Over 50 And Being Healthy #2

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  • Puss, I'm so sorry about your Mom. That must be incredibly difficult for your family, and especially stressful for you. It's incredible how you've managed to lose weight through all the challenges you've had lately--way to go!!

    Willow, what's up with those kids?? Reminds me of my aunts who kept insisting my grandmother was senile. Made me so mad! She had the last laugh by dying well after they did, and staying in her own home by herself until she was 101. If I had done some of the stuff your grandkids have done, I would have had a very sore bottom. I know you love 'em to death, but put your foot down and take a well-deserved break from them. Would like to see their faces when they try to unlock your door! Maybe limiting them to a couple of kids every once in a while instead of all at once is the thing to do? Something to think about. . .

    Angel-lover, I have two sons--the good son and the bad son. Now, I never call them that to their faces, of course. My oldest son has worked hard, made mistakes that he's corrected by himself, and is doing okay. My youngest son quit school when he was 16, finally got his GED this year (he's 24), but along the way he's had so many jobs that he's been fired from, so many apartments he's been evicted from, and he can't even get a bank account anymore so he has trouble cashing a check. He wanted me to co-sign on an apartment for him, and I said, very bluntly, "No way!" I'm really hoping he grows up soon--getting the GED was a start. Don't think he's into drugs, thank goodness.

    My poor old dog has to wear an Elizabethan collar for a while. She has a "hot spot," a place where she's licked all the fur off and her skin is raw. We couldn't stop her licking with medicine, and she's too old (almost 17) for steroids so she's getting antibiotics and wearing the collar to help her stop licking so the sore can heal. I think it's allergies to her food, but she's on a special diet for her kidneys and if I change food, then her kidneys could start getting bad again. I might consult a doggie dermatologist to see if there's something we can do differently. It was inevitable--haven't been to the vet in a month so we were due! Love my old animals, but they don't have insurance and vet visits aren't cheap.

    It's been so hot that we've been watering every day. Went right after dinner tonight, leaving my dad sitting there reading his mail. That was a mistake! I came back in and he said he'd fallen getting up (he'd complained of dizziness when he sat down--I thought it was from his room being so hot and he won't open a window or turn on a fan). Luckily, he was able to get himself up, and I didn't see any blood. I think I'll wait to water until after he's safely in his room!

    Hope everyone had a great evening! We're going to be cooler tomorrow, thank goodness. Oh, and I got the window A/C fixed so I have a nice cool room to go to.
  • Hi everybody.....Hope all are doing good this morning. I had to take my step-dad to the er yesterday. He did real well with his surgery Monday....even went home...about 10pm. OOOOh, so tired! But, he went to having problems yesterday. After spending quite awhile there, I got to take him back home. Maybe things are better now. He was a lot better behaved this time. Makes everything a lot easier on me.

    I'm sorry about your dad....hope he's allright. Those falls can be very scarey.

    Yes, Sheila....our children can be so different. We have 3 daughters that will never let us know when they are in a tight. If we help them in any way...it's just about forced. They have always been very independant...even before they married. Like your son, ours quit school at 16.(he'll be 24 next Tuesday) My husband lays floor covering, & our son is his 50/50 helper. I didn't want him to pay him that much....he really doesn't earn it. He wanted to show him that he would partnership & have confidence in him. BIG MISTAKE!! He shows up around 10-12am & wants to leave around 4pm. No matter if the job is done or not. Fusses the whole time & then wants half the pay come Friday. Even borrowing money through the week. My husband has lost numerous jobs due to being delayed. If it was anyone else, he would be fired a long time ago. I know he (& his wife)are into drugs......we stay so worried & upset....& financially drained!
    We have two little granddaughters, though, & it's hard to take away from them. Even with our housefire, we get very little help from him. Our daughters, though, have been here working as hard as any man! Of course, our son-in-law has helped also, when he could. Our other son-in-law is in Iraq.

    I hope your dog gets better soon. Sounds like you give them the best of care. I know about vet bills. We have 2 horses we keep as pets for the grandchildren.

    Wish I could send you some of our rain!
    That's all we get, anymore. We had one break last week. It was beautiful all week. Very hot.....but enjoyed it. For several months...just rain. That's very unusual for us. I guess that's why it's been so depressing.

