Daily check in: were you under your calories today??

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  • Low day yesterday - 1027. I made a really nice carrot and coriander soup and had it with a parmesan grilled sandwich made with thin, whole wheat bread. All I wanted was junk yesterday so I tried to steer clear of the kitchen as much as possible. I weighed myself in the morning, no loss, no gain.

    edoetsch1 - Good job! I can't do seafood. It's just gross. Every now and then I force myself to down some tuna but it tastes like cat food. I have a lot of bad childhood memories involving seafood dishes, just can't get over it!
    & pumpkin muffins, YUM!
    kaarin - I've never taken it & don't know much about it
    Robisa - That's great
    merstopher - Welcome to the group and congrats on the loss
    SeeMyFeet - I hope you feel better soon
    apo9 - Hi and welcome to the group
    diamond_girl - I weigh on my wii fit. It's the only thing I use it for! I like that it tracks my progress, BMI etc... I'm not even sure how accurate it is BUT I do know that from whatever weight I started, I'm down 20lbs.
    NewKate2014 - Sorry you couldn't find your shin sleeves, I hope they turn up soon!
    misspriss78 - Great work!
    Mission Fat to Fab - Up your healthy fats and protein. I used to struggle with the same thing when I started out. I couldn't fill the calories in a healthy way. I add coconut oil to my smoothies, throw in a hard boiled egg or extra chicken on low days to meet the minimum. My green smoothie, which has spinach, fenugreek, raspberries, strawberries and apple is just under 200 cals. It's a good gap filler, too.
  • 1175 in for yesterday. My new scale says I weigh 163.2 and I knew my old scale was off (just didn't feel that weight) so I'm still considered overweight. I've reduced my calories to 1200 a day (from 1500). I'm so depressed, but I knew my old scale was off (it wasn't digital and I could only really guess where that line matched up, plus it was off by 6 pounds) sigh...
  • Morning calorie counters.

    Well, I started my new temp job last night. Lots of walking, lots of carrying, and my pedometer knocked up 15817 by midnight, and I was working till 1.30. I've already got 3970 for today already and I have only had breakfast.

    Added to that, I dropped another 1.2 lb overnight.

    The only problem is, because I'm working nights, my mum is here to look after the kids during the evening and take them to school. I got home at 2.30 am and by the time I had sent off my reports and got ready for bed it was 2.45. I'm sleeping downstairs on the sofa bed and mum is in my bed, and when the heating came on in the morning at 6.30, the radiator in the dining room where I was sleeping started making little noises, enough to wake me up. Then mum and the girls got up and I could tell they were trying hard to be quiet, but I only dozed till they left for school at 8.30, and then I lay there for an hour trying to get back to sleep before finally giving up and getting up at 9.30.

    So I got less than four hours good sleep last night, and tonight I will be working longer, probably till about 4am. It's going to be a hard few weeks - I just hope I sleep better tonight.

    Cals yesterday: 1248
    Steps yesterday: 15817
    7da: 1212
    Average since 1/1: 1289
  • Quote: what are some of the things you are eating? 200g of protein each meal?
    200g of lean protein so chicken breast, turkey breast, pork loin, lamb shoulder (which seems to take it up to 1000 calories because lamb is fattier), salmon, cod, sea bass etc.

    I have an appointment with an endocrinologist again soon and he wants me to target 1200-1300 calories a day and i'm struggling to get to that amount.
  • Hi all!

    Friday was a wash with pizza for dinner. Worked my @ss off Saturday night, 10 hour shift, 14,000 steps. Did pretty good for food. Had Pita Pit before and after work (Under 400 cal per) But had some pretty heavily mayo loaded broccoli salad at break time. Ended up 200 under. Monday was bang on, 100 cals left. Hoping not to break the chain today Happy Tuesday!
  • Diamondgirl and silverfire: sounds like we have similar schedules! Although i'm doing my best to get to bed earlier, 'cause no matter what, I have to be up at 6:30 to get kids off to school. Early am is the only time i have for housework/bill paying some days.

    Thanks for the well-wishes...I'm turning this "sickness" around. It feels like it would turn into a head cold, if i would let it! The extra sleep on Sun helped knock it down.

    I estimate 937 cals yesterday. I'll try something different and list yesterday's menu: B: 1/2 C Bran buds w/ 1T Blackstrap molasses, coffee, 8oz choc milk w/ vitamins; L: salad (in 5C container--lettuce, ~1/8C red pepper, 3 slices tomato, 1 boiled egg, 1 sardine, 1 T low cal Ranch); S: 200cal olives D: 1C beef both soup using homemade stock.

