Weigh in at home 3/11 - 3/18

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  • Just starting the thread - be right back after I catch up
  • Liza - Sorry to hear about the gain but it will be gone this week, I'm sure and that fact that your clothes are feeling good is more important in my book than the number on the scale. The fact that when you go "off" it's less than what it used to be is a really important lifestyle change! I'm sure lifetimers go "off" sometimes too - the key is to go right back on program and you're doing that.

    Holly - congratulations on meeting your challenge head on! Thankfully, I don't know anyone who selss GS cookies so there aren't any in my house. I have a ton of tapes - it's hard to recommend just a couple. Are you looking for aerobics, strength or yoga? Are you a beginner, intermediate? Do you like dancy or athletic kind of stuff? Let me know and I'll be happy to come up with some recommendations. You could also check out videofitness.com. I check in there all the time - they have reviews of tapes and a forum of great people.

    I did OK all things considered - I gained 0.2 pounds but seeing as I had TOM, I figure the small gain is based on that since I basically salvaged the week by the end of the week. I did OK over the weekend but took a couple of rest days from exercise (I did a lot of impact stuff last week) and went over my points by 3. I'm sure I'll make that up with exercise today.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend - Happy Motivated Monday,
  • Good Morning Group! I don't have a weight to report yet as I weigh in Tues eve. I did stay OP - though I indulged in too many BLT's (bites, licks and tastes). I should never have started doing that because it just made me crave the stuff that I have been avoiding (a bite of my son's ice cream as I serve it, brownie batter, a chicken nugget, etc...) On Sat I counted 1 pt for the BLT's, but didn't count anything on Sun. I did choose to have an egg beater omelet for dinner Sun instead of the high pt dinner DH and DS were eating, and that allowed me to still have my snacks in the eve. Only one day of exercise, and barely getting the water in. 2 areas I need to work on.
    I feel a bit like I'm reaching that hump where it would be *very* easy to chuck it all in for a giant bowl of ice cream :-Z. I think I had better make an effort this week to have satisfying meals, and not just my easy, low pt standbys.

    Judy - .2 is definately water weight from TOM -- and possibly new muscle! I envy your dedication to exercise. IN the long run, that will be a big key to your success :-). As for work out tapes, my favorite workouts are step, with interesting step moves to keep me challenged. I"m prob. considered an intermediate. I'd like to try yoga (beginner), but I don't want to do any long workouts. I'll check out the videofitness website - thanks for the tip :-)
  • Hi everyone.

    I was off on Friday. I spent the day with Ana as it was her "gotcha" day (the anniversary of the day her adoption was final). I think I'm all caught up with the posts from last week, though.

    Jan - That sausage sandwich you had last week sounded yummy. Did you buy the salami? Good for you for throwing away that cookie last week!

    Holly - I sometimes long to move out into the country. It would work for my husband, but for me the commute would be too long. We do live in a small town and are a couple of minutes from countryside. And I can walk into town to do my errands, so I guess it's a good compromise. Those BTLs can get me too. I hate when I spend a couple of points on them and then think of all the great snacks I could have had for those 2 ponts. I know what you mean about hitting that hump where it would be easy to just chuck the whole thing. Hang in there - you'll be over that hump soon. I too have a box of those Girl Scout Peanut Butter patties in my freezer. Is it just my imagination, or have they gotten smaller?

    Judy - It sounded like you were getting sick last week. Hope that never happened. I agree, even those days where I fall off the program, it's never as bad as before I started WW. I'm sure that 0.2 gain is only TOM and you should see a nice decrease at the scales next week.

    Liza - Sorry to hear about the gain, but I'm sure you'll be back in losing mode this week. Better fitting clothes is a sure sign of progress!

    Well - I had a good week. Was within points 6 out of 7 days (and the day that I was not with points wasn't that bad), drank my water, got some exercise in and was rewarded with..... a maintain. I'm a bit bummed about it, but it is the start of PMS week and my rings were tight this morning, so I'm guessing it's water. At any rate, I'm not going to let it deter me. And I started this morning by ignoring the boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts that one of my co-workers brought in (still a rare treat since they only have a few locations here). This weeks goal: get in even more exercise than last week and, of course, stay OP!

    Talk to you all later.

