions - 0 pt
    2 slices of cucumber, diced - 1 pt
    FF Western Dressing - 1 pt
    Peach - 1pt
    Crystal Light - 0 pt

    Snacks 5 pts
    Large Banana (between lunch and supper) 2pt
    100 Calorie Microwave Popcorn (half after supper/half after yoga) 3pts

    Supper: 13 pts
    1 Cup cooked Spaghetti Noodles - 5pts
    1/2 cup of drained Italian sausage - 3pts
    1/2 cup of marina sauce - 2pts
    2 tsp of Parmesan cheese - 1pt
    Side Salad with tomato and FF dressing - 2 pts

    Only managed to get in 29 of 31 points, but wasn't hungry. So I didn't eat.

    Exercise: 306 calories burned
    40 minutes of Surya Yoga - going to move on to Day 2 tomorrow. (since I finally figured out how to do the poses from Day 1.)
  • Good morning all!

    W- 161.8
    B- oatmeal w/almond milk, banana
    L- spring mix, cucumber, banana peppers, kohlrabi, balsamic dressing
    D- salad DH is making
    S- nectarine, orange
    E- walk

    Hope everyone has a great day
  • Good Morning, Everyone!

    Too tired and it was too late to add on any yoga. I am still trying to get things washed and put away from our trip. I think I am going to go through some clothes and other things this weekend and take to Goodwill.

    Calories for yesterday: 1470 +
    No weigh in

    Have a great day and keep things positive!
  • Yesterday's Calories: 1523

    B - 6 Circus Animal Crackers + 1 oz. Parmesan Cheese
    S - Fiber One Lemon Bar
    L - 1 c. Campbell's Creamy Broccoli Soup + 12 Crunchmaster Multigrain Crackers
    S - 1 oz. Bacon Jerky + 8 Circus Animal Crackers
    D - 1 Gorton's Roasted Garlic & Herb Fish Filet + 4 oz. French Fries
    S - .75 Tbsp. Salted Caramel Hazelnut Spread

    Exericse: 3238 Steps (-67) + Stretching & Strength Training (-40)

    I didn't get all that many steps in yesterday. I believe that the app may have crashed at some point and wasn't counting steps. Actually, I know it did. I don't know for how long it wasn't counting though, so I'm not going to include any extra steps.
  • Morning all.

    Today's Weigh-in day for me. The results make me happy, but bother me a little bit.

    A week ago I was at 217 and today I'm a whole whooping 211.8 lbs!

    That's over five pounds! Eck!

    I don't think I'm supposed to lose this fast. It may be due to the fact I cut out my 2 liter a day Pepsi habit and cut back on the carbs along with starting an exercise program, so I'll keep a close eye on it this week. Hubby told me not to worry, that it's normal when you first start a diet. What did he call it...water weight or something?

    Anyway, I've returned to my EDJ wrangling kids, so I'll check in this evening with my daily counts. Super excited though. I get to do the next yoga video in my bodyburn series tonight.

  • Hate to copy posts, but wanted you all to know I was OK and hadn't fallen off t he wagon or anything It's just a crazy, crazy, crazy week....

    I have a job interview in a couple hours too! EEK!

    But, scale is moving down.

    I did bloodwork on Monday and found out that now my thyroid has moved too far the other way - I'm hyperthyroid, so the dosage is lowered and we'll check again in 6 weeks.

    Cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and A1C were all perfect. BP is getting better, I'm lowering and lowering the dosage. Soon I'll be off it.

    Weight is coming down too. As of this morning, it's out of the 21Xs. Yay!!!
  • Flower, do you have a trampoline or rebounder? I'm considering buying one, since they are supposed to help your immune system.
    Ian, stay strong. We're all thinking of you!
    Diana, thanks again for being so supportive.
    Day 37
    Breakfast: eggbeaters, yogurt
    Lunch: lite Caesar salad, cherries, almonds
    Dinner: apple and kale salad, yogurt
    Walked the mall.
  • quick post - got school tonight and it's what we call High Holy Day madness at the temple. Work is CRAZY

    B - belvita breakfast biscuits
    L - kale salad / canned chicken breast (costco)
    S - organic banana
    D - will have a chicken sammich with muenster on power seed bread
  • Good evening everyone
    DakotaTrace, yoga is so much healthier than the trampoline. So I totally admire that you do yoga. I cannot do it because of inflamation and pain. Congratulations on cutting out so much soda/sugar. I remember how fast I lost when I cut out sugar. What a huge difference. Especially when cutting calories ( as you are doing) and restricting sugar intake. Its the sugar that really is a huge culprit. So I would not worry about the fast weight loss. It sounds pretty logical that this would happen at first.

    tyla I googled rebounder. Yes it seems thats what I have. When I bought it, they were called jogging or personal trampolines. I can see why they would be good for the immune system. That gentle pumping action in the ankles specificially is great to clear out the lymphatic system.

    berryblondeboys, awesome that your bp is getting lower.

    Diana, thanks again for the mention of exercizing yesterday. It really made the difference between doing it and not....

    Today was good for food until I got home from my iphone class. I was SO cold in the way too air conditioned room. And the teacher seemed more interested in sales than teaching. Guess when you take a free ipone class through Verizon wireless its the price to be paid So i went to TJs after the class and bought an avocado. I resisted the key lime pie free sample though. So thumbs up to me for that. I went home and made guacamole and had it with salad and the chicken sausages. Then had a few more cups of hot chocolate.

    I then decided to be my own iteacher. So I googled and learned how to text using an iphone. I now am proud to be part of the texting population. Even had my first texting mishap.

