IP daily chat Tuesday 11/5/2013

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  • You will be surprised at how easy it can become to get veggies in during a work day.

    I have made cream of broccoli and cream of cauliflower soup for years, so now those are my go to lunches. I steam the veggies on the weekend and store in two cup servings. Each weeknight as I'm making dinner I mix up a chicken soup packet in my magic bullet, add broccoli or cauliflower, blend until smooth, then put on the storage lid and stick it in the fridge. In the morning I throw it in my purse and head to work.

    I take in RTD shakes and snack packets on the rare occasion I drive, so a supply of them are always available to me and all I need to think about in the morning is lunch. If there is a meeting, I eat the salad and have a chicken noodle soup when I get back to my desk.