~~February Golden Girls~~

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  • Just got home from the gym...didn't do much today...just walked/jogged 1/2+ mile, and did arm bike 6 min, and 2 weight machines. My neck and head are still hurting me, at times not as bad but other times worse and I got very little sleep last night. The dermatologist office called and scheduled me for tomorrow. My scalp and ears still itch although not quite as bad as they did mostly. The Fall Fight shampoo seems to ease it some.

    This morning for breakfast I had a flax muffin ...read the nutrition and thought I was doing well. Had eggs with gr peppers and a glass of milk with it. considered fruit but decided that would be too much carb. Afterwards when I went to put in MFP I realized the nutrition was based on 1/2 a muffin and I of course ate the whole thing! I thought it was pretty good for being so big, duh! So not off to the good start I had imagined. It was a good tasting breakfast though and I learned a lesson...ALWAYS look to see how much is a serving!

    Yesterdays stats:
    Cals 1442
    Carbs 173
    Fat 61H
    Sodium 2239
    Fiber 26 (my goal is at least 30)

    Going to try and get a little nap..perhaps I'll get back later for more..
  • Oh boy, just finished a 3 hour session getting ok from reg doctor. I am so ready to start yelling....Ear Plugs in Chicks...



  • Hi everyone sorry ive been mia ..I had to make a visit to the er sunday nite.. terrible stomach pain and then a popping slithering feeling when I pressed on the spot.. it has happened a few time the last week and was going to make an apt with reg dr. but sunday it happned to many times and scared me..dr thought it was a hernia and set up cat scan for me yesterday and saw a surgeon today.. every thing appeared normal,,lots of scar tissue put no hernia.. they said maybe a twisted bowl.. so its a wait and see.. they could do an exploratory surg but he recommended a wait and see.. so im relaxing at home and not doing the movements that bring it on. im tired and sore from being poked and prodded and moved in weird positions and drinking this awful fluid(for cat scan) that gave me the direrear.. and ivs in my arms.. ugh glad to be reclined with a dog on my lap.. one puppy pepper went to the vet this am to be spayed, we got 100$ off coupons from a organization that helps folks get their pets spayed.. next month Tootsie turn..the coupons sure help as its 188$ a dog and another 27 for the rabies shot.. hoping you all are well and healthy.. am so glad I had insurance.. remember the trouble I was having getting coverage till I can get medicare in may.someone up high was watching out for me for all rosey
  • Karen fl I literally laughed out loud. I heard you loud and clear. You're such an awesome friend. Good luck with your surgery.
  • Bobbi ~ I saw another thing for using old jeans/denim.


    Looks like there were some more cool ideas there
  • good morning my fellow golden girls! I exercised yesterday for the 2nd time in maybe 3 years. It felt good so I am going to count that as a nsv. b/c if I relied on that darn scale for positive affirmations well you fill in the blanks... love to all off to work, yes I landed a job!
  • Hello from Tennessee
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I have returned! I gained some weight over the past few months...and decided that January 2014 was time to turn it around. I've lost about 20 pound since then...still up 10 pounds from the last time I was here, but so much better than I was.

    Since it's been a while, and I'm sure there are new friends here, a bit about myself. I am Donna, from Tennessee. Love the area we live in. Married to Michael for 25 years. We have 2 children. Janeen is 24, and making some bad choices right now. Praying for her is a constant. My son, Jonathan is 13 diagnosed with autism and several other auto immune disorders including Type 1 Diabetes and Alopecia.

    I will be flying to Florida in a few weeks for a Ladies retreat called BETA. A group of women who have children with significant disabilities. Can't believe I'm actually going to be gone for a week. Hope my guys make it! Lord knows, I need the break more than words can say.

    Nice to be back.

    You can call me TN Donna.
  • I spent a few minutes catching up with everyone's lives and progress and now have to say -- I am back as well! I spent several weeks feeling sorry for myself, because it looks like I will NOT be able to retire June 30th as I had hoped, but I've somewhat come to terms with that dose of reality and am just glad to have a job I can do in my 60's -- please God, let me be retired by my 70's! Now I have to face facts -- my binging, my lack of exercise, the horrible eating I inflict on my poor body just makes me hate my life (and certain other people who do NOT work, as in DH) that much more. And makes it that much more difficult to get up in the morning. And makes my horrible sleep patterns to be even worse. So -- here I am -- ready to surrender ONCE AGAIN to trying to eat better, feel better, enjoy life again. Thanks for reading this -- bet you wish I would start a blog in which I could pour out my heart, rather than inflicting on you chicks, huh?
  • Good morning GG's,

    Glad to see you back TN Donna.

    OK Lizzy ~ pour away that is what we are here for ~ to help each other.
    Sorry for the disappointment of not yet being able to retire.

    Hello everyone else.

