~~January Golden Girls~~

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  • Hi Robin, It sure had been nice to see that sun hasn't it? We should have another 6 or 7 days before we get hit with winter again.

    I can't speak for everyone here but I like to weigh everyday, first thing in the morning, right after I pee and before I have any water, and naked!! But I only count one weigh in a week, and that is on Friday. That gives me a weekend if I want to go off plan somewhat, and usually do since my family almost always gets together for lunch after church on Sundays. Haven't this whole month of December though, we were out of town the first two Sundays and then the weather turned bad, so looking forward to it tomorrow. I know what you mean about being hungry after having breakfast-- I was like that too. But I have found that I can use slimfast powder, I use royal chocolate and French vanilla, and blend with fat free milk. In the chocolate I sometimes blend in a banana and in the French vanilla I like to put in strawberries and blueberries. And that is what I have for breakfast and lunch almost all the time. One shake each... and I love my Magic Bullet but if and when it dies I will replace it with the nutribullet. Just because it is a little more powerful. For supper I let myself have whatever, I just try to be smart about it. And I'm not always!! But it seems the simplest for me and I like simple.

    Mary, I have an iphone 4S and I just plug it in every night and I don't usually have any trouble with it staying charged--Unless I play a lot on it or use it a lot in the car but I have a car charger for it too. Almost always when I plug it in at night I still have at least 40% left. My brother got one of the charger covers for his. I just couldn't justify spending that money.

    Gayle, you doing OK there? I heard about some tremors down there. Anywhere near you? Check in when you can. How was your Mom doing tonight?

    Donna, Enjoy your weekend with your Samson! I know he is probably as happy as you are when you are home... Love those snuggles!!

    Bobbi, is your weather warming up? I don't know about anybody else but I wouldn't mind a bit to have summer now!!

    Well, think I have gabbed about enough for one night. Everyone have a good night and a Happy Sunday!!
  • Happy weekend everyone..Today was a better day. I don't hold grudges and bounce back fast. decided I needed a get busy fun project so started working on my quilted wall hangings again.of course it ment another trip to wall mart as I was out of quilting thread. Im blanket stitching aound all the appliques in black so they stand out better when put up. I went into e-bay and found a brand new McKenna Ryan pattern called sushi bar. I have wanted to do one of the wall hanging of the brown bears going after salmon and this pattern has what I was looking for. if you all remember this project,its 4 quilted wall hanging all alaskan themed. fun for me.. ill try and post a picure of the moose one im working on. hoping your weekend included something fun! rosey


    1 slice toast daves power bread
    homemade apple jelly
    mandarin orange

    coffee mocha smoothie

    1 c spaghetti with meat sauce
  • Hi Everyone,

    Planning to have salad at Panera’s for lunch so will get my veggies in. Will have yogurt & fruit for snack tonight.

    My friend & I are going to movies – August – Osage County. Have heard mixed reviews. I am reading a Book Club book – The Lowland. Took me about 100 pages to get into it, but I am hooked now.

    Have a great day,


    Quote: I just had to share this recipe with you, really good. DH isn't a fan of cold slaw but he raved about it twice. Very simple ingredients, I left out the oil. One of the reviewers said it didn't need it and why add more calories. I cut the recipe in 1/2, that's why you see odd measurments. I put it in fitday, 1 oz = 14 calories. Another viewer said she only added half the miracle whip, let it sit for an hour, drain and add the other half. Apparently it gets a tad watery, I just made it 1 hour before we ate so it was still creamy. But all cole slaw recipes get watery after sitting overnight.
    Hi Bobbi,

    I have a turkey/peanut cole slaw recipe you might like –

    • 1/3 cup Splenda
    • 1/2 tsp salt
    • 1/8 tsp white pepper
    • 1/2 cup fat-free half-and-half
    • 1/2 cup mayonnaise
    • 1 1/2 Tbsp white vinegar
    • 2 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice
    • 16 oz Cabbage – slaw style
    • 6 oz turkey diced
    • 1 oz peanuts
    Combine Splenda, salt, pepper, half-and-half, mayonnaise, vinegar, and lemon juice in a large bowl and beat until smooth. Add cabbage, peanuts, and turkey and mix well. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2 hours before serving.

    Makes 4 Servings.

    Quote: Well into the 2 weeks of level one South Beach. Nothing is tempting me at all. But bored with selections. Not to mention cooking everything. Ahh that wasn't really fair. DH had a salad made, the soup heated and the hamburger ready for me to cook tonight when I walled in the house. He has come a long way from when his idea of helping was to not complain!
    Hi Karen,

    I remember South Beach as one of the diets I particularly liked. My chiropractor is encouraging me to try Molecular Fitness – supposed to be good for all my various ailments – diabetes, arthritis, cancer, heart, and ocular disease.