    I am hoping that tonight I can limit intake to just fat free protein. AND 10 minutes on that trampoline/rebounder.
  • Thanks kelijpa for the hugs and tyla too for your kind words. It really helps right now. I spoke with my wife today and my kids too on the phone. It was tough talking to the kids as they were just so delighted to hear me. Argh.

    And DakotaTrace, thanks for the high five on my running. I started when I got down to 220lbs. It did hurt at first but as the weight came off and as I got proper shoes things got much better. Now, I would simply be lost without it. Running really helps deal with anxiety/stress, is great for fitness and burns a few calories too. Swimming is equally, if not more, awesome though. I wish I was good at that. And - yes - you can lose that fast! Ride the wave!

    Poker was fun last night but ran very late. Up 1lb today to 171.2lbs which is heavy for me. I couldn't run either because it decided to rain. Oh well, better luck tomorrow.

    Fat Calories Protein Carbs
    oats 3 150 4 27
    Flaxseed milk 2 19 0 1
    dried apricot 0 32 0 9
    honey 0 21 0 6
    Coffee 3 25 0 1
    Vital choice mackeral 6 120 18 1
    Coffee 3 25 0 1
    Ekone lemon pepper oysters 6 165 17 12

    quails eggs 3 42 4 0
    Albacore tuna 20 400 56 0
    Chilean sea bass 21 270 20 0
    Ekone original oysters 5 165 17 11
    Honey 0 64 0 17
    Tomato 0 11 1 2
    Mushroom 0 2 0 0
    Red onion 0 8 0 2
    Kidney beans 0 18 1 3
    Kimchi 0 100 10 10

    Total 71 1636 148 103
    Weight 171.2
    Protein/weight ratio 0.86
    Targets based on weight Low High
    Calories 2397 2739
    Fat based on 20-30% caloric intake 36 55
    20% less calories to cut 1917

    Exercise: Did 1 hour weight training before lunch.
  • Hi Everyone!

    My jeans felt looser than they did on Monday, but they are still a little snug. I can tell I'm losing some of the weight from our vacation. I still think I might wait until Monday to weigh in again. We'll see.

    DakotaTrace Downward dogs are hard. That's a full body move. Glad the yoga felt peaceful for you. Can you use the points you didn't eat later in the week? Or toward your weekly points? Congrats on the 5 pounds! Some of it is water weight and this is normal in the beginning. But, weight is weight, so congrats!

    Flower Good job on getting the workout in! Have you ever tried cold brewing your coffee? It produces a full flavor coffee that's low in acid. I bought a Toddy Cold Brew coffee system when I was having issues with acid. I'm sure you can cold brew without buying anything special. Try googling it to see what you can find.

    Kelijpa How is your DH doing? Has he continued to lose weight and stick with the program?

    Psychic Good job on your day. Is your app back up and running?

    Berry Did your Dr. lower your thyroid meds? Did you feel hyper? I remember one time my numbers were off and the Dr. increased my meds. I felt like something was wrong. My BP had been so low and it was coming up to a better range. I felt weird and like I was going to die. I went in to have my blood pressure checked and for them to look at me. I was OK, but getting regulated felt weird. Congrats on your weigh in.

    Tyla I have also heard good things about rebounding. I heard it's good for your lymphatic system. I would love to have one but I don't have the room. Maybe one day. Maybe you can get one.

    Syckgirlsfv I hope you have a good class tonight.

    I hope tomorrow is a better day for running.
  • Total Approx 1370 Calories +

    Breakfast (395 Calories + coffee)
    spritz oil in pan
    egg 70 cal
    egg whites from carton 60 calories
    Vegetable of choice
    1/8 cup feta cheese 40 calories
    Rudi's Whole Wheat English muffin 130 calories
    1 teaspoon jam 20 calories
    juice 75 calories
    coffee w/sugar and cream

    Lunch (375 Calories)
    Rudi's 100% Whole Wheat Sandwich Flatz 100 calories
    3 Slices Hormel Natural Choice Deli Turkey 60 calories
    Honey mustard/Lettuce 25 calories
    Raw Sugar Snap Peas 90 calories
    1 Apple 100 calories

    Dinner (600 calories)
    Grilled salmon 400 calories
    2 orders steamed broccoli 200 calories

    KCM's Plateau Buster combined workouts premix w/8's
  • Good evening, friends
    I got my first Invisalign aligners yesterday morning, and my mouth sort of hurts and it's sort of awkward, so it's hard to eat!!! You're supposed to take them out to eat, but it's a hassle if I'm just having a quick snack. Good for my calorie count, I guess...

    Yesterday- a glorious day off
    1 hr aerobics. Dripping sweat, y'all!
    Banana 100
    Grilled chicken 200
    Lentil chips and tatsiki 500
    Plum 40
    Grilled fish w brown rice and peas 550
    Total 1390

    30 mins stretchy yoga, not intense but it was a nice rest
    Cherries 80
    1 egg white 15
    Almonds 100
    Tuna and crackers 210
    Cherries 80
    Veggie tacos 330
    Total 815
    No wonder I'm still hungry! Good thing I kept exercise easy.

    Diana Yay looser pants! I don't blame you for waiting to weigh. Pretty good plan as you're shedding that water weight from vacay.
    Flower welcome to the wonderful world of texting!! Well done skipping the pie. Love the willpower.
    Ian glad you got to talk to the wife and kids, though heart wrenching, I'm sure
    berryblondeboys Good luck w the interview!!! How'd it go?
    Dakota congrats on the whoosh! Exciting! Don't analyze, just go w it, haha
    psychic boo, I was hoping you'd actually be psychic and give me a reading! Hehe.