Home of the 100% (NO CHEAT ZONE) Vol 26

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  • Ruth Ann: Congrats on being halfway

  • IPN: Do I notice a change on your ticker?
  • I told someone today that asked genuinely about the program that is was no bread, no dairy, no sugar and I feel better then I have for a long time. I think I have dairy issues. Anyway, when I said no bread, no dairy, no sugar...a heavy set (obese) co-worker who has bad knees and is constantly on stupid fad diets said "no life". Ha! I just laughed out loud - mean guy had no comment. I'm a 100 percenter on day 13 (newbie) but I take this one day and sometimes one meal and one bite at a time!
  • Hooray for all the NSVs today! And thanks for the congrats!

    Lj - you'll do great with that attitude. Welcome.

    I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend. Lots to do but I'm going to take one day just for me and sleep, read, and just relax. I need some down time just for me.
  • IdealProteinNewbie: Silence followed by results: Love this- true for all kinds of negativity. I noticed you are down 109 lbs. YOU ROCK!

    Lisa: Your facebook friend is absolutely right - think how much it would suck to have nothing better to do than make yourself feel good by making others feel bad. Great NSV: Don't you love being called skinny!! Good for you.

    I am back to school and incredibly stressed - we had a new teacher find a different job and not tell us. Lots of last minute scrambling. I refuse to let it make me eat. I am finding that being 100% for the 10 months I did IP has really taught me to think before eating and stay in control. If hunger isn't the problem food is not the answer! I heard that here and its so true.

    Keep up the good work everyone.
  • HAs anyone experienced "friends" that try to lure you off your diet...I have one particular friend who I compliment yet no matter how good I look she says NOTHING, when we go out and Im on IP she seems to purposefully tell me to have a drink, enjoy my life without the IP, have one small bite of a no-no food...last time I was on IP she literally worked me over so much that I gave in foolishly. After which she herself lost weight and seems to be okay with herself "losing 5 lbs" but when it comes to my efforts sabotage...We are both attractive women but sometimes it feels like she wants to be the thinner one now and gosh, life isnt a competition, right? I had a friend say because in my early 40's the reason my weight skyrocketed daily in the last month or two was possibly premenopausal...Once I saw the scale climbing daily regardless of the good foods I was eatting and small portions, I thought maybe thyroid but since asking otehrs many say Pre M may be the likely cause. I feel excited to be back on IP but I do worry about the chemicals in Stevia and some products that may be cancer-causing...I have pain in my right side during IP wondering if it is possibly ovaries or kidney stones? Lost 5-6 lbs in first 4 days, staying 100% on IP and hoping to lose the weight consistently. My average weight and highest ever was 130-140....on IP last time I was down to college weight of 127 and stopped....I was fine for almost a year until the recent two months running up the scale at 3-5 lbs a day from 135 to 164...it worried me...I love what IP has done for me before and willing to give it another go around.
    Has anyone seen if there is a difference in amount of weight lost if you eat only the items you can have 3 times a day/7 days a week: ie drinks, leek soup, chicken soup as opposed to eatting snacks and spaghetti items? Also, any difference if you drink a lot more water or less? Thanks.
  • Quote: HAs anyone experienced "friends" that try to lure you off your diet...I have one particular friend who I compliment yet no matter how good I look she says NOTHING, when we go out and Im on IP she seems to purposefully tell me to have a drink, enjoy my life without the IP, have one small bite of a no-no food...last time I was on IP she literally worked me over so much that I gave in foolishly. After which she herself lost weight and seems to be okay with herself "losing 5 lbs" but when it comes to my efforts sabotage...We are both attractive women but sometimes it feels like she wants to be the thinner one now and gosh, life isnt a competition, right? I had a friend say because in my early 40's the reason my weight skyrocketed daily in the last month or two was possibly premenopausal...Once I saw the scale climbing daily regardless of the good foods I was eatting and small portions, I thought maybe thyroid but since asking otehrs many say Pre M may be the likely cause. I feel excited to be back on IP but I do worry about the chemicals in Stevia and some products that may be cancer-causing...I have pain in my right side during IP wondering if it is possibly ovaries or kidney stones? Lost 5-6 lbs in first 4 days, staying 100% on IP and hoping to lose the weight consistently. My average weight and highest ever was 130-140....on IP last time I was down to college weight of 127 and stopped....I was fine for almost a year until the recent two months running up the scale at 3-5 lbs a day from 135 to 164...it worried me...I love what IP has done for me before and willing to give it another go around.
    Has anyone seen if there is a difference in amount of weight lost if you eat only the items you can have 3 times a day/7 days a week: ie drinks, leek soup, chicken soup as opposed to eatting snacks and spaghetti items? Also, any difference if you drink a lot more water or less? Thanks.
    A lot to comment in there
    Trying to find the paragraphs!

    1. Are you talking about a friend or an acquaintance?
    A true friend I'd have a frank talk with.
    An acquaintance...did you read the posts before yours??? Many were all about these people.

    2. No mention of cheats on this thread. We discuss how we overcome temptation here

    3. Stevia is natural. Are you confusing it with Splenda (sucralose) and other artificial sweeteners?

    4. Although there may be a small number of people who already have kidney issues (either diagnosed or not), for the vast majority of people, ketognic diets in the short term ( a few months) cause no harm. After that, SOME people may have thyroid sensitivity and may need to cycle on & off. Any medical professional who is well versed in these plans will know this. I recommend finding one & getting your symptoms checked.

    5. Follow the plan as it is written. It works. No need to try to tweak it. The plan does call for a lot of water already, but you already know this.

    Welcome back to IP!
  • Lisa: No change yet. Still in a bit of a plateau but, of course, sticking with it!

