Feisty & Sexy 50-60 year olds #223

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  • G'day all,

    Nice to see all the posts this morning, good to see your post Karen and also what you have been up to.
    I think your son has the right idea, why wait till 'miss right' comes along, this way when she does (and I am sure she will) he will have a head start. His daughter will also love spending time with her Dad in his own house.

    Thank you on your thoughts of the photo I posted at 'Wet Canvas'. In the bit of travel we have done, it seems that every place reminds us of somewhere at home. The number of times we heard from people that the NZ South Island reminded them of Canada was quite incredible. At the Milford Sound some scottish travelers said that it was so much like parts of Scotland. So you see there is no need to travel for the scenery, we all have it on our own doorstep .

    I am fascinated by what a 'loon' is. I tried to find it on the net. Is it some sort of bird????

    Marnie please do talk about your achievements in the weight loss department, I speak for myself but it is just another gentle reminder why I came here in the first place I also enjoy reading about your day to day happenings.

    Ann I hope all went well with your dh's eye op. It is always a worrying time despite the fact that it is now such a routine operation.

    My news is not terrific, I saw a new doctor that was recommended to me yesterday. She is very young which initially put me off but she was lovely and listened in great detail to my complaints. She agrees that I do not have arthiritis but unfortunately suspects it is fybromyalgia. I have had yet more blood tests which will show conclusively that is what has been troubling me the last 12 months or so. Whilst I am pleased that I am finally getting to the bottom of this, I am not that thrilled with what she suspects it is.
    There is little treatment and some of the treatments you can try have bad side effects.
    I will wait to get the final results and then discuss with her the best course of action.
    Do any of you know of people with this condition and how do they cope etc. etc. I will have a bit more of a look on the net, I have only see what doctors say but I rather hear what a person with this condition has to say.

    I have been invited to a 'business networking' breakfast tomorrow morning. A friend saw some of the stuff I do and was very impressed and feels that there would be quite a bit of call for what I do. I have tidied up my portfolio and last week I finished my brochures. It is going to be hard getting 'tarted up' for a 7 am breakfast meeting but who knows we might be able to put a stop to the travelling and work from home.

    I am off to get my haircut, I am sure that will make me feel a lot better.

    Have a great day all,
  • greetings
    Maria.. I looked up this site to show you what the Common Loon looks like.
    It is a beautiful bird that has a haunting call. You can hear during the day sometimes, but always at night. I didn't read at this site, but I believe the loons mate for life. I know they carry the young on their backs. They also return to the same lakes, year after year.
    I have to agree that your picture is stunning and it reminded me of the lake too. I missed sitting on the dock in the early morning, before all the boats started tearing up the lake.
    Sorry to hear might have Fibromyalgia, but do not worry about it. I have it and can say that there are worse things to be afflicted with. The hardest thing is getting a diagnosis. I also have the Myofascial Pain Syndrome (MPS) which complicates it, the two usually go hand in hand. The definition states that you must have at least 11 of the 18 specified tender points to be dianosed with FMS. I don't know of any blood test that can verify it, but a good doctor can find the tender points.
    Hi Karen.. How exciting for your son building his home. It is nice to hear from you again.
    Ann .. so many people have the eye surgery now, I don't know anyone who had a bad experience. Isn't it wonderful that cataracts aren't a problem anymore?
    Marnie .. no matter what else happens in our lives, our weight will always be an issue.
    Slavika .. it is so funny, but this morning I was thinking about Silvergal and wondering what happened to her granddaughter. I always hoped that would come to a good conclusion. Cal was an inspiration to us all. Maybe one day, the gals who used to post will come back... hope so.

    Well, I had a really nice day today. It was Slavika and me for Tea Time. We talked non-stop for 2 1/2 hrs and I still have a lot more to say. I love the outfit she bought.

    Bye for now.. talk to you tomorrow..:
  • Hi All: Surgery went well, just nursing a sore eye now. A bit different than the last one, but they say that is to be expected.

    Been a busy day, with just lots of waiting on my part and playing Chauffeur.

    Working on getting a ticket for my DD to fly down here to complete her recuperation. On line purchase will be a new experience for me.

    See you tomorrow. Ann
  • Hi Everybody

    I just love when I come here and there are so many posts to read.
    Maria keep us posted as to what the doctor finds. Your right, it is better getting to the bottom of things. By the way, Trudy was right, the Loons do mate for life. Years ago we went fishing to a place that had lots of loons, and their "sound" can be so mournful it's almost like one is calling to a lost mate.
    Karen it sure was nice seeing you here today. When are you going to quit running and relax a bit?
    Good for your son. Instead of paying rent to someone else he will eventually own his own home.
    Ann it's good the surgery is over and done with. When will your DD be arriving?
    Trudy did like the outfit, but I have decided to return it tomorrow and look for something that I could hopefully wear more then once. Ann, my DH is not too interested in taking a cruise anytime in the near future so by the time I got him on a ship the outfit would be out of style.
    It's time for bed. Night all.
  • Me again,
    Can't sleep so thought I'd stop in and see what's been going on on the web.