    1005cals for the month. 986 cals for the week. my 2lb gain from yesterday stuck today, and it looks like I'm in another stall.
  • Good morning!
    Had a great day yesterday with calories at 1113 and no wine!!!
    Oh what a lovely problem to have, trying to figure out how to get in enough calories! SeeMyFeet and Mission, don't you have some favourite, but somewhat nutritious, foods that you can add into your diet? For me that would be cheese, any kind of cheese!
    Robsia, congratulations on your great progress! I hope you get some good sleep soon though. Not enough can affect your weight loss.
    Tonight a client has invite me for dinner and his wife is an excellent cook. It will be east indian food, so I'm not sure how this is going to go from a calorie counting point of view. I'll have to make sure I save up my calories for tonight to some degree.
    Hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • Quote: 1175 in for yesterday. My new scale says I weigh 163.2 and I knew my old scale was off (just didn't feel that weight) so I'm still considered overweight. I've reduced my calories to 1200 a day (from 1500). I'm so depressed, but I knew my old scale was off (it wasn't digital and I could only really guess where that line matched up, plus it was off by 6 pounds) sigh...
    You shouldn't be depressed. Even though I know how this dieting thing can wreak havoc on the mind. You've still lost the same amount of weight, had the same degree of success. Plus your picture looks FANTASTIC!
  • I'm a bit annoyed with myself today .. I weighed in this morning and I'm now 4lbs down so far in January (which is pretty poor for 21 days but with my trip to Edinburgh I've just accepted it..) but I was really pleased with not gaining during that time.

    Then I went and ruined it this evening picking at my cake and icing mixes (I'm a mega keen baker!) when making cake for a bake sale at work tomorrow...

    Such an idiot!

    Need to refocus still. I was really good all day .. Need to find a way to control myself in the evenings, any ideas?

    K x

    SW 191.4
    CW 187.4
    GW 140
  • Quote: 1175 in for yesterday. My new scale says I weigh 163.2 and I knew my old scale was off (just didn't feel that weight) so I'm still considered overweight. I've reduced my calories to 1200 a day (from 1500). I'm so depressed, but I knew my old scale was off (it wasn't digital and I could only really guess where that line matched up, plus it was off by 6 pounds) sigh...
    So sorry and I completely understand. But as Kaarin said you still did lose the same amount of weight. Yes, now you have six more to go than you thought, but losing is easier than maintaining, IMHO, so now you get more of the easier part! Also, your attitude and feeling was you were in a normal range so just because you are slightly over doesn't mean you don't still look great. The pants you've been wearing are still fitting even though you are six pounds more with that stupid new scale!

    I have a similar issue in that I'm not quite sure I am 5'7 anymore. I think I have shrunk. If I'm 5'6" ( or less, eek!) then I'm not normal either but gosh I sure feel it compared to where I was. That's one reason why I lowered by my goal to 150 because then when I reach the 150, and I'm brave enough to measure my height I will still be normal.
  • Day 24: 1655/1800
    So bummed out that my scale did not come today due to Monday being a holiday. But it will be here tomorrow, so I will look at it as a Birthday gift. Turning the big 35 tomorrow. Sad to think how many years of my life I have missed out on because of my weight. This is my year though! By my 36th, I will be healthy enough to enjoy it!
  • Right on plan, no junk and 154 under. Rocked the gym yesterday and the scale showed me a really good number this morning. 261.8! That makes my hopes of 250's by Feb that much closer
  • 1185 for yesterday! I will do this!!
  • Lots of work, struggles, and frustration goin' on here. We can do it ladeeees!!

    Is everybody getting a new scale!? Think I'll stick with my oldie. Only measures to the 0.5 lb, but seems pretty accurate--matches the numbers at the physician's office anyway. I've become a scale addict, measuring in the am AND before I go to bed. Used to be much higher at night than am, but nowadays the numbers are about the same. (sometimes higher in the am!?!?!?!?!)

    I stick with the same low cal, healthy snack for a while, then switch to something else. Was grapes, then clementines, now it's low-cal peach Activiaaaaaah yogurt. But for some reason, I'm limiting myself to one yogurt per day. Only 60 cals, so I can afford more. I'm trying to think of something a bit more filling, but still very low cal, for evening snack. I stared at cheese last night, but I knew I wouldn't limit myself, and at 100cals per cube, I would hate myself in the morning.

    794cals yesterday. This head cold is trying to come back, and I'm more concerned about sleep than food. Hoping to get away from work at a reasonable hour. The scale dipped down! Yay! I think I'm 0.5 below my ticker, but only after my 4th weigh-in (after drying my hair, ha!).
  • Down a pound to 216 even this morning! Today is not my regular weigh-in day but thought I'd check on my progress before Friday, especially when I don't really have a good idea of how many calories I ate for dinner last night.
    I was invite to a clients and they served traditional east indian. We had curried chicken, a rice dish, a bean and lentil chill type of thing (called dal), a type of homemade pita bread called roti and salad. I did search indian on MFP and came up with what I think were some of these dishes, but not sure. All of it was homemade and delicious. I missed lunch again yesterday (not on purpose), so I think I was pretty close to my goal of 1200 even though I did have two glasses of wine.
    Today I want to mirror Monday and be within my 1200, NO wine, and LOTS of steps! Really hoping to hit 215 for Friday morning.
    Next month we're flying into Calgary to spend a long weekend at Lake Louise. This is in order to meet up with some old friends from Ontario who we haven't seen in 8 years. I can't wait. I know I can't get to onederland by then, but I'd sure love to be well under 210. My onederland goal is for when we go to Florida the end of March.
    Have a happy hump day everyone!