    Hope everyone has a good day..I'll check in later. Gonna go get a few things done.....
  • Good morning world!
    I slept really good last night and I feel so refreshed this morning!
    I'm going to hurry and get all my posting done on here and then spend the day outdoors. Or as much of it as I can.

    My blood glucose was really good all day yesterday, from 88 to 98 2 hours after each meal.

    When I got up this morning my blood sugar was 118; 13 hrs fasting. I would like it to be 110 or lower, but, it's only been a couple of days on low carbs, so we'll see after a week or so.
    I just checked it again 2 hours after breakfast, and it's at 101. Not bad at all.

    I haven't been feeling hungry though in between meals, but I've also been having a snack a couple of times a day.

    Swelling in my legs has gone way down. And I sneaked on the scales this morning and I was down another 3 pounds, so it had to have been fluids. I have one more pound to go to get where I had been, then I'll start weighing once a week, and making 5-pound goals.

    I did 2 miles of the 3-mile WATP tape, then I had breakfast.

    1 egg
    3 oz. ham

    9 AM;
    4 oz. deli Italian smoked turkey breast

    1 hamburger patty
    1 sl. colby cheese
    4 large romaine lettuce leaves
    4 kosher midget dill pickles

    3 PM;
    2 cooked eggs

    1 c. romaine hearts
    1 stalk celery
    1/4 c. julienned red and green peppers
    6 slices cucumber
    4 radishes
    3 oz. cooked skinless chicken breast
    2 Tbsp. garlic ranch dressing

    Total Cals. = 1140

    Total Carb. grams = 19

    I'm going to see if it's possible to have a special shoe made for the foot on the side where my bad hip is to try to get more cushioning when I walk on pavement.

    Geez, I hope I didn't get you gals into a funk by ranting on about my kids. I guess I forget that others can have similar things going on in their families and that I'm not the only one going through difficult times.
    I guess as far as them trying to say that I'm incompetent, they have a lot of proving to do, and unless they lie a lot, they wouldn't stand a chance.
    I work every day and I get along with most people, I'm cognizant of what's going on in the world, know the major Government officials, I keep myself and my home clean, I keep my yard neat, (most of the time, should have seen how tall the grass got this time! )it's real obvious by looking at me that I'm not forgetting to eat, I make and keep all my own appointments, I keep my checking and savings accounts balanced, and I'm certainly not a danger to myself or to anyone else.
    I am going to change my executor of my will however. And I'm making out a new health care directive, (living will).
    I think that a couple of them are afraid that I'm going to get married and that they won't get my property. Well, until I'm dead, it IS my property, and I can damn well do with it what I want.

    Angel, I'm so sorry you've had a rough time of it with your step-Dad getting a set-back after his surgery.
    You're awfully good to him, and more kids should be like you, if your mother loves him and he's good to her, that's all that should matter. I hope his recovery is smooth from here on out.

    You know, with these kids doing what they do, isn't it amazing that they are almost always brilliant kids too?!? They could go out and conquer the world if they wanted to. My son graduated from High school and had a job already waiting for him at a major building chain, and worked there for 20 years before going on his own and doing contractor work.
    He can build a home or anything from the ground up, does math in his head like a genius, and does these damned drugs all the time.
    His hair was gray already by the time he was in his middle twenties. I don't know if it's hereditary or not, but I do know that there are a couple of other people who went totally gray at a very young age and they said it was from the constant use of drugs.
    The thing is, he isn't happy because he's always in a bad mood. I suppose because he needs to stay high but can't always, so he gets moody.

    I don't think they will let me see my grandkids except when they are with them. They don't trust me. Ha! I suppose they think I won't watch them close enough.
    When this particular son was leaving I asked he and his wife if I could meet him half way sometime before I went back to work and get the 2 kids to spend a few days with me, and they didn't even answer me. Oh well. That's ok. I can have more me time, and I'll remember that when they want to go someplace.