    Slavika you asked when I was going to slow down. I tell you the truth I'm really not sure I want to. if I'm not running I may move in to the Fridge Was talking with My manager and she's got me thinking about opening one or two more meetings in the area. I am giving up three in Sept. Mostly because I don't want to be doing that winter drive every week. The new ones would be closer to home and that would be good. I'll let you know what I decide. Haven't told DH yet .I know he was looking forward to more home cooking but he also knows I really like my job. I've been wrestling with this for the past few weeks. I wonder why it took me to my 50"s to find my nitch in life.

    Did I tell ypu that I love the meeting topic this week. I've done 3 so far and all have been a success. Everybody left on a high. It was great. Hope the next 5 are as good. I've been able to give away alot of awards so far this week but the best one was for a lady who has lost 100 pounds (103.2) It is so great to watch people bloom. This gal came in last summer so quiet and shy I really worried about her. She never said boo. Now we can't shut her up it's great

    My son called tonight and we talked about window treatments for the new house. He is going with blinds and is having someone come out and give an idea of what it will cost. I'm thinking lots of $$$$$. I could be wrong it's happened once or twice

    Well as you can see I am wound up tonight I think in order to get some sleep I'm going to have to make some Sleeytime Tea. So I'll go do that and see you all later.

  • Good Wednesday Morning!

    I'm about to begin work, but wanted to thank you all for supporting my weight loss issues. I need all the help I can get!

    My boss is off to Court in a near by town so I'm holding down the fort alone. I have plenty to work on, but just wanted to stop by and greet all.

    Karen It's good to see your name. I did enjoy the topic Monday about "Trying" to lose weight. Our leader did a great job presenting it.

    Ann - eewwwee My eye hurts just thinking about you. Hope the healing is fast, fast, fast!

    Did you all know this already? The loon is the state bird of Minnesota! I love it's haunting cry.

    Maria, soon you'll have your own business! Hope the meeting goes well. I am sorry about the fybromyalgia. I have to be honest and say I've never heard of it. My sister has rheumatoid arthritis and that is very painful for her - she's had several surgeries. I really hope you get relief and that it is not real traumatic. Sounds like Trudy can help you along the way.

    Tea Time sounds like such a nice get together. Slavika and Trudy I envy you!

    Thanks again for your support.

  • Marnie I am trying to think how I came here. I used to go to Dotties Weight Loss Zone and WW. I think I picked this one because everyone gets along and there is no flamming or nastiness.
    I am happy to say that I have lost about 8lbs in the past couple of months. I have been watching what I put in my mouth and exercising. I have tried working with my little puny weights again and I can feel it in my arms.
    Maria that photgraph is breathtaking. I think you should win some sort of prize with that.
    On my way to Lowe's to return an extra wallpaper border. I hung some in my hall yesterday. Hard to do by yourself. It kept rolling off.
  • Maria: Im glad to find out they are at least thinking of some things that might be wrong. Keep us posted as to the results. I knew Trudy would be here to help you.

    Trudy: Thanks for the site. Such a pretty bird. We have them but they are hard to find. Didnt know they mated for life. I envy you and Slavika with your tea times. Im sure you have a great time and its non stop talking!

    Ann: Glad the surgery went well. Alot of people are doing that and I havent heard of them having any problems either.

    Slavika: Your hubby sounds like mine. He doesnt want to do a cruise. I do!!!! He is so boring

    Karen: Sounds like your meetings were great this week! Congrats to that girl who lost 103.2#! Thats awesome! I have 2 in my Sat meeting that are getting very close. Cant wait til they do, as they have both worked so hard for it! When I did my house the Blinds were just about the same cost as getting drapes if I remember right. It was a lonnnnng time ago.

    Marnie: We are always here for you, so dont forget that! Boss is away and you have to work? How rude! Why do they expect that?

    Peggy: Congrats on your loss! Love your scale. Wish it would move down that fast sometimes

    I upped my weights at the gym this week. Im so sore! Guess its a good sore tho. Only lasts til I exercise that part again. Best get to work.

  • Hi all: DH is doing well. Eye still stings with the drops but things aren't quite so blurry.

    Finally got a flight for DD next week. I gave up on the internet, and went directly to the Airlines. And got a good deal for her to come. I'm looking forward to having some time to be a 'Mommy' and baby here a little. having been there, done that, I have a good idea of how she feels.

    Have to go weigh in this week and now I'm looking forward to the subject.

    Lily : I think that you and slavika will have to go on a cruise together. I have a couple of friends here in the park whose husbands don't want to cruise, and so they go together.

