Maintainers Using Movement to Stay Sane Through the Holidays

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  • Did the Tempo 1 DVD today, and was surprisingly not sore to the degree I was expecting, given the intensity of my workout yesterday. Woohoo!
  • December 10: 7 miles running (54:19) - flying today - must have been the cold
    30 minutes foam rolling
    squat stretches
    45 minutes weight lifting (chest, shoulders, triceps)
  • Quote: Dec. 8: scale was down 1.5 pounds which motivated me to do a double workout again. I did a bikram class at 11 am and was planning on going back at 4 pm. It sure was hard to go back. I almost didn't leave the house and then I almost left after driving there! I knew it was the same teacher for both classes and he isn't my favorite so I think that was part of it but I knew I'd be mad at myself after planning to go if I didn't. I am down another 1.5 pounds today-- if only I could keep that pace up! Scale will likely be up tomorrow though as I'm planning on body pump tonight.

    2 bikram classes, each 100 minutes plus

    10 workouts
    965 minutes
    Dec. 9: planned on body pump and bikram but collapsed on the couch instead

    Dec. 10: 100 minutes Bikram Yoga

    11 workouts
    1065 minutes
  • Dec 11: DB lunges, DB renegade rows, KB deadlifts, barbell shoulder press (the bar), lat pulldowns, calf raises, planks, tricep extensions
  • Tappcore today. Nice and light.
  • November 11: P90X (2) Yoga DVD (66 minutes)
    30 minutes Foam Rolling
    squat stretches
    60 minutes weight lifting (back and legs)

    Michele - You do so much Yoga, and I know Bikram is a little different, but do you ever get "shaky" AFTER the workout? I do fine during yoga, but about 5 minutes after I'm done I seem to shake uncontrollably for about 15 minutes afterwards. Is that weird?
  • Quote:
    Michele - You do so much Yoga, and I know Bikram is a little different, but do you ever get "shaky" AFTER the workout? I do fine during yoga, but about 5 minutes after I'm done I seem to shake uncontrollably for about 15 minutes afterwards. Is that weird?
    Hmmm... No, though I sometimes get shaky during but only if I'm really pushing myself and then it lasts briefly. That happens sometimes when I lift weight but not after the workout.
  • Quote: Dec. 9: planned on body pump and bikram but collapsed on the couch instead

    Dec. 10: 100 minutes Bikram Yoga

    11 workouts
    1065 minutes
    Dec. 11: 100 minutes Bikram Yoga

    12 workouts
    1165 minutes
  • Thursday, November 12th:

    Treadmill run just under 4 miles, starting at 4.5 mph, then down to 4.3, with walking intervals. Just when I think I've figured this running thing out, I find I'm off balance. One of the gym instructors watched me and told me what I already knew, that I drag my right foot. I wonder if it has to do with my ruined inner-ear balance mechanism and my deafness in my left ear? I drag my right foot so much that it sprags on the treadmill belt and makes it squeak from the contact of rubber on rubber. So much that I've pretty much destroyed the outer sole on my right running shoe. The gym instructor said I gallop like a horse and lead with my right foot.

    Probably I am overthinking it. I find running as wearying as an elaborately choreographed routine. My cardio fitness is great, it's all the mechanics of the stride. Honestly I am thinking about finding a running coach but first I want to see what I can try on my own.

    60 minute Pilates mat class in the evening with the instructor who talks too much and leaves us lying there on our backs on the mat, not moving, just listening to her monologues.
  • Quote: Hmmm... No, though I sometimes get shaky during but only if I'm really pushing myself and then it lasts briefly. That happens sometimes when I lift weight but not after the workout.
    Just confirms what I know - I'm not normal
  • December 12: 6 miles running on treadmill (51:44)
    30 minutes foam rolling
  • December 12: 100 burpees, stretching at home

    December 13 AM: 2.2 miles running on treadmill, DB bench press, BB shoulder press, lat pulldowns, leg raises
  • Abs.

    Krampus, what are you doing in your new avatar?
  • Quote: Dec. 11: 100 minutes Bikram Yoga

    12 workouts
    1165 minutes
    Dec. 12: 100 minutes Bikram Yoga with my FAVE instructor. I told her after that she made my week. Totally put me in a better frame of mind. She only teaches about once a week and they don't post the instructors before class so I never know when she'll be there. It's always a happy surprise!

    13 workouts
    1265 minutes
  • Saef - weird about the stride imbalance. I wonder if just being aware of it, on your own, may correct the issue a fair bit?

    Krampus - I was wondering about your avatar as well!

    I blogged about my day, but I did the "Hit the Floor Softer" TTap DVD, which is insane and the "softer" part is laughable. I still can barely hold myself upright on the couch, as my entire core is completely fatigued. Even those transverse abs, which I have trouble with after so many pregnancies. My praise to TTap for being such an excellent workout, but it's not without it's brutal moments. Ow!