    Puss, SO awfully sorry to hear that your Mother has had a set-back.
    Congratulations on your wonderful loss! Especially with all the stress you've been under. That takes a lot of strength.
    I hope you can get back to posting regularly soon, but, we understand how it is with parents.
    We'll be here for you. Stay strong. Have a wonderful day.

    Limiting the numbers is what I've started doing, and that's where the rub is.
    But, these kids make messes when the parents are here too. I feel it's up to the parents to check and see if the messes have been picked up.

    Ohhh, your poor doggie! I love animals. I want to have a dog again some day, but there's a lot to consider first. I wouldn't get one until I'm retired because I wouldn't be able to spend enough time with it while working. But, there's the other stuff, like what you're going through right now, and vets are very expensive like you say.

    I hope your Dad is OK after his fall. It's not an easy job you have there, and I admire you for your compassion.

    Glad you got your AC up and running. I don't know what I'd do without mine.

    I better get going and get outside.

    Wonder if we've lost Sue, or if she's having a rough time of it. Sue, if you're out there, we miss you!

    Have a great day everybody!
  • WOW, I guess we were all having a bad week at the same time. After reading all the posts, I feel like I should take a moment and count my blessings. Puss, my heart breaks for you. My mom can be a real pain sometimes, but I would be totally devasted if she did something like that. I often wonder what puts someone into such depths of despair that they feel life is no longer worth living. Our prayers are with you.

    Willow, a few things come to mind. #1 being the lost art of turning a bratty kid over someone's knee. Now don't anyone go thinking child abuse, I don't think any of us were ever damaged for life by a good whack on the behind when we deserved it. A great percentage of today's children rule their parents because they know they can basically get away with it. Just tell a teacher or other adult that "Mommy hit me" and Social Services swoops down on them. Accccccckkkkk! Enough. I love my grandchildren, but I am not their built-in babysitter. When asked, if I have other plans, I just say no. No problem. Sometimes, I just go pick them up and keep them for the day to give the parents a break. As far as the keys, maybe you should give one to a very trusted neighbor. That reallly makes by blood boil. The noyve of dem!!! I too like my things to remain personal.

    OK, this is as far as I saved this morning before my computer decided to shut down on I typed away for half an hour and lost the rest of it. I am not lost, just having a real crappy week. To top it off, I went to DW tonight and gained back the 3/4 pound I lost last week. And, it brought another pound with it. I am going to post this and continue on with a new post, before I lose it again. Our weather is not too good right now. Raining so hard on the way home from work, you could barely see. I hear the rumble of thunder too. To be continued - - -
  • Here I am again. Now, let's see, where was I? I am trying to remember what I wrote this morning.

    Sheila, I too, am a dog lover. Unfortunately this complex does not allow pets. I had a miniature doberman Pinscher once that we took to Cornell University (top notch veterinary college) to try and save her. She had a brain tumor and had to be put to sleep. I cried so hard on the way home I had to pull the car over. I swore I would never go through that again. Then one day DH comes home with this little black and white bundle of fur in his coat pocket. A little Sheltie. Well, you know the rest. And don't get me started on comfort food. I know that is why I gained almost 2 lbs this week. Macaroni and cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, popcorn, ice cream, and heaven only knows what else. If we had to keep a husband, child or parent on a strict diet and exercise program, we would do it without blinking an eye. Why are WE at the bottom of the importance list. Something to think about.

    You all will be sorry you woke up this sleeping bear. I guess I should let you in on part of my problem. I am usually a very private person. It was almost a year before I told anyone but my husband (and that includes my whole family) that I had been diagnosed with early stage MS. I think last week, I was having a hard time coming to grips with it. One day it was "I have to get this excess weight off" the next day it was "Who cares, what difference will it make?" Sounds like a pity party to me. The strange thing about MS is that you don't know what type you are going to have until you get it. There is slow-moving, fast-moving, years of remission then BANG it hits you like a sledge hammer. You just take one day at a time (gee, where have I heard that before) . That is why I exercise so much. If I don't, the legs start to tighten and I get stiffer than usual. OK, pity party is over. Back to living again. Bummer week for everyone I guess. Lets hope this week will be better. If only it would STOP raining.

    Willow, I love the post on Moms. Made my day. And Angel, I still enjoy the pics. Thought for the day: Remember the Past; Savor the Present; Look forward to the Future, for the best is yet to come.