    It is nice to read all the posts. Have to go to the airport tomorrow for a friend, so will check in later in the week. Ann
  • Good evening all,
    I am new to these 'boards' or 'threads' or whatever this is - so please forgive if I mess up. I wish I was brand new to weight loss too, but of course I've done the old yo-yo thing too many times.. I am back on WW for the I don't know how manyth time. Actually, I've been at it for 2 days but haven't gone down and joined yet - waiting for them to waive initiation.
    I was interested to hear that Trudy has myfacial pain syndrome. Is that anything like Trigeminal Neuralgia?? I have that. What do you do to control yours?
    Is this group open to anyone - I'm 55, married, with 2 kids still at home (13 & 16). It seemed like a good idea at 38 but I didn't know how tired I would be at 55.
  • G'day all,

    Thank you all firstly on the support of the fibromyalgia. I seem to have a lot of the symptons but then other symptons I don't have . At least I feel I am getting somewhere even if the final diagnosis is not exactly what I was after.
    I am off to Melbourne first thing tomorrow morning and will be back again Mondaynight.
    The business networking breakfast went well this morning but I feel quite exhausted now. I am amazed and flattered that everyone was so impressed with my portfolio. One chap who has a printing business told me that there was a lot of work out there for the things I do. I also offer private tuition on Word, Excel and PowerPoint. I was asked this morning if I would do some private tutoring on excel, my least favourite software
    I have asked my dd and her dh to do some brainstorming and come up with a good, catchy business name. At the moment I am calling myself 'MES Designs', MES being my initials, not very imaginative I know
    I would love to get a bit of work doing something I love but I am a little worried about my health at the moment but I thought to give it a go and if I cannot cope well so be it. At least I won't die wondering.

    Nice to 'see' a new face, a big 'welcome' to you Nancy, I am sure you will enjoy this board and get the support you need.

    Ann Good to hear all is going well with your dh.

    Trudy thank you for the information on the 'Loon', lovely looking bird, reminds me a bit of an elegant duck and the state bird of Minnesota thanks to you also Marnie Our state bird is a 'piping shrike', a fairly boring looking bird http://www.trefoilnet.net/aust/emblem/emsab.htm

    Good for you Peggy that is a great loss, 8 lbs!!! I agree with you, this site is the best, at least this thread I cannot remember anyone here making even a remotely derogative remark, always very supportive.

    Karen it sounds like you really enjoy your meetings and you obviously get some great results.
    I sort of feel at this stage of our lives to be able to do something you really enjoy is a huge bonus.

    I have waffled on long enough, making up for the next 3 days when I won't be able to post

    Have a great weekend all
  • Nancy,
    Welcome to the board we are always open to new friends. About joining Weight Watchers in our are we are doing and in meeting promotion bring a friend and she gets to join for 10.95 with out paying the full price of 25.95. Call the 1- 800 number and see if that is going on in your area. Like I say we are doing that here and if anyone new comes in we just find them a friend in the meeting room who will to fill out the coupon. Haven't had any one turn us down yet. Sometimes we just pick some one out of our files. We are always willing to save pepole money if we can. I
    am from Minnesota and I not really sure how far our territory goes.

    Maria sorry to hear about you health problems. I know a lot of people who do have fybromylgia.( members) All say their doctors told them diet and exercise is the best thing to control it.

    Trudy is that what you were told?

    Gotta go
  • Hello all!

    WELCOME NANCY! I think I'm the next "newest" to you. Good luck with your weight-loss journey.

    Back to work! Yes, boss is coming in today!


  • Hi Nancy
    Welcome to our group.

    My name is SLAVIKA. I am 63 years old, married, have one son, a wonderful DIL and two grandchildren.......a 7 year old little "Princess" and a 9 year old little "Prince".
    It's nice to have friends along on this weight lose journey because it's a lifetime trip.

    "Talk" to you soon.
  • Another great Florida Day
    Hi Everybody:

    Welcome Nancy. I'm the granny of the group. I have 2 dd, 1 STd and 3 Sts, 14 grandchildren and 3 ggrandchilden. I have probably lost at least two people over the years, and keep struggling to keep it off. I made lifetime at WW, but wasn't careful enough and now I have 14lbs to remove. Somehow it doesn't come off as easily as it did before. My dh and I refer to our life together as our second life. And actually I feet like I have 6 kids, as our families have mixed very well.

    Maria: Have a wonderful weekend with your dd and sil. I wish you were closer. I'd love some tutoring on this computer. I do have people show me stuff, but they always do it, and tell me how, and I never get a chance to practice while they are watching. So of course after they are gone, I have forgotten all the steps.

    Looking forward to getting my DD down here. She is feeling much better, but not ready to set the world on fire just yet. It is too bad she won't be able to go in our pool, but we have plenty of ways for her to just relax.

    Have any of you done any research on the South Beach Diet? I know that WW is the best, but I keep thinking that something to just give me a boost to get started losing would be good.

    I can tell my DH is feeling better as he wants to go out to dinner, and who am I to refuse such an invitation. My thoughts for dinner can wait until tomorrow.:

    Tomorrow I get measured at Curves, and get weighed there, and then Sat. weigh-in at WW. Hope things will be positive. I do know that some shorts that were tight I can wear now, so I may have lost some inches even if the scale doesn't go down.

    'See' you later. Ann