300+ and Ready To Try Again... #366

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  • WELCOME !!!

    We want to invite everyone to join us in our journey.
    We share laughter and tears.
    We share what works for us and what doesn't.
    We recently started a Topic of the Day.

    Monday........Motivation Monday
    Tuesday.......Tuesday Tips
    Wednesday.....Wednesday Weigh ins
    Thursday......Thankful Thursday
    Friday........Friday Facials, Fingernails and Fun
    Saturday.......Sit-up Saturdays - any physical activity
    Sunday.........Soup and Salad Sunday - recipes

    These are not required topics ...just ideas to share. We have found them very helpful. We also share heartaches and fears...joys and celebrations.

    We chat at 8:30 PM EST, 7:30 PM CST on Wednesday and Saturday.

    Please feel free to jump right in with us.
    And be sure to check if there is a second page. We don't want anyone to miss any posts.

  • Howdy ladies... saw we were reaching 30 posts so I started a new thread... now I am going back to read. I'll be back !!!

    I am back... that was fast. Only a pull up and a recipe since I was here last. Where is everyone?? Oh, maybe you were all in chat.
    well... no posts... then no replys.
    I did not get to bed last night until 8am this morning and then I was up and going before noon.. so I am getting off and getting myself to bed at a decent time tonight. At least before midnight. LOL
  • Bringing us to the Top
    Hi Ladies. I have had another OP day. I did WATP 1 mile this afternoon. I think maybe tomorrow I'll try 2 mile. I'll have to wait and see. I'm feeling so much better. I had allergies yesterday so I wasn't as energetic today as I had hoped, but "after all tomorrow is another day." Hope everyone is doing well. I too am wondering where everyone is, hope you are all staying busy and OP. Talk to you soon.
  • Well, we sure do go in spurts, don't we? Some days we're just cruising along, and other days...crawling along at a snail's pace.

    I haven't got much to say myself, but I did want to say "Welcome back, Duckie!" Good to see a post from you! I hope things work out for you with the new position. Uh, could you take a look around Canada and see if you can dig Sara up out of hiding too???

    Today has been totally unproductive. With my son gone for the week, I thought that I would be able to get so much done around here without interruption. I guess I can't blame my procrastination on him after all!

    At least the weather has improved. The heat wave has broken, I turned off the air, threw open the windows and I'm enjoying a lovely cool breeze blowing in...nice. Tomorrow I plan on attacking the family room (his domain) and doing some MAJOR de-cluttering! No excuses.

    I'm going back to Harry Potter now...

    See you all in the morning!
  • Hey everyone

    You know, lack of sleep is the total enemy of a good health plan. I seem to be able to talk myself into the worst of food choices and right out of exercising. I need to finish breaking myself out of this funk I've been in and get some real sleep at night. Everything else should be a bit easier that way.

    My job is winding down quickly. The guys are already coming up with busy work so I can at least finish out the week with full hours. I have been trying really hard to cope, but the stress is beginning to tell on my body. I've been reminding myself of all the things I will not miss about this job today, and that seemed to help a little.

    Some of you might remember I write an opinion column once every four weeks for our local paper. One was published today. It isn't my best, but I like the information in it. www.thespectrum.com is the address. Look under opinions and Writer's Group if you want to read.

    I did one good thing for myself today. I made sure to get out and do my Curves workout even though I was incredibly tired. I went after work, but I really need to get back to doing it first thing in the morning again. My attitude and energy are so much better all day with a morning workout.

    I'd better get out of here and try to get some sleep. I'm actually nodding off a bit here at the keyboard.

  • Andria.... you did a GREAT job on your article.
    You not only did an excellent job in your writing skills...
    You also informed thousands of people on the importance of becoming involved.

    I was recently offered the opportunity to submit my stories to be published in a new "Chicken Soup for the Dieters Soul" book.
    My daughter submited my story I wrote on my dilemma of whether to buy that ice cream or not several months back. I don't know if any of you remember it or not.??? The publisher liked the story but needed some "adjustments" such as not everyone has heard of "Braums".... Who hasn't heard of BRAUMS ??? Do they have Braums in Canada?? How about where the rest of you live??