  • Holly – Good for you for having the egg beater omelette. I agree with your strategy of having some satisfying meals this week. No way will we let you chuck it! If you like step (my favorite) with interesting moves to keep you challenged, I suggest you check out two instructors: Christi Taylor does fabulous step (and hi/lo) with very dancy moves – tons of fun. Her newest step tape is Step Heaven but it’s one of her more challenging choreography tapes (it also has fantastic music) so maybe a good one to look into is Stepping Zone. I would say Christi is advanced choreography and intermediate intensity wise. My other favorite instructor is Cathe Friedrich. She is the queen of high intensity. There are a ton of her tapes that I love but I started with Step Heat and was hooked from there on in. These tapes are not usually sold retail. You can get them from Collage (www.collagevideo.com) or from the instructor’s sites: Cathe.com and taylordfitness.com. Definitely take a look at videofitness. You’ll find plenty of reviews on Cathe’s and Christi’s tapes.

    Carla – Happy (belated) anniversary to you, your husband and Ana! Wow – time sure flies! Now don’t let that maintain discourage you (although I’ve been there and felt exactly the same) – you KNOW it’s water if your rings are tight. Ignoring boxes of Krispy Kreme donuts? Way to go girl! That’s the spirit – I hope you gave yourself a HUGE pat on the back for that one because you surely deserve it! Hey, those hormones make the journey difficult but I know you’ll see a loss next week. How is your ankle feeling? Yes, I was feeling like I was getting sick last week and my glands are still swollen but I’ve fought it off so far.
  • Judy - I'm glad to hear that your fending off whatever bug is threatening to get you. My ankle is still weak and feels "tight". It doesn't really hurt unless I'm on it too long, and then I put on the brace and I'm ok. I'm going to give it another week or so and then I think I'll have it looked at again. Yes, I've been feeling very virtuous about not giving into the Krispy Kremes even though my favorite, the cream filled, are still hanging around. I just ate a Luna Bar, so I've satisfied my sweet cravings. Thanks for the anniversary wishes. I can't believe 2 years has gone by already. I still vividly remember being in Bolivia. I think on the 12th we were still wondering when we'd get to go home.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • You guys are great support :-) I'm in a very tired, bummed (for no apparent reason) mood, and hearing you guys telling me to stick it out helped immensely. We are having a pot luck at work tomorrow, and I've decided not to participate. It is just asking for trouble, and I don't want to jeopardize all that I am working for. (Ok, I'm a chicken, and don't trust myself in a room of desserts and high fat pot luck dishes!)

    Cece - I'm glad you are taking the maintain in stride. IT is one thing to maintain after not being OP, but to really put forth effort and maintain is a hard blow. You can bank on the fact that it is water, and I bet next week you will see a really big loss. Isn't it a great feeling to make a decision that you aren't going to indulge?! I love that feeling! Congrats on the anniversary with your little girl!

    Judy -- I was thinking about the step heaven tape, but a little concerned that it might kick my butt! Do you need a lot of room to do her step moves?
  • Carla - I remember when you were in Bolivia too and can't believe it's two years ago. I think you have a good plan as far as your ankle. Never having had a bad sprain, I don't know what the recovery period is like. Way to go for having a Luna bar instead!

    Holly - I think that you need to do whatever makes you feel comfortable in order to stick with the program and if that means not going to the pot luck than that's just fine. For the last couple of years, I've avoided the "ethnic" lunch we've had here - you bring in something from your ethnic background. I went the first few years and found that it wasn't worth it. I'm glad that we could help - heaven knows I've gotten an immeasurable amount of support here. As for the Step Heaven tape - I wouldn't say that you need a lot of room - at least no more room than most step tapes. Are you the type to be easily frustrated when learning a tape? If so, then Stepping Zone might be a better introduction to Christi's style. I'm not trying to discourage you - Step Heaven is one of my favorite tapes. Just know that the second section takes a few tries to nail down.

    I had a good day yesterday - earned enough exercising to wipe out my small deficit and leave me with 3 points in the bank. I want to save up some because I'm meeting a number of my videofitness buddies at a fitness convention in the city on Saturday and we're planning on going out for lunch. I will have to weigh in Thursday night since I have to leave too early on Saturday to make my normal meeting.

    Have a great Think Thin Tuesday
  • Hi everyone.