    I have to share a smile from yesterday. My granddaughter Maddie (6 yrs old) was trying to "fix" me up. She thinks that if she fixes me up, I will be younger. Anyway ~ she painted my nails, then wanted to put some lip gloss on me ~ she wanted me to pucker up "like you are gonna kiss someone". For the life of me I could not do that without cracking up every time. We had several minutes ~ the both of us ~ just laughing like crazy at this ~ the faces the puckering produced and then the inevitable cracking up. It was a great dose of laughter (the best medicine).

    Hope you all are having a good day
  • Hi gg's. Welcome back tn Donna. I often wondered how you and your son were doing.
    Lizzy women back. I'm thankful for my job too. When I'm grumpy about my job dh reminds me that we are thankful to have one.

    Gayle lil maddie is a precious lil girl. It's obvious she's the star in your eyes.

    Lucinda I'm allergic to exercise too.

    Hi to all
  • Well, good to see so many here this morning! Welcome back to the ones that have been here before--- TNDonna, I do remember you and wondered about how you were doing...

    We have an appt. for Tim's blood work tomorrow at 9:00am and then an appt. to see the Dr. at 10:15 afterwards.. Sure hope we can get some answers and I hope Littlerock has sent the results of the ERCP that they did to his Dr. We only have to go to Mount Vernon tomorrow which is only about a 45 minute drive-- so it isn't another 300 mile trip there and 300 miles back!

    I saw my Dr. yesterday and he said I'm healthy as a horse!! YAY!! All my counts were fine and my LDL was just "3" points above the normal! Can't complain! I go back again in 6 months and if everything is still good he will switch me to yearly visits!! Sounds good 'cause I have a feeling I'm going to get real tired of Dr.s and hospitals withal that is going to be happening with Tim. Just want his Dr. to get started and get him to feeling better.

    OK, need to get busy and get stuff done. I slept in this morning and haven't done much!

    Hello to everyone and I'll try to get back later.
  • Welcome to our new gals!
  • I am posting this to test my weight tracker
  • Hello everyone! I got a good sleep last night, such a blessing! My neck and head pain has been sporadic so far today so at least I got some breaks. I went to to the dermatologist about my scalp and ears. He said my scalp had no rash, just a little pink, so he can't tell what it is, so he's treating it in general...could be some type dandruff (without flakes), psoriasis or eczema. So he's having me shampoo daily with prescription Nizoral and Head and Shoulders. I HATE Head and Shoulders! Whenever I've tried it in the past, it has dried my hair out terribly! He did say I can still use my Fall Fight conditioner since it tends to calm my head. So hopefully that will help. He said to wash my ears with these shampoos too. Oh, and he gave me a prescription for a cortisone type cream to put on my scalp until I get relief too. It's actually much better...I wonder if I'd just use the Fall Fight shampoo on a daily basis if it would work and I could skip all this other stuff. Well I bought it so guess I'll try it. Then I go back to him in two months.

    I did really well yesterday on my eating until eve ...but I ruined it all in the evening. So far today I'm OP. Even though I overate last night, I did it with lighter calorie foods...just ate too much.

    Karen31 - Glad your doctor visit went so well!

    Karen3 - I hear ya, I hear ya.....

    OkLizzy - I hope you can retire soon Lizzy. I'm almost 71 and I know it would be VERY difficult for me to work so I feel for you. Welcome back!

    Change4life - Welcome back! I hope you enjoy your time away and get lots of rest.

    Lucinda - Sounds like you are happy about having a job, so I'm happy for you!

    Rosey - I hope you are ok, take care of yourself and go to the doctor again with any concerns. I thank God you have insurance. You have been through so much.
  • So nice to see old friends come back and new ones too!
    Donna11, is that alright to call you since we have two other Donna's? TN Donna and Donna with the pretty white kitty (also ahead of the posse)

    Liana ...DH's always lose weight faster than we do. If they had to carry babies in their tummies like we did, maybe they'd have a harder time getting rid of tummy fat. About his non-bulk eating, tell him that will slow him way down. You both should get your fiber up to at least 30 grams per day to lose weight really fast.

    Donna...you skipped the oil in the cupcakes? Did you use applesauce instead?I saw that marble trick to make heart shaped cupcakes, niffty. Good girl for giving all but 2 away

    Lucinda...what kind of dog are you holding? And Welcome! Some of us post our menu's here to keep us on track, plus it's nice to see what others are eating.

    Welcome GiaRose and Lizzy

    Gylnne...I love the rugs you can make with the denim, might try one later this year. Right now I have two different quilts in the making at once. I'm not finding much time to work on them either. Too busy.

    Rosey...you are a doll, so glad you mentioned getting financial help in spray/neuter dogs. Our little guy will need neutering in a few months and I was dreading that vet bill. I googled help in Minnesota and filled out a form online. Crossing my fingers

    K3, everything packed? Is Dash sitting on your suitcase so you can't leave without him? We had a little poodle years ago that did that to us when we packed up for vacations and she didn't get to go with.

    Mary...have you tried an air popper or popping popcorn in a brown lunch bag in the microwave? Both work great and no oil needed.

    Now I gotta go beat someone at scrabble online.