    Quote: breakfast
    1 slice toast daves power bread
    peanut butter


    1/2 hamburger
    few fries
    Hi Rosey,

    This looks like a REALLY few calories. How many are you supposed to eat?

    Quote: Nothing exciting going on this weekend, I finally found a couple of bras that fit me, had to go up a cup size? Probably because they are all made differently, some push you up, some maximize, underwires fit different than regular, etc.
    Hi Bobbi,

    I wear a Bali bra with no underwire. Actually, time for me to pick some up – mine are looking pretty sad.

    Quote: Lynn ~ glad you are getting some sleep. It is miserable not to be able to sleep.
    Hi Gayle,

    The good part is that I have cut back on pills & I am getting my 8 hours/night. The bad part is I cannot seem to cut out all the pills.

    Quote: Lynn, be careful with all the flooding that I'm sure is going to be happening. Keep us updated.
    Hi Karen,

    Only the road right along the river flooded. Started out this morning REALLY nice – but now it is gloomy again.

    Quote: Having trouble getting back on track with my diet. Very motivated in the morning but as day goes on, I lose it. As you know eves have always been the hardest for me. So I confess I am still five pounds up from my sig weight. If I confess it I have to deal with it, right?
    Hi Mary,

    I am having the same problem. Whenever I eat too many carbs, I quickly become re-addicted. My only strategy is to make LOTS of good/healthy food to have in my refrig. I plan a week of cooking next week.

    Quote: Still walking an hour a day and so far I've been sticking to my "life change" (no sweets, no snacking between meals) and have even skipped eating breakfast and supper several times this week just because nothing sounded good. Plus, I have to admit that when I eat breakfast I want to eat all day long. Is anyone else like that?

    People keep telling me I need to get on the scales regularly too. I hate the scales! I put down my starting weight from when I went to the doctor last, not what I weighed the day I started this, which is pretty close. I figure if I step on the scale and I don't see the difference I want then I'm apt to give up. Also I go mostly by how I feel not the number on the scales. Maybe I'm a chicken! How do ya'll do it?
    Hi Robin,

    About breakfast – it all depends what I eat. As long as I keep my carbs low and whole grain, I am OK. I have diabetes 2 & cannot skip meals. I eat about every 4 hours.

    About scale – I actually read some research that the number of times one weighs herself has no relationship to weight loss. Whatever makes you most comfortable. I used to weigh myself several times/day. Now, I weigh only after I know I have been eating wrong & use the weight gain to motivate me to get back to healthy eating.

    Quote: I know what you mean about being hungry after having breakfast-- I was like that too. But I have found that I can use slimfast powder, I use royal chocolate and French vanilla, and blend with fat free milk. In the chocolate I sometimes blend in a banana and in the French vanilla I like to put in strawberries and blueberries. And that is what I have for breakfast and lunch almost all the time. One shake each... and I love my Magic Bullet but if and when it dies I will replace it with the nutribullet. Just because it is a little more powerful. For supper I let myself have whatever, I just try to be smart about it. And I'm not always!! But it seems the simplest for me and I like simple.
    Hi Karen,

    My breakfast is almost always a vanilla Nugo protein bar. I eat it on my way to the gym & it keeps me satisfied for a good 4 hours.

    Quote: breakfast

    1 slice toast daves power bread
    homemade apple jelly
    mandarin orange

    coffee mocha smoothie

    1 c spaghetti with meat sauce
    Hi Rosey,

    This seems like so little food. Do you have energy eating so little?
  • Good morning GG’s,

    It is a nice sunny day here today. Yippee.

    Lynn ~ maybe even though you have not been able to cut out all the pills, it is enough that you have been able to cut down. Give your self time ~ maybe you can still cut back more ~ but have to do it gradually. Glad you are being able to sleep though ~ that is important.

    Rosey ~ looking forward to seeing pictures of your quilted wall hangings.

    K31 ~ I have been weighing everyday. I try to use the number to encourage me when it drops, and if it goes up, to keep tabs on myself, so I don’t let things get too far out of hand and harder to fix. It doesn’t always work that way, but I try. I hadn’t heard about any tremors ~ maybe it wasn’t in our area. Had a nice visit with mom ~ and another today.

    Robin ~ it sounds like you are doing a good job “sticking” to your plans. Keep up the good work. Don’t worry about the scale thing ~ do what ever works for you. Some people go more by how their clothes fit them.

    Mary~ did you have a nice day/evening with your grandchildren? Hope you and Joe didn’t get too tired out. I can identify with the evening struggles and eating. That is me too ~ I do pretty good all day long, then ~ I don’t know what it is about the evening ~ why I start craving stuff / get the munchies.

    Donna ~ how are you doing? You and Samson having a nice relaxing weekend ~ enjoying your shows?