    And as Ahhnald Schwartzamajigger said - I'll be back! Sue
  • *Sigh* My father gave me a fruitcake.

    For all of you who don't like fruitcake, (and I used to be one of you), well, you can laugh at my dilemma because a piece of that stuff wouldn't cross your lips. But this is the only kind of fruitcake I eat so it's just a bit tough to see it arrive in the mail.

    I have no idea why he had the bakery send us a fruitcake in July. And all my life I've heard snide comments from him about my weight (until I told him I wouldn't visit him again unless he stopped--he did) so why the heck is he giving me a fruitcake with its 13 grams of fat per serving??

    On the plus side, I saved enough WW points to have 106 grams of fruitcake and still stay within my points limit. I was pretty psyched about that. I told my DH if we were going to open it, once I had my measured portion, he had to put it somewhere out of my sight. Hopefully it doesn't have to be refrigerated--didn't think about that. Nowhere to hide in the refrigerator.

    I don't know how to get my 87 year old father to understand that I'm trying to lose weight. The last time he took us out to dinner he wanted to go to a fried chicken place. He even went there to see if they had something other than fried chicken and told me they had shrimp. When we got there it was, of course, fried shrimp. I planned ahead though, and ate two chicken thighs without skin. On Sunday he wanted to go to a Chinese restaurant, and he had to order a family-style dinner. Again, I preplanned and looked up points for Chinese food and shunned the sweet and sour fried whatever and pork fried rice in favor of the almond chicken. So I did pretty good, but I really don't want to go to all that trouble to plan that high calorie stuff into my diet. I'm a quantity eater--I like to eat a plateful of low-fat, low-calorie
    food rather than spend my daily calories on a little hunk of fruitcake.

    Sue, I know exactly what you mean about the spanking stuff. My DH once swatted my daughter when she was acting up. She went to school the next day and told her teacher who had to call social services. Sheesh! He wasn't beating her--he'd had enough of her sass. I was out of town at the time, but when I got back I told her that she knew the difference between child abuse and getting swatted and if she ran to her teacher again after getting swatted she would be placed in a foster home and I'd pack her bag for her. That probably sounds harsh, but I just wasn't going to deal with the blackmail aspect.

    Rain--wish we had some! I have a cyberfriend in New Jersey who is complaining about the thunderstorms. Her poor dog hides under the bed and my friend is having a heck of a time getting the dog to come out. We've got the opposite problem--no rain and too much heat (in my opinion--I'm sure others are really happy with this weather).

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, Sue. I hope that yours is the kind that goes into remission. I've also heard that pregnancy helps MS, but since you're posting on the over 50 thread, I imagine that's not an option. Like Parkinson's, MS has gotten a lot of publicity lately because several celebrities have been diagnosed. IMHO, that can only do good things in helping research learn more about the disease that will eventually lead to finding a cure in hopefully the very near future. And by the way, I think everyone needs to have a pity party once in a while. I think it helps to get all the frustration out, and then move on, don't you?

    Hope everybody had a good, or at least an okay, day!
  • What was going on??
    I tried all morning to get in here and couldn't. Did anyone else have the same problem?
    Anyway, I saved my post, and here it is;

    Good Morning!
    I feel sooo good again today! Slept really good last night again, yayyy for the new CPAP equipment and pressure setting.

    I slept until 7 AM, and then sneaked on the scales again and I am one more pound down, so I'm back to where I had been before this funk of the last 2 weeks hit me.

    My blood glucose when I got up this morning was 102 after 13+ hrs of fasting. YESSSS! Must be the low carb way of eating.
    I have to get new test strips for my monitor today and I think that I'm going to also get the ketone test strips for my monitor because it tests both glucose and ketones.

    I did the whole 3-mile WATP tape this morning, so I've got 45 minutes of exercise in already.

    I felt a good healthy "in the stomach" hungry this morning, not the craving kind of hungry.

    The weather here is so gorgeous again today! I'm going shopping for a little while, and I'm going to get some nylon rope and a pkg. of camping stakes and I'm going to anchor my patio swing down to the ground. Every time theres any wind that's very strong at all, the canopy acts like a parachute or a sail and catches the wind and flips the swing over.

    Got my menu for the day ready, and it will probably stay the way I have it.

    2 eggs
    3 oz. ham

    9 AM;
    4 oz. smoked mesquite turkey breast

    2 (3-oz.) hamb. patties
    1 slice cheddar cheese
    4 romaine leaves
    4 kosher baby dill pickles

    3 PM;
    3 oz. deli smoked turkey breast
    2 romaine leaves

    2 c. romaine hearts
    4 radishes-sliced
    1 stalk celery-crescents
    6 slices cucumber
    1/4 c. julienned green and red peppers
    4 oz. cooked skinless chicken breast
    2 Tbsp. garlic ranch dressing
    4 pickles

    1434 calories

    23 grams carbs.

    Richard will be coaching me now at times.
    I was shopping and when I went to get the camping stakes and the nylon rope, I just HAD to walk down the exercise and fitness aisle, and there was Richard, just waiting to pounce, in his cute little black tank top with silver sparkles on it and shorts to match! For $25.00 I took him home with me. 3 tapes @ 40 minutes each I believe, and the wrist weights with the cool gel strips. I just previewed the Disco blast off, now I have the Latin Blast off and the Mega Mix Blast off to preview. So, now I have even more variety. My kids would laugh at me I know, but, I could have worse things to "waste" my money on. Some people like to have a lot of exercise videos, whether they use them a lot or not, and then some people make fun of their mothers. Shame on them.

    There was also a 3-pak of Leslie Sansone's WATP for ABS, but, I wasn't sure if they are different than the ones I already have, because they say the same thing, like 'get up and get moving', 2 mile fat burner and' 3-mile fat burner'. But these say for abs and mine don't.
    Anyway, I settled for Richard because I have 6 of the WATP tapes already and I only had one of Richard.

    I got my patio swing anchored down now.
    I had to have the pharmacy at Kmart order my testing strips and control solution for my monitor. I can't believe that they don't have this stuff on hand. I suppose because they were in financial trouble for a while and don't have a lot of inventory on hand because probably the vendors won't give them a lot of credit yet.

    It's been a good day so far.

    Oh Sheila, you poor woman you! You just can't win can you? Who would have ever thought of fruit cake in July??
    It reminded me of one time when I was a kid and my mom was making Christmas stuff, and she hid a fruit cake in the bottom drawer of a wardrobe in her bedroom, and when christmas got there, she knew she had made that fruit cake, but couldn't for the life of her remember where she had put it. She found it the next spring when she was putting winter stuff away and taking summer stuff out.

    I think you're going to have to humor your father and keep on trying to be prepared ahead of time for his little surprises. Lot's of extra work for you though.
    I'm like you, I like quantity in my meals too.

    I swatted butts too when my kids were younger, but, surprisingly, I didn't have to do it very often at all. I was kind of a hard-nose because I was doing it by myself after my husband died and needed to keep control of things.

    Sue, your statement about why we put ourselves at the bottom of the importance list is SO profound! Why the heck didn't I ever think about it in those terms???? And not only pertaining to my weight either.

    I'm sorry you had the rotten luck to receive the diagnosis that you did. I don't know how I'd handle something like that. I thought it was bad enough with the cancer diagnosis, but, I guess we all do what we have to do to handle these things.
    I don't know if it's any comfort or not, but I've heard of some people who have a very mild case and never get worse. I hope you will be one of those. If you don't feel comfortable discussing it on the board, feel free to send me a PM and I'll send you my email address.
    Sorry to hear you had a small gain, but, it really is a small one. Maybe you just happened to weigh on a bad day with fluids.

    I better get going and preview some more of Richard. See ya all later! Have a wonderful day!!

  • DOWN 3 MORE LBS!! I don't think I can take a lot of the credit, though. The two days that I was helping SD....I didn't have many chances to eat anything. At least, it's still gone.

    Yes, Willow, I tried all morning to get into the forum, also. I thought something was wrong with my computer. Right after I bought it, the monitor shot! So...I get a little paranoid.

