~*Sexy For Halloween 2013 Challenge!*~

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  • Week 2 chart! Namaste has overtaken ruby and ChickieBoom has taken 3rd place. This chart is very late (I'm so sorry!) so expect things to shift around on Monday!

  • Riestrella - Better late than never. Thanks for making the chart

    I was so excited that my Halloween costume came in the mail. The site said it fit small so you should size up (which I did) but it is HUGE on me. I think I am going to exchange it for 2 sizes down, since I figure one size down would fit me currently but 7 weeks from now I might wish it was even smaller. We will see though, I might choose a different costume entirely since I regretted this one after I ordered it. I thought I had Halloween all figured out and now I have to start over again.
  • Wow, it's been a long time since I posted! I've gained a lot this week...completely my fault so I'm not even going to say "woe is me" because I am a grown a$$ woman who can make her own decisions. I've just been making the STUPID decisions in relation to my health. On Wednesday I came down with one horrible cold, I had to leave work an hour early on Thursday, but managed to survive to the bitter end yesterday (though it was a struggle).

    I celebrated my 4 year anniversary with my boyfriend on Monday 9th. He bought me a moleskin journal with a message in and a lovely poem (completely not like him!), he also made me a crossword where the theme was us and our memories. It was so sweet and so much fun! We went out for our favourite meal...BURGERS.

    I am now on a 3 day weekend, woohoo! But I am sick with this friggin cold...I got so much sleep last night and I'm drinking a LOT of water. Funny thing is, I hadn't really been pooping much but then yesterday when I drank water all day I pooped like 4 times. It felt great! Haha.

    I'm going to try and do something today...even if I am sniffing and coughing. Nothing hardcore but something to get my joints working again. I really want to start running again, the weather is getting less relentless with humidity so I figure I could start it up again. I miss it!

    So while I'm not exactly going to be wearing a sexy halloween costume I now have a different incentive...I'm helping make a music video (nothing official, just with a group that meets up and does this stuff for fun!) and I'm going to be in it ;_;. I stupidly volunteered so they wouldn't have to find someone to do it, but I have to be a girl who's going to a night club. I'm a terrible dancer and I really don't own anything that's sexy going out wear! So I need to lose weight for the shoot so I don't look at myself and think "ewwww!"

    Now for the epic task of replying to you chatty folks. Sorry if I miss anyone/rant about old things!


    jackie - That sounds like a nasty injury! Hope your knee is feeling better.

    shelf - I'm mad jelly of your river view, I really would love a house with a great view for reading/contemplating! What book are you currently reading? Think I'm going to do the same - just not buy it! It's a great weakness...

    namaste - Yeah, he is a handsome man! Good for him on losing all that weight. You should try a 10K!! If you're doing lots of 5's I'm sure with the right training you could handle it. Running outside, with the right route, is amazing. I can never go back to treadmills after having a great running route. I know what you mean though, my current location is just city. There's a river near by but it's not very well lit and I have to run at night...Japan is one of the safest places in the world but I'm still cautious of being attacked!

    Dott - The closer you get to your goal (and you're darn close!) the harder it is to lose weight. So don't worry about not losing as much as before! You're doing amazing. Congrats on improving on the trail runs, that's such a fast improvement! Ahh, so close!!! No worries on inactivity, just post when you can!!

    versace - Wow, you ran 8 miles?! That's so far!! Just make time for working out, I know it seems hard when you're so busy but even 20 minutes is better than nothing, right? Congrats on the continuous weight loss!!

    rainbow - Haha, yeah, I always wish that whenