Do our feet lose weight?

  • I've lost 35 pounds and 4 dress sizes since July. Today I noticed the shoes I bought a month ago are not staying on my feet.

    I tried another pair and they seem really loose as well. Could this be related to my weight loss? I can't imagine how. But I've had the same shoe size since 8th grade. How can my feet be smaller?
  • Yes, I was an 8. Now I fit back into a 7.
  • I've been a 9 since I was pregnant with my son 18 years ago. I bought new shoes 2 weeks a go (I'm down 50 pounds) and I'm now a 7 1/2. I haven't been a 7 1/2 since high school!
  • I have very small feet and one is a bit smaller than the other. I am annoyed lately that my right shoe is always slipping off, no matter which pair of shoes I am wearing. I can't go down any smaller in sizes because the size 5s I wear are hard enough to find. I did.t think until I read this that possibly my feet have shrunk a bit too taking the smaller one totally out of my shoe size.
  • I'm happy to say YES they do I use to have to wear an 11 wide (big feet I know) now I can wear some 10.5 and normal 11's sweet shoes are hard enough for me to find!!!
  • This is funny / interesting and thanks for bringing this up, 2much2do! I didn't think it was possible. I've been an 8 my entire life and sometimes, pending upon brand 8.5. Two weeks ago, I'm in Macys and voila, the 8's were too big (feet were sliding) and I went for the 7.5 thinking that it's impossible for my feet to shrink. It's important not to cram up your feet, they need to breathe however, if the shoe doesn't fit...
  • When there is more weight to carry, the bones of the feet sort of splay out but, as you shrink, they do the reverse.
  • Yup, I'm down at least half a size although the way my shoes have been feeling lately, I think it might be closer to a whole size.

    Oh shucks darn, I guess that means in addition to new clothes, we'll need new shoes too

  • I still cant fit into my 'pre-gain weight' boots. I have a few awesome boots, but my calfs are still too wide to zip them up
  • Great thread, and yes! Our feet also shrink a bit. But in my case it's also that my feet stretched out my shoes as I gained weight, so now as I lose weight my shoes that would have fit fine are now falling off my feet. I did buy some insoles that I swap out between shoes and that does help a bit.
  • They absolutely do! I have lost 35 lbs and my most noticeable area to me is my feet....they aren't swollen and puffy anymore. My shoes slide right on and feet feel so much better without being cramped in. When I look at my feet I can see bones and veins abt a a NSV!
  • Agree with the post upthread about the bones spreading because of the extra weight we carry. I lost about 1/2 a size, my feet are noticeably thinner to look at as well.