    I'm so glad you're resting better at night....your 1 lb loss!! Wow....you are a busy lady....I can't keep up reading your posts....I'd hate to follow you around all day! LOL Speaking of kids...yours(&my son)needs a good swatting! He was over here this evening, though, & it was one of his better days. He can be so loveable when he wants to be.(& not drugged) It's these days that get me through.

    Sheila....I LOVE fruitcake!! Any time of the year!! You made me sooo hungry. I also love Chinese food, & fried chicken! Oh well, back to my water!

    Sue....My heart goes out to you. I know how I felt with the RA diagnoses. I already had back problems. Then, with the RA....I didn't know what to expect. It went through me so fast & severe....it changed my life before I had a chance to really get adjusted to the idea of it. To add to it all, most people don't realize how serious it is. They think it's like other forms of arthritis.

    I really hope that your fears are the worse part of this for you. As Willow said, I too, have known of people with only mild to moderate cases of it. Don't worry about that tiny gain. My thoughts & prayers are with you.

    I made a Homepage today....gonna need to add to it. It's gives folks a little more info, though, about me. I have a larger Christian website....if anyone ever wants to check it out....If no, that's fine. Address is http://www.charlotteborden.tvheaven.com
    There are people from all over the world who come & visit & sign the guestbook. It helps me pass the time, as I work on it often.

    Well.....that's enough advertising! Hope all rest well tonight.
  • In a hurry, ...
    I only have a couple of minutes right now because I have to take my shower and get dressed. I have a locksmith coming to change my locks in an hour. I have a hair appt. today too, and I need to get my menus done for next week seeing as I'll be going back to work and won't be able to just grab when I want to. Need to find something that will be handy for work, yet low carb.

    I did my 3-mile WATP tape this morning. My fasting BS was 112. I didn't exercise in the evening yesterday either. See?? I'm slowly re-learning this stuff.
    The liver is making glucagon while we sleep, that's why it's higher in the morning, so I guess I'll need to get some activity in the evenings on a regular basis to keep that worn off.

    My dancing the other day must have been more effective than I thought it would. I was kind of sore yesterday but today my legs are sore, top and bottom, ...

    For breakfast I had;

    3 oz. fresh spinach
    3 oz. ham
    2 eggs
    1/4 c. shredded cheddar cheese

    Don't know yet what I'm going to have the rest of the day. I'll add that later.

    Angel, do you want us to still call you Angel, or would you prefer Charlotte?
    CONGRATULATIONS on another fantastic loss!!

    I visited your web site last night briefly and it looks beautiful! I'll have to go back when I can spend more time. It's very calming.
    See everyone a little later! Have a good day!
  • Great job, Angel-lover! Three lbs. is incredible--take 'em any way you can get 'em! I'd love to call you Charlotte, too, because I think it's a beautiful name. Not that Angel-lover isn't nice, too!

    Willow, I'm waiting for the first time one of your kids tries to get into your house. You didn't tell them you were going to change the locks, did you?

    Well, despite fruitcake and Chinese food, I managed to lose a pound--actually over a pound since Weight Watchers counts ounces, too, but I just round for bulletin board purposes. I'm inching closer to the 50 lb. mark, which will be halfway for me. I'm a slow loser, but I'm okay with that. Hoping to be at the 100 lb. mark by next April, but if I'm not then whenever it happens will be just fine with me.

    We plan on finishing the last trellis this weekend and working more on the retaining wall/planter beds. Since my shipment of iris corms arrived, I need to get them in the ground somewhere. Luckily, I can move them next year if I decide I don't like where I place them.

    We're leaving on vacation in a couple of weeks to the Oregon coast. I interviewed a pet/dad sitter the other day and she seems really nice. Had great references, too. She's only coming in for a couple of hours a day to clean up, scoop the litterboxes, feed the cats, etc., so I'm a little worried about my dad during all the rest of the time. It's kind of a touchy situation because he thinks he can live alone, and I don't think he can so I have to have a happy medium. Luckily, he realizes that he can't get his compression stockings on by himself so he knows he has to have some help. I'm worried about meals, though. I don't want him microwaving TV dinners all the time because I worry about the sodium. Originally I wanted to take him with us, but the two-story house and lack of grab bars makes it impossible. I'm hoping I can relax enough to enjoy my vacation. If anyone has been in a similar situation, I'd love to know how you handled it!