    OnMyWay: Thank you! How is maintenance going for you so far?
  • I refuse to let it make me eat. I am finding that being 100% for the 10 months I did IP has really taught me to think before eating and stay in control. If hunger isn't the problem food is not the answer! I heard that here and its so true.

    Onmyway - that is so great. You've done a great job and it's inspirational to see your results!

    Timely too - I have been under a ton of stress recently and my solution has been to up my walking and trying really hard to get quiet time each day. Whereas before I would have turned to food and what I call a "carb coma", I'm stopping to think about what I really need. (Of course, what I really need is less stress but...) It feels good to be training my brain to review all the options and come up with the right answer!
  • Hi lisa, I'm completing my 3 week of the alternative IP diet. 1st wk lost 6 lbs, 2nd wk 1 lb & this week so far 0. Over all 4 1/2 inches off. But, I honestly don't know what's going on, I have not cheated AT ALL. I read a lot of posts were people are loosing many pounds per week.
    I eat dinner about 6:00pm and usually have my last packet or bar at 8:30-9:00pm, could that time frame be an issue since there too close together?
  • Hi Tammy - I'm not Lisa, but I can tell you what I've learned.

    There are so many factors in weight loss - TOM, what you were eating before starting, body composition, etc., etc. It's best not to compare yourself to others - someone who has 150 lbs to lose is going to start off with a bigger loss usually than someone who has less to lose. Every body is different, so every journey is different.

    Are you getting in all your water, oil and salt? That can make a huge difference.

    I don't think timing makes much difference - I many times don't eat until 7 or so and then have my last packet at around 9 just before bed. I try to eat my restricted early in the day but that's what works for me - you can play around with what makes your body happy and works in your life as far as when you eat. Just make sure to get everything in.

    Lastly, if you're going to stress about daily differences in your weight just stay off the scale except for a weekly weigh-in (whenever you decide to do it). The numbers can drive you nuts if you let them!

    Oh, and 7 pounds in 2 weeks is a great loss! Celebrate the pounds that are gone and stick with it, the weight will come off. You aren't going to get a huge loss every week - sometimes your body needs time to adjust.

    Good luck and glad to have you with us!
  • Quote: NSV!
    In the last 3 days, 2 people have told me I'm looking good and they're surprised I want to lose more (of course they don't know my weight and can't see under my clothes!)

    My boss told me today's outfit made me look super skinny! I guess this'll be a weekly outfit!
    Now this gives reason to completely discount the bad eggs that roll through your space during the day! HooraY!!
  • Quote: Hi lisa, I'm completing my 3 week of the alternative IP diet. 1st wk lost 6 lbs, 2nd wk 1 lb & this week so far 0. Over all 4 1/2 inches off. But, I honestly don't know what's going on, I have not cheated AT ALL. I read a lot of posts were people are loosing many pounds per week.
    I eat dinner about 6:00pm and usually have my last packet or bar at 8:30-9:00pm, could that time frame be an issue since there too close together?
    Could you clarify?
    Are you using the alternative protocol or are you using alternative products (other than IP brand). They are 2 different things and there would certainly be slower losses on the alternative protocol.

    You have already been told that there are SO.MANY factors influencing weight loss. The scale is only one of the measures. Even trying to compare measuring-tape measures with others is futile. I was measured in 5 spots. Others are measured in 9 or 10 spots. You can't compare apples to oranges!

    So, what we CAN do is know the plan works. Some weeks we will see scale losses and other weeks our bodies are making internal adjustments. It is all good.

    The more we monitor the scale, the more frustrating it can be. I'd pick one day for "weigh in" day and stay off in-between until you're ready to view the scale as a neutral observer. What is the point of getting on there all the time anyway? What does it accomplish?
  • Wow...lots of activity since I've been on here last! Congratulations to so many of the successes!! I love this thread because it is so positive.

    I'm still plugging along 100%. I've been super busy with getting back to work & getting my kids to school & their activities. This week, I lost 1 lb....better than nothing! I'm tempted to start doing some walking. I've read that it won't speed up the losses, but I'm still very tempted to try it. I think I have TOM symptoms...so I may see how this plays out.

    Regardless, like others of you have said...it is so easy to stay 100%. Just get into the mind frame of what we can have! I've survived vacations, birthday parties, & weddings so far!!
  • IdealproteinNewbie:

    Thanks for asking about maintence - I feel very unsure and scared, but did lose 1 lb my first week. I posted on the new thread about maint. questions. I am following protocol as best as I can considering there is not a lot of specific info avail. More info here than at my clinic as usual.

    I have not tried a fun day yet: still not sure if I could stay in control enough for my level of comfort so I am going to wait. It didn't kill me to avoid the foods that got me morbidly obese for the 10 months on phase 1 and frankly I'm not in any hurry to try eating them again and see what happens.

    I have been reading alot about stress, cortisol and the storage of belly fat. I'm wondering if that is one of the reasons I still more fat than I'd like around my middle. Too little sleep, too much stress. I am trying to address this with yoga and making a conscious effort to just relax. I'll tell you it ain't easy - as a teacher and mother of 3 boys - I feel like at this time of year my life goes from 0 to 100 in a second.

    I'm trying to keep it a priority to take care of me first. No one else will. For example - as I was walking out the door for my 1/2 day of school yesterday - I saw a message stating we had a meeting at 12:30. In other words - full day - eat at work standing up, not home like I was planning - although I knew it might make me a few minutes later that I wanted to be - I went back in the house and packed up a lunch for myself -good thing I always have stuff prepped in the fridge - I must say I'm very proud of myself for taking care of myself first - and planning and being prepared - it is key to success and its not something the old obese me ever did!