    Anyway... I have not gotten it back to him. I am such a procrastinator... in fact ... I forgot all about it until I just read your story.
    If any of you have a true based story you want to share... just let me know.

    I obviously did NOT get to bed on time.
    This lack of sleep is catching up with me ... emotionally.
    I am on the verge of tears and I know it is from sleep deprivation.
    I am REALLY STRESSING about this new house. Do you think they can sue me if I back out. ???? I feel like a yet unmarried groom... LOL .... having all of these last minute doubts. I just don't know if this is the right house. WE knew there was a lot of remodeling to do.... but now that I am here... I don't think I want all of that work or expense. Has anyone else ever PANICED like I am at the last minute when buying a house.????
    I think we will be happy there.. but nothing seems to be going right for us. It will be a minimum of 2 months before it will be the way I want it... and no one will wait that long to come and see it. I don't want people to see it before I get it the way I want it. And the way I want it.... is going to cost us MUCH MORE than I anticipated. I REALLY fear I have goofed !!!!

    I know I need to quit focusing on the negative and start focusing on the positive... but the negative is just so overwhelming !!!
    I feel like just a BIG BABY !!!! Not cute at all.
  • Good Morning Ladies!
    Not much time to post now, but I did want to say:

    Duckie - It's great to see you popping back in here!

    2Cute - Sorry, I have never heard of "Braums".

    Well, must get myself prettied up and go to work - I HAVE to be productive today. I feel myself getting behind and I don't like that!

    I'll catch up sometime later today!

  • Good Thursday morning Ladies
    Hello To All,

    My mini vacation is over, I have been off for the last two days and have been visiting with my family: mom, sister and neices. I have rested well, eaten well, exercised, had wonderful showers (I live in an old house that is in need of some serious remodeling, including new pipes )SO... it is back to work today.....but I don't mind so much since I feel so refreshed.

    Today will be day three of the WATP tapes, hope to make it to the half way point without having to stop, I am proud of my efforts thus far however.

    I love this time of the morning when all is quite, and I am the only one up, it gives me the opportunity to meditate a bit, and face my day energized!! That is the plan anyway.

    Dixie Darlin'..thanks for the PM's, I will try to reply soon. Sorry I missed the chat last night, I will maybe catch the next one. I was sharing computer time with two other folks...how did we ever get along without them??

    Faye, Natalie, Amanda, Sandy, all of you stay strong today. We are all so worth this!! I haven't felt this good about myself for a very long time, and when I visit this forum, and talk with all of you I feel even better...nurtured and cared for. I appreciate the support and the encouragement.

    Joe Anne, Andria, and all the rest of you, look forward to getting to know you too.

    I will catch you later chickadee's!

    sw 356
    cw 346 Will not weigh in till 7/24
    first goal: lose 50 lbs...I am on my way!
    final goal: 130ish
  • Someone please smack me! I cannot keep my feet off the stupid scale. It is ruling my life. I weighed today (for no reason what-so-ever) and it showed I was back at last Friday's weight. I know, it could be a lot of things. I had a mental battle with myself the entire way to work this morning. Going over and over how many calories I'm eating and burning. I just can't stand it. Why do I become so obsessed with weight loss? I know this is the reason why I've failed to lose in the past, and I see myself going down the same road. I'm annoying myself!

    I feel better now that I've vented a little bit. Phew.

    I'm going to stick to my guns and try to remember the main reason I am making this change is to become a healthy person.

    Good thing, at least it's been 14 days since my last cigarette.
    Good Morning Friends
    I didn't get to go on my walk today but I will this evening. But this is why, remember my trip I went on to Mississippi? Well today the Native youth group is hosting a breakfast for the local Tribal Council, to thank them for sponsoring their trip. I got selected to do the cooking, which isn't too bad because the group bought the food.
    Anyway here is a link to my daughters photo page about our trip and her report of it.

    That's about it for me, at least for this morning, so I'll be seeing you all lighter.
  • I've never heard of Braums.
  • Did I miss something? Who's Faye?
  • Hello again

    The walking went well. I made it all the way to the end of the tape, the one mile mark...with only a 30 second break to get some water and sit to catch my breath.

    Sorry Katrina, Faye is on the Time for serious fun thread. Still learning everyone's name.

    Have a good day all

    sw 356 June 5th
    June 24 348.8
    July 8th 346
    first goal 50 lbs I'm heading that way!!
    final goal: 130ish

    Natalie, just a tip I am TRYING to only weigh in one time per month. The weight loss is more that way! To me it motivates me on to the next time!! You can do it. There are other ways to measure your success to, your ability to do more, breathe better and easier, your skin will change, drink all of your water! And the best part, my overall mental heatlh is so much better ALREADY! With each healthy choice I make for myself I just feel better and better. Give yourself a break!!! You deserve it. We are our own worst critics, and find ways to self sabotage, and because we have done it so long, sometimes it is not even a conscious decision. I KNOW! Okay, I will get off my little soap box..have a good day.
  • Thankful Thursday...
    I am SO thankful for the heavenly 64 degrees it is right now!

    That was a great article, Andria...it WAS the one about Bush, wasn't it? I was looking for your name, so I wasn't sure! I know what you mean about talking yourself out of doing what you should be doing! I do that real well...God for you on getting out to Curves!

    Speaking of Curves...Thin??? Where are you woman? At Curves, as we speak? "Change your station, NOW!"

    Joanne, I loved the pictures and your daughter's report...I know you are a proud mama! (It certainly shows in your picture!) Your daughter is lovely!

    Natalie...if you MUST get on the scale everyday, go ahead...just pick one day of the week that is the official day. I have come to find that once I give myself permission to do "what I shouldn't be doing," it takes the thrill out of it and I can move on without beating myself up over what i "shouldn't have" done! Did that make sense? Congrats on kicking the cigs!

    Pam...You SHOULD be proud of your efforts! I'm proud of you too! Keep up the good work! You were posting as I typed this...great job on getting through the whole tape! You are on a roll!

    2cute...Is Braums like Haagen Daz? Ben & Jerry's? Baskin Robbins? Dairy Queen? Carvel? Breyers? Turkey Hill? Friendly's? I LOVE ICE CREAM! and yet I've never heard of Braums... Is there one near the new home??? Re: your dilemma...If I may, I'd like to quote my friend, Flylady..."Let go of your perfectionism!" Two months isn't a long time to get your house the way you want it...heck, we've been here 12 years and it STILL isn't the way I want it! Make a list of the pros and the cons...(maybe you should have done this first!) Okay forget that idea. Make a list of what you LOVE about it and focus on that. I know that any place where you are will be a warm and loving home!

    Barb, did I tell you how nice your dining room looks? Really pretty. All your hard work paid off! We will have to hook up in AC one day! How far from your home is that? It's about 2 hours from here...that would be fun! Michelle??? Are you up for a walk on the Boardwalk too???

    Amanda...another WATP lady! I really have to check these out! Everyone seems to really like them. I had a set in my hand one day at Target and then cheaped out. Not that there aren't a slew of other tapes here that I could be using! I think today I will use "Power 90" by Beach Body. Now, if I had been using it for that last 90 days, as I should have been, I'd be sporting six pack abs and buns of steel for my vacation at the beach next week!

    I think that's everyone on this thread...plus I'm over the time limit I had set for myself...WAY over! Gotta go be productive...the family room is calling...
    yoo hoooooooooo!

    have a great day, all...
  • You KNOW it's been a good week when:

    1. Your rent rebate check comes in the mail.

    2. You lose an inch off your hips (of all places!) and didn't even expect it

    3. Not only do your cat brats let you sleep in for a change, the house is actually INTACT when you do get up!

    4. You get a call from db that his parents want to meet you (I don't know if that is good or not, though).

    5. Today is a balmy 72 degrees and I was able to both weed the flower garden and get in a walk. Tigger has not dragged back any dead birds....YET.

    That is pretty much my Thankful Thursday in a nutshell