    Hope everyone is having a great Friday! I need to get some laundry done, but maybe I should start by taking a shower. It was hot in the gym today and I think I sweated at least a quart of fluid!
  • The rest of the story, ...
    I did R.S. Mega Mix Blast Off late this morning too. 40 minutes, and I was laughing at myself because I was always about 2 or 3 moves behind them, but it was fun, and even if I didn't do everything exactly right, it was still a workout, and a pretty good one too. My favorite part is the toning part with the wrist weights.

    Rest of menu for today, ....

    9 AM;
    3 oz. cooked skinless chicken breast
    2 Tbsp. mayo
    1 stalk celery

    4 oz. canned crab meat(ick! didn't like it!)
    3 tbsp.garlic ranch dressing
    1 stalk celery

    3 oz. pork chop in stirfry with cabbage, zucchini, peppers, cauliflower and broccoli.

    calories = 1320

    carbs = 22

    Sheila, I did tell my oldest sons wife, so I'm sure she told him, and that's ok because he seldom talks with the others, and it may not occur to him to even mention it. He is in charge of my affairs if anything ever happens to me, and another one is a back-up in case he and I are killed together in a car accident or some circumstance where we both go at the same time. I'm thinking of taking the other one off, not because of him so much but his wife who has her nose in everybodys business.
    I wish I could afford a motion activated hidden camera by my door so i could see the expression too.
    I never minded my sons coming in for stuff, but he stepped over the line when he took the door to the upstairs off the hinges to show his nosey wife around up there. That door was locked for a reason.

    Congratulations on your loss too! I feel the same way, ... I don't care if it's slow, just so it's steady. How I wish I had 50 pounds off! I hit the 30 to 32 pound mark and I just seem to sit there forever.
    Next April is my Birthday and I'd like to hit the 100 lb. mark by then too, but I'm struggling just to get 5 off, so that's kind of what I'm doing, 5-pound goals.

    Sounds like you're getting close to finishing your landscaping project.

    I don't know what to suggest for your Dad while you're gone.
    Unless you cook up some meals and make frozen dinners for him by buying the sectioned disposable plates and then cover them with saran wrap.
    Do you have a friend or relative nearby who would invite him for a meal or 2 to keep him happy?
    How receptive would he be to going to an assisted living home for the time you're gone on vacation? I know you said he feels he could live alone, but, maybe if you explain it would help you to enjoy your vacation more, he might feel sorry for you and agree to do it.

    Wish I were just now going on vacation instead of ending mine. I have a brother and his family who live in oregon, and an old friend from 40+ years ago who lives in Coos Bay.

    Well, I'm out of here for now.
    See ya all later! Have a great day!
  • Hello all. Just stopping by to say Hello.

    Willow, I just came from WalMart and bought two of L. Sansone's WATP tapes. Can't wait to try them. They were only $8 each, so that wasn't too bad. I was going to try one of The Firm tapes, but they only came in a set of three for $25. I think I will wait and probably pick one up at a garage sale sometime. Maybe if I do something different for awhile, it will shake up my metabolism or something. Sounds like you are getting back to your "old self" again.

    Regarding problems with the forum, I recall seeing a note from Suzanne that the site was going to be down for "maintenance". That may have been the time you were trying to get on. I was not able to a couple times either.

    Sheila, hope you enjoy your vacation on the coast. I am counting the days (21 to go!) till we go to the lake. I wish I had some answers for you too. Almost makes you feel guilty when you enjoy yourself while your father is home alone. I was thinking along the same lines as Willow. Around here, they have what they call "respite centers" just for such situations. Sometimes just for a few days or a few hours.

    Angel, I checked out your site too. Very nice. Looking forward to seeing the personal webpage too. Congrats on the pounds lost. Hopefully they will stay away forever.

    Puss, we are thinking of you even though we don't "see" you. Hope things are going OK. We'll keep a light on for you - - -

    Have a good weekend everyone. Sue
  • Just a quickie, ....
    I had to drop in and add the rest of my exercise for today in here. I went to Curves for 45 minutes tonight. That makes a total of 132 minutes of exercise today. But, the rest of the time I didn't do much, so, I don't know how much good it did.

