Daily check in: Were you under your calories today?

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  • Total calories today 1,117 My daily goal is 1,650

    My sodium was much improved from yesterday 2,224 mg

    Winn Dixie - 2% Reduced Fat Milk, 0.5 cup
    Great Value - Strawberry Awake Cereal, 1 cup

    Mashed Potatos 2% Milk and Margarine, 0.5 cup
    String Beans - Green String Beans Steamed , 0.5 cup (125g)
    Haddock, Floured or Breaded, Fried - 6 oz
    Hush Puppies - Homemade, 2 hush puppies

    Homemade Pulled Pork Sandwich on Hot Dog Roll White Bread, 1 sandwich
    Mustard Potato Salad - Walmart, 1/2 cup
    Walmart Great Value - Coleslaw, 1/2 cup
  • Great job Larry! I have to admit your BP scares me if I had a patient with a BP that low I would put u in a reverse trendelburg position and pushing fluids and calling the doctor Stat! Lol but since thats ur baseline and ur doctors aware. I guess its ok

    As for myself...me and my scale have are not speaking anymore I been within my calories well most days and im fluctuating up and down 2lbs. Im thinking its bc of my sodium and water intake. I been trying really hard to get all my water in. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Its just frustrating when I stay within my calories and still no change. I thinking im gonna have to change my weigh in to 1 or 2 x a week bc this is discouraging.

    Makebelieve I hope u feel better! ( Lol at the 1lb of snot comment ). Need to get off of here and get me some water to drink!
  • I had a very busy exercise day; 4.7 mile walk, weight lifting 45 min, elliptical 30 min and I even moved the lawn with a pushmower for 60 min...total cals burned 3000. I ate 1450 cals worth food
  • Awesome job Sum 38. Wish I could say the same.

    First day of TOM yesterday. Ugh! My calories were 1328 with no exercise.
  • Breakfast today was at a fund raiser.
    I overdid Breakfast a little but I came out good for the day's totals

    Total Calories 1,599 which is 51 calories under my daily goal of 1,650

    Tomorrow is my weigh in day. I used to weigh every day but I have reduced that to weighing only once a week. This helps me to see less up and down fluctuations.
  • 1346

    Loving my new fitbit zip! I wanted to really see how hard I could push myself today. I ended up walking 2 miles on the track. I was going to have a cheat day, but my husband ended up spending an hour in Game Stop, eating up all our lunch time. So I skipped lunch, had a mocha from Starbucks, and then after the movie, went to O'Charley's. My appetite has shrank. I used to wipe out a plate of chicken tenders. Tonight, even with skipping lunch, I ate two, a few fries and the salad with no dressing. Grabbed an oreo milkshake from Chick Fil A on the way home, and after a few sips it made me ill.

    I'm feeling pretty good right now
  • Yesterday went well. It feels so good to change my tickler. I found out I wasnt drinking enough water. Found an app that reminds me to drink water. Today I woke up and lost 2 1/2 lbs wow!
  • No exercise for me yesterday and scale jumped up 0.8 pounds.
    Calories around 1350 with some poor choices though. Like sodium filled Panera broccoli and cheese soup, ugh. I feel the bloat now.
  • So yesterday I was at 1150, so 50 under...Finally.

    Today I am at 1178, so only 22 under. Today I am starving and craving junk. Might just be a side effect from TOM. Ugh though. I could totally binge though and blame it on TOM, but I won't.
  • I was under calories today at 1,566 My goal is 1,650

    I had very low sodium today only 645 mg
    I wish I could get it that low every day

    The bad news is my weight remained the same at my weekly weigh in this morning. At least it was not a gain

    I don't do water well but managed ten (10) glasses today
  • Great job Larry on the sodium! I t is hard for me sometimes to stay under sodium requirements as well. Usually when I eat less packaged and fried foods my sodium intake stays under the recommended amount. Keep that up and Im sure u will notice a huge change on the scale : )
  • I've had a bad week and a bit but I'm trying to get back on track. I was under 1600 so I will call today a success with 1587 calories consumed.
  • Three words.....

    Chicken and Dumplings

    Ended the day with 1750 calories, no exercise. Oh well, today is a new day LOL. Got it planned out and looking forward to my walk this afternoon.
  • Went over my sodium levels yesterday and noticed a difference. Thanks Larry for making me more conscious of my sodium intake which led me to look at my water intake. Getting the water in has been hard I found that drinking tap water out of the faucet is helping me ..I can drink it faster. I been on only water for the last two months I just wasnt getting enough in. Today is going great I haven't ate dinner yet but ive logged everything I plan to eat and im within my calories and macros. I also incorporated adding more fiber to help me stay regular. Since I weigh daily I want my system to be as clear as possible when I step on the scale. All in all im doing good my weight loss is slow but it is dropping at least and when it doesn't I take a look at what im eating and adjust. Im learning so much abt my body and nutrition. I dont feel deprived which is very important. The only thing I havent incorporated is excercise but it is coming very very soon. I need to research on where to start wht I shld be doing so that it is semi fun and something I can stick with. Happy counting all!
  • I ate out all day due to taking my wife to an Orthopedic surgeon for an opinion on total knee replacement. Although she desperately needs it done she is not a candidate due to the fact she is allergic to all the major pain medications. She can not be treated as is necessary for post surgery pain.

    My total calories today were 1,530 which is 120 under my goal of 1,650

    Total sodium 2,615 mg which is 115 mg over my goal of 2,500 mg.
    I am closer to my sodium goal than I have been in the past


    Olive Garden - Five Cheese Ziti (Lunch), 1 serving
    Olive Garden Restaurant - Pasta E Fagioli Soup, 1 Bowl

    Perkin's Restaurant - Tilapia Grille (Fish Only), 1 piece
    Perkin's Restaurant - Mashed Potatoes W Brown Gravy (Side)
    Perkins Restaurants - Side Salad W/Fat Free Italian Dressing