25/30 Pound Goal - Let's Do It Together - Thread3

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  • Monday, June 2, 2014
    Hi everyone. I'm new to this group. My name is Bonnie and I live in Michigan. Started out at 250# the beginning of May and am now 240#. My goal is 10# per month.

    Thanks for all the inspiration from others. I need that!
  • Hi iamlakeview,

    My goal is five pounds a month.
  • Hi Crimzon...welcome back! Yes, Corinna is still here. She's on vacation, visiting relatives.

    Welcome iamlakeview
  • daily choices
    I totally forgot to weigh myself on Saturday...but then did on Sunday when I remembered. I was exactly the same weight as the last time--I guess I was keeping my good, and not-so-good choices, pretty balanced. I'm not bragging, 'balanced' is not my goal! I definitely want my good choices to far outweigh the poor ones.

    I have had a thought come to my mind the last few days when I have been faced with making a poor food choice; the thought has been "do you want your healthy fit self to remain a fantasy OR do you want to make it a reality?". For some reason it has helped me put the breaks on quite a few poor choices. I'm not sure why, except I am fully aware of how I cycle through healthy eating and unhealthy eating, and I have been so longing to break the cycle. Healthy eating feels so much better! The emotional, mindless eating 'good feeling' is so fleeting.

    The very best to all of you this week!
  • Good morning all,

    Welcome Bonnie - You are off to a good start, losing 10lbs. for May. Keep up the good work!

    Hi Crimzon - I think I was on a break putting on a bunch of weight when you were on here before Things are going much better for me now
    Good job on the 5 lb. loss!

    Julystar - Maybe no loss, but no gain either... it sounds like maybe you have had one of those "AHA" moments that get us moving in the right direction - I am pulling for you.

    I am finding it easier to make the good choices as the weight comes off. I have been wondering if maybe willpower is not so much a factor as habits.
    I think that bad food choices is a habit that needs breaking, and good food choices is a habit that needs making.
    I quit smoking 18 months ago, and am finding a lot of similarities between that situation and this weight loss journey. Both are a change of lifestyle and involve a change of focus. Just thinking....

    Hope everyone has a good week,
  • Back home again. Had a nice Memorial Day vacation. Did a lot of camping and dieting. Checked the scale when I got back and was surprised to see I went down a pound during this period. Still have a few days off, but wanted to see how you all were doing.....

    Wow Renee!!! You went down 3 lbs while I have been gone. Yipppee, that is a mover. Great job lady with those choices and staying busy. That's fantastic!!!!

    Jude-looks like your staying focused and getting those scale numbers to drop (~7lbs). Plus I see you have been great at keeping the motivation going for this group. Keep it up. Your doing terrific!!!

    AAD-still losing weight steadily. Great job!!!

    Andi-sounds like had a nice Memorial Day weekend too. Don't be too hard on yourself about the brat. You jumped back on the right routine and had a 2 lbs loss too. Good work. Keep that focus.

    Julystar-glad to see your still hanging in there. You can do it! Mind and desires will soon align but it takes discipline.

    Hey there Lizzie, it has been some time. Great job on your 5 lbs loss. Hope to hear from you again soon.

    Carol Sue-Glad to see your still around and staying focused.

    Welcome Hermit Girl, and Bonnie!!
  • Making Positive Changes To Your Life - Part 4
    The Stages of Change

    Getting to the top of the change curve is worth it, and so are you. You can do it!!!!!!

  • My shoulder has been hurting and yesterday I saw the orthopedic surgeon. Thankfully he doesn't believe I have a rotator cuff tear but rather tendonitis and bursitis. Got a steroid shot and will have to do physical therapy for 6 weeks.

    What does this have to do with my food plan? I've had steroid shots before and I know they make me HUNGRY! Plus for now I must limit my physical activity and rest. Darn! Just when I thought I'd be able to really work at losing weight I now have these new obstacles...

    Just for today I've made a food plan and will stick to it. May not like it but that's my reality for the day.
  • Hi Corinna
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome backs - Renee, Jolly, Corinna.

    Corinna - your almost at goal

    iamlakeview - I hope your shoulder starts to feel better. I'm contemplating a visit to an ortho for mine as well. Everything seems to aggravate it and it's interfering with my pilates classes which I've already paid for. I injured it at the gym about 3 years ago and it's never been the same. Internet time is probably a culprit as well.

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Corinna - Welcome back and glad you had a nice little holiday. And yay for the lb. loss

    Bonnie: Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Hang in there and stay strong! It is tough enough to lose weight without having your activities limited, but try to remember to opt for healthy choices.

  • Hi Renee- I hope you had a nice Memorial Day weekend. How is June going for you? Getting ready for any Fair events? I bet the farm is keeping you busy. Is it a good year so far? How are those horses? I still think fondly of my childhood days when I had some. My horses would take me away for awhile from my problems.

    Hey Bonnie-I hope your shoulder heals quickly for you. You have a tough 6 weeks coming up. It will be rough, but you can do it. Stay focused. Just remember that this is a temporary situation, so you can conquer it. Stay strong.

    Lizzie-I look forward to the day I reach my goal and keep it. The closer I get, the harder it gets to lose it. Glad to see you are hanging in there, even with your shoulder difficulties.

    Jude-Thanks. You are doing terrific. 49lbs loss already, and 13 more pounds to reach your next step goal. Keep it up! You are right on track. Keep that enthusiasm going.
  • Hi Corinna, you sure are getting close to your goal weight...I hope you stay around to cheer the rest of us on when you reach it!
    I had a very nice Memorial Day. So far, June has been lovely. Garden is planted and we are starting to bale hay. No fairs until July, but I am showing horses every weekend. I am so blessed with my life!
  • Hi Renee-you do sound like you have a lovely life. My garden consists of a few tomato plants I picked up from a neighbor as they were tossing them out. They were weeding them out so only the good ones could grow. So far they are doing good. I have seen a few yellow flowers on them, so I haven't killed them yet. I look forward to seeing a tomato on them someday, but I am not getting my hopes up too high. Its getting colder at night here now, and it is getting down to the low 40s. I hope they don't freeze. I am not going to put too much effort in them, so if they survive, that's great. If not, then that's the way it is.

    I won't be officially weighing in today, since I did it earlier this week. However, the numbers are remaining constant since then, so that is a good sign.
  • Hi everyone,

    Corinna - I tried to find a rolling on the floor laughing icon but couldn't - yesterday we managed to WARM UP to the low 40s, and they were calling for a chance of snow. Luckily we didn't get any, but it was freezing cold yesterday, even for us way up north.

    Renee - I am so envious of you living on a farm. I have family with a working farm and I just loved going to stay with them when I was younger - always something to keep you busy!!

    Here's to good numbers tomorrow,