    Holly - I'm glad we helped! That's what we're here for. If it wasn't for this group, I probably wouldn't have stuck this out for so long. Your motivation over the past couple of weeks helped rev me up. I agree witih Judy, you have to do what feels right to you in order to stick with the program, so if skipping the potluck is what you need to do this time, then by all means skip it.

    Judy - I've sprained this ankle before, but it wasn't as bad last time. Amazingly enough - there were still Krispy Kremes around this morning and my favorites too. But at this point if a fresh Krispy Kreme couldn't tempt me, a stale one isn't.

    I had a great day yesterday. Ended up eating at my minimum and actually had to "force" myself to eat a Skinny Cow ice cream sandwich to get there. I had a filling sandwich from Subway for dinner. It's really nice to feel full after a meal of normal portions. I did my 30 minutes on the bike this morning and felt the "exercise high" afterwards, so now I'm pumped to continue on with that. Maybe I really am back in the swing of things now.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Carla - I had to laugh about the stale Krispy Kremes! There was a time, not so long ago when I would have eaten a stale donut without a thought! It sounds like you are doing great - having to force yourself to get to your minimum is not a problem I ever have! I almost had a skinny cow last night but tried a new 2 point snack that someone at my meeting suggested. If you like Starbucks they have a wonderful 2 point pop called a frappacino (sp?) It's almost full size and so rich and creamy - it was very satisfying. Way to go on getting on that bike. It definitely sounds like you are back in the swing of things.
  • Judy - There was also a time for me, also not long ago, that I wouldn't let the fact that a donut was a day old stop me from eating it. And believe me, having to force myself to get to minimum is a very, very rare occurance for me. I've had frappachinos at Starbucks, but not in the bottles from the store. I'll have to give it a try.

  • Hi everybody. I can't believe how long its been since I've been here. I tried a couple of times when the site was down and haven't had time since. Either Sara or Darrell is on the computer or Sara is out with the car and I don't want to tie up the phone line.

    Judy - Good job erasing the deficit and banking some points.

    Carla - Congratulations on the anniversary. I wasn't posting then, but was lurking and do remember when you were in Bolivia. Way to go passing up the Krispy Kremes. How is the Self Challenge going? I'm sorry to say I never did get on track. I walked a few days last week and did one day of the toning, but wasn't feeling really well and couldn't seem to get going.

    Holly - Good idea to skip the pot luck. I usually end up eating too much at those things and don't really enjoy the food.

    I'm still having trouble getting back on track. I do well for a day or two and then slip back into the old habits. You would think that after maintaining my loss for a year I wouldn't be having so much trouble, but I guess it never gets easy. This week I am concentrating on getting in my water. Baby steps back on track.

    Talk to you later.
  • I've lost 1.8!! (the same as last week). The meeting was very helpful. They have been talking a lot this month about mixing up your pts with the right amt. of carbs and protein to fit your particular needs, and last night was the "eating style" discussion about doing the mini meals versus 3 meals per day. I think I have the quiz that we took if anyone is interested. I personally do much better with some protein at bfast, and peanut butter has been a big help there. I struggled a bit yesterday and realized that I had almost straight carbs and very little protein/fat through my work day.

    I did skip the pot luck and felt good about the decision program-wise, but a little bummed to miss out on the social aspects. I think next time it my be worth making a low pt dish, and having just that (and whatever low pt food shows up that fits in to my pts schedule). Actually, there were 3 of us who decided not to partcipate because of our food plans, and one coworker (who is acutally understanding ;-) ) suggested next month's pot luck be only healthy/low fat. Another person -- not so understanding -- said in answer to my question about "how was the pot luck" ... "oh, good...what was *there*" Ooooo - jibe.

    I do need some advice: I can't get out of a work luncheon tomorrow because I'm on the board that is having the meeting/lunch. The lunch is baked mosticolli, garlic bread and salad. How do I count baked mosticolli? OR, do I skip the mosticolli, have a big salad and eat my sandwhich at desk later? I'm sure the mostic. will have some meat in it, and I have no idea how much cheese.

    Cece - I also was cracking up about the stale donut. There was a time when a coworker would bring in an actual garbage bag (clean) filled with excess popcorn from the show (his daughter worked there), and I would munch this fattening, stale popcorn all day! I also would have inhaled any baked goods left in the kitchen - no matter how stale! Good for you getting on that exercise bike! Doesn't it feel great after exercise? The trick is getting started.

