21 Habit

  • Anyone else know the website 21habit.com? You pay $21 then check in on your goal, whatever that may be, for 21 days. For each day you have success, you get a dollar back. If you don't achieve your goal, they give your dollar to charity. You can also use it in "free mode" where you simply check in. I am doing free mode but somehow it is helping! I have been maintaining for months but really want to get going again and this has gotten me started. I also upped my plan calories to 1350 cuz I had been aiming for 1200 (honestly I know it sounds like too little but I am short and hate exercise...I only lose half a pound a week at 1350) and 1200 was such a struggle. Anyhow, this website is a great idea, I think.
  • That sounds pretty cool. What an interesting concept.
  • Interesting concept. I signed up for the free version.

    I think they may need to tweak it a little. If I paid $21 and I fail, I am fine with the money going to a worthy cause. I would actually feel badly if no money went to a charity. They should have an option where money goes to bad people (Westboro, my ex). Then I would fight and claw to make sure none of my money went to them.
  • Quote: They should have an option where money goes to bad people (Westboro, my ex).
    This made my day, haha!!