    Hi Sue, good to see you!
    I just know you'll like the WATP tapes, because you can do them at your own intensity and build up speed as time goes on, and you don't have to get into these ungodly positions as some of them.
    I saw a tape next to Richard called THE FIRM, but I don't know how difficult it is to do, so thought I'd leave it for another day.
    I'm trying to find out what BODY FLEX is. I think it's stretching, and a woman told me on another site that she lost a lot of weight while doing that routine. I THINK that's what she said it was.

    I had fun with RS this morning. I have to laugh at myself and him both. I think it's a good idea too, to have variety so you don't get burned out on one or two things all the time.

    It was really hot and icky here today. But, at least the rest of the week was beautiful and it was a nice way to end my vacation.

    I suppose i can go see what's on the boob tube. I'm getting bored. I'm not really crazy about watching TV, but, it's that or the PC.

    Everybody have a wonderful weekend, and I suppose it wil be like most weekends with no activity on here, so, be safe in your travels.
  • Hi, Sue--what lake do you go to? Do you have a cabin there or go camping or. . .? You may have mentioned it, but I have a mind like a sieve. Back in 1976 I stayed for a month on the east coast in New Jersey and New York and on Martha's Vineyard. My friend and I went camping in the Catskills. One of my most vivid memories is that we got in a conversation with a guy from the Bronx and I couldn't understand a word he said! Being in NYC was interesting, too. Another friend and I had driven a car from Corvallis, Oregon, to Minneapolis, then took a bus to Chicago where we took a train, me going to NYC, and she going to visit her family in Boston. I arrived at Grand Central Station and felt like I had wandered into ****--hot, steamy and smelly with weird people wandering around. Right after getting off the train, my friend whisked me to Central Park for an outdoor concert where there must have been a million people and the police were shaking down the vendors for beer. Too much for a sheltered girl from Seattle!

    Willow--Richard Simmons is so campy--I love it! I have one of his Sweatin' to the Oldies aerobics tapes that I occasionally use. What I would like to get is a "yoga light" tape. I think the stretching in yoga might help ease some of these perpetually contracted muscles I have. Not sure, but it's worth a try. I know some of the poses aren't good for me, but others might be beneficial.

    Sorry your vacation is coming to an end. Sounds like you're a bit bored, though, so maybe it's for the best. I know what you mean about TV. I watch a lot of it because I have to lie down a lot, and reading is tough with my arms up in the air so I either fall asleep (which makes it hard to sleep at night) or watch TV. For the first time ever I have cable and it's the deluxe stuff so there's a lot to choose from.

    If we finish this trellis project, I will try to post some before and after photos this weekend. We're also going to visit my son who is working for a week in a town about 1.5 hours away from where we live. I'm looking forward to seeing him, and hopefully hearing him say, "Mom, you lost weight--you look great!" If he doesn't, he's outta my will!
  • Hi everybody! Hey....I don't care what you call me....long as you keep it friendly! LOL Thanks for the compliments on the WS

    Willow...Hope you got all those locks changed & keep your keys hid!!

    I forgot just what you do at work....are you a teacher? If so, what do you teach? I guess I could go back & check....just lazy. LOL

    Sheila....lost weight after fruitcake & chinese food! WEIGH TO GO!! How is your dog doing? The one you were thinking about taking to the dermatologist. Hope he/she is better. Also, hope you come up with a solution for your dad while you're on vacation. It's hard to convince them, they can't do things like they used to!

    Hi Sue....I'm sure your weightloss will kick in soon. Sometimes, when we plateau, it just takes awhile.

    My poor mother-in-law fell yesterday. Was taken to hospital by ambulance. She fell forward on cement on her face. Has a large lump all across her forhead, very black eye, etc. Tests didn't reveal anything serious. She really looks bad, though. She's a tough lady. I don't like to see her looking like that. Be glad when she's well.

    Getting sleepy....gonna try to get some rest. Still waking up about 3-4am each morning! Everyone have a good evening.