    Judy - I love those frappacino ice cream bars! I quit buying them, though, because I couldn't eat just one :-). Now that I'm a lot more in control, I may try again. Thanks for the exercise tape advice. I am going to continue checking around on collage.com. Very cool site. I love that you can see a video clip before buying. My prob with doing tapes is that I really need to get up at 5:30 or wait until after 9 P.M. to fit them in. Still working on the schedule thing. When we get a new TV, I am going to set up the 13" with VCR just for my exercise tapes (no more competing with the playstation!)

    Pepper - long time no see! Sorry to hear you have been struggling. How far from goal are you now?

    Time to get in the shower - have a great day guys!

  • Hi everyone.

    Pat - Good to "see" you. I missed you. I'm sorry to hear you weren't feeling well - hope you're better now. The Self Challenge is going ok. I met the nutrition and cardio goals for last week, but didn't get in any stretching or weight work. But I figure getting back to the cardio was a good start and I do plan on doing the stretching and weight work this week. I'm sorry to hear your struggling and I agree that baby steps is a good way to work yourself back OP. I think that no matter how long we do this program and how much it becomes a lifestyle, there are still going to be times we struggle. It's just that now we're better prepared to deal with the struggle and are able to re-bound from it without causing too much damage. Hang in there - you've come so far.

    Holly - Congrats on another terrific loss. I too do much better when I have some protein with my meals. I feel much fuller much longer and don't have the urge to snack all day. I know that when I indulge in a donut for breakfast I'm going to be fighting cravings all morning. By next month's potluck you'll feel much more sure of your ability to stick to the low-point food. As for the lunch today, I think you can't go wrong if you count it about the same as lasagna. I personally would count 10 points for a cup.

    I had a good day yesterday. So far the PMS monster has been benign. My craving yesterday was for some fresh salsa from the grocery store. So I had a low point dinner, bought some of my favorite tortilla chips (not any of the ususal snack brands, but made by a Mexican-American company - they're nice and heavy), measured out 2 servings and enjoyed my salsa. And still ended up with 4 points in the bank. This morning I had to get to work early, so I extended my walk to the train so it would last 20 minutes and made that my cardio exercise.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • Carla - The frappacino I was talking about was like an ice cream bar or pop, not a liquid. It was very, very yummy. I decided I needed to get something like ice cream that was already divided into servings because I had a portion problem with my Healthy Choice ice cream last week.

    Pat - It's good to hear from you! I'm sorry to hear that you are still having some problems - I hate to say it, but I don't think it's ever going to get easier for me. I think I have to try to accept that I will always have to be calculating points. If not, I wouldn't have gained back the 11 pounds I lost last year! Way to go on taking those baby steps. You'll get back there and we're hear to help you!

    Holly - Congratulations on losing the 1.8 pounds! I agree - that quiz was interesting. When I took it, it seemed to imply that I would benefit from trying to do mini meals at least sometimes during the week. The only thing is that it's not the way Tony eats and I think it would be hard for me to sit with him at dinner with his usual portion and my mini portion! One thing that I did take away that's been helpful is the fact that it's a fallacy that if you are trying to lose weight you should eliminate snacking. It's the sum total that counts and if small snacks throughout the day keep you from bingeing or overeating, then they will actually help you lose weight. As for the lunch - what is mosticolli? Is it a pasta dish with meat? I'm glad you've found collage helpful - those clips are great. Let me know what you decide. I lot of people at videofitness either do their workouts very early in the morning or at night because that's the only way they can fit them in. There was even a thread recently on the forum about how some people fit their workouts in when there are so many things pulling them in different directions.

    I had an OK day yesterday. I forgot to bring a snack with me for the train ride home and ended up eating a bag of pretzels that was 4 points! I did a tough 30 minutes of aerobics and 30 minutes of leg & abs work so I earned enough points so that even though I ended up going over my max by 5 points once the day was done, I still have 2.5 points left in the activity bank. I'm not sure what I'm going to do about my meeting this week. I'll be going into the city too early on Sat to make my meeting - there are some meetings tomorrow in the late afternoon and early evening which I'll try to get to depending on how work goes. I have to admit that I'm a little wary of weighing in then because I always weigh-in in the morning before I've had breakfast! I'll see how it goes.

    Have a great Water Logged Wednesday,