    This morning, I tried that recipe by Meowee (in the recipe section) for protein pancakes. They were ok ~ nothing I would crave ~ just ok. I am thinking if I try them again, making them with greek yogurt instead of the cottage cheese. Might give them a smoother texture.

    Guess I’d better get off here and do something. I can waste a whole day on the computer without even trying.

    Hope you all are having a good weekend. Hello to anyone I missed.
  • Oh, DH came to share with me last night something he had seen on TV. He watches a show called Shark Tank. People come on with an invention and the judges or what ever you call them, are people who pick a winner and then provide financial backing to produce the product. The one DH was excited about was a thing called groove book. It is an app for your phone that allows you to take the pictures off your phone and upload (or what ever the word is) to this web site, and then they make you a little booklet (up to 100 pictures) with your pictures and mail it to you. It is a subscription type thing ~ like $2.50 a month. He knows his prices, and said that 100 pictures plus the shipping is a really good deal. Thought I'd share in case it was something any of you would be interested in.
  • Robin...I weigh myself same as Karen, every morning after I tinkle and naked. When I've met my goal weight, I only weigh once in awhile. If I eat shortly after getting up, it revs up my metabolism and I'm hungry all morning. Most of the time I eat breakfast after we get back from the YMCA. I hate feeling hungry!

    Karen...yes, we have a heat wave. It was 30 degrees yesterday, streets are a mess and my little sports car isn't red anymore...it's a pig. But I'm not complaining, I take the sloppy streets.

    Rosey...I'm back to quilting too, we had to run over to another town to get the material. We had JoAnn's Fabric in town but not enough people were buying from them. Now we have no fabric stores and we're about 20,000 people. Bummer!

    Lynn...thanks for sharing the recipe, I love peanuts in anything. Molecular Fitness, is that a diet or a fitness program? One of the bras I purchased was a Bali and the other a lillette. Both very comfortable.

    Glynne...sounds like a great deal, the Groove Book. Just the price of photo paper and printer ink is so high. Is he going to subscribe to it? Let us know what quality the pictures are.

    For those of you that like flavored creamer in your coffee, try this. Plain unsweetened almond milk, add your own stevia and extracts. One whole cup is only 30 calories. It's delicious! They do make creamers for coffee but it has tons of calories in it. Some of the reviewers who tried using almond milk for their coffee said it curdles the coffee. I've not had any of my coffee curdle, maybe they were using the almond milk with sugar in it?

    Calories 960
    Fiber grams 40
    Breakfast: skipped breakfast.

    Lunch: Fiber One , banana, Almond Milk, Chia & Flax seeds

    Supper: Pork Loin with brown sugar apples, fresh green beans, baked potato

    Evening snack: Carob Almond pudding, double FF Cool Whip serving
    Sunflower seeds

  • Bobbi ~ yes, DH subscribed to the Groove book thing. They have a page on Facebook if you want to read about it. I'll let you all know when we do one, how it turned out.

    I tried to make instant pudding with the almond milk and it didn't set like it does with regular milk.

    Do you have Walmart in your town? Just wondered. Do they have fabric? Some of the ones near us have fabric and others don't ~ just have things like thread and needles ~ basic stuff. The one near us, did have, then they took it all out ~ fabric, patterns and everything. Now they have put it back again. They, of course don't have as big of a selection as Jo Ann Fabrics, but at least it is there again.

    Ok, back to my mending.
  • Gc just left. We had fun with them. They went to church with us this am and took them to McDonalds so they could play there a while. It was our first time for fast food (not counting Costco) since summer, so it tasted pretty good even to me. I had a small regular hamburger and dh and I shared a small fries and a sr drink as usual. Then I shared a cone with gd. That cone put me over on carbs though so I shouldn't have had it but I am glad I shared it at least and just took my bs and it was only a little bit high. Our dd picked them up and stayed to chat while. It was nice to see her again, we haven't seen her since Christmas. She only lives about 20 min away but across stateline and with the traffic it feels longer and often it is.

    It appears that dh is over the bleeding.

    Glynne - Haven't heard of that service, I'll check it out. I just upload our pictures to my desktop then upload the ones I want to print to a photo site. I might even be able to upload directly to the photo sites...haven't thought about doing that but I don't usually want them all printed. The price were pic is usually very cheap and they usually give you free prints when you join. I don't care for a lot of prints, prefer to just keep them backed up on my computer. I have to have a backup service for my budget to sync all devices anyway. I also keep some photo paper on hand but I print myself only very very rarely.

    Bobbi - If I don't eat at least a little before I go to the gym, I get sick when exercising. I don't eat big breakfasts but I like to eat something as soon as I get up, always been that way. Or course I'm not one to miss any meal.

    Karen31- I wish my iphone4s did as well as yours with the battery! Dh's does and he has the same phone too. Mine did better when I first got it ..but that was same time as when he got his. I do use mine a lot off and on throughout the day as I use a housework app and I check off things as I do them. Dh said it was because I didn't turn the light off each time when I stopped using it, but now I do that and it still runs down quickly. We have a charger in the car but it is in the glove box and inconvenient as I forget it when I get out of the car. Also when I am away from the car for a long period it is frustrating to have the battery down when I need to use the phone. This charger was only $40 and I think it is going to be helpful. Let you know when I have it longer. So far I haven't even put it in my purse.
  • Mary, do you shut off your apps. after you are done? If you push your home button twice, fast, it will open up all the apps that are open. You can swipe UP and they will all close down. You can't do this to the main screen ones but all the apps that are added you can. Then also push your power button once to shut off the power.. it doesn't really turn it off unless you hold it down. Hope that helps.
  • Quote:
    I tried to make instant pudding with the almond milk and it didn't set like it does with regular milk.
    Glynne...I make pudding from scratch with almond milk all the time. Never had a problem with it. Maybe you're using pudding mixes in a box? Make them from scratch, much cheaper and you can use stevia or splenda instead of the icky chemicals they use in boxed puddings. Go to the almond web site for recipes. I have some carob almond pudding in the frig now, it's delicious. I can give you the recipe and you can substitute chocolate powder. Tomorrow I'm making coconut almond pudding. Calories are lots lower than boxed too.
  • Bobbi ~ can you tell me the web address for the almond web site? And yes, I would like if you shared the pudding recipes. Now that I am not working, I have time to make stuff from scratch.

    Do you by chance have a jello recipe from scratch that you can use the stevia in?

    I'm kinda trying to get away from the splenda because now I have been reading that it is bad for you. I hope stevia is ok.

    Mary ~ that Groove Book thing ~ the pictures from your phone ~ they only print the ones you select ~ so you don't get a bunch that you don't want.
  • I'll post the recipes tomorrow. My holistic chiropractor told me not to use splenda. Stevia is all natural, you can buy it in the grocery stores. It's called Stevia in the raw (bulk for baking, etc.) or I use liquid stevia in drinks, shakes, etc. You can go to www.almondbreeze.com for all kinds of recipes. I made jello with the stevia before, not a huge fan of jello. But it's much healthier than using the store bought with the aspartame.

    Vanilla Pudding
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/3 cup cornstarch
    1/2 tsp salt
    3 cups Silk Original or Vanilla soy, almond or coconutmilk
    3 Tbsp margarine (or butter)
    1 tsp vanilla extract
    Whisk together sugar, cornstarch and salt in a saucepan.
    Slowly whisk in Silk, making sure there are no lumps. Bring mixture to a boil over medium heat, whisking constantly.
    Lower heat and simmer, whisking occasionally until mixture thickens, about 3-4 minutes. (Do not boil pudding, cornstarch breaks down)
    Remove from the heat and whisk in margarine and vanilla. Cool.

    Chocolate Pudding
    1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa ( substituted carob)
    3/4 cup sugar or stevia
    1/4 tsp salt
    1/4 cup cornstarch
    3 cups Silk soy, almond or coconutmilk, any flavor except Light
    3 Tbsp margarine (or butter)
    1 1/2 tsp vanilla
    Combine the cocoa, sugar, salt and cornstarch in a saucepan and mix well.
    Slowly add the Silk, whisking constantly to prevent lumps. Bring this mixture to a boil over medium heat while whisking constantly.
    Lower the heat to a simmer, cover and simmer gently for 8-10 minutes, until pudding begins to thicken.
    Remove from the heat and whisk in the margarine (or butter) and vanilla.
    Pour into 1 large bowl or 8 small serving bowls and refrigerate for at least an hour until thoroughly chilled.
  • Silk.com will bring more recipes, that's another brand of almond milk. I'll post another recipe tomorrow, it has a beaten egg in it ....made it very creamy. Just be sure to get unsweetened almond milk.
  • Thank you Bobbi for the recipes. Can a sugar substitute be used in the vanilla pudding recipe?
  • Hi everyone.. had a nice day,after church we just were lazy to those that's asked,i had bariatric surg and my stomach can only hold about a cup of food and im rarely hungry however I do have cravings esp for sweets. altho my amounts are small my weight stays about the same as im allergic to exercise and being handicapped is an excuse I use to sit on my butt. there are things I can do just don't,awww no im feeling guilty.. on that note hope your weekend was pleasant rosey


    salad made with tomatoes,cukes,onion,blk olives,avacado,3 bean salad and croutons with raspberry dressing
    iced tea

    1/2 chix sandwhich
    handful p chips
    mandarin orange

    granola bar
    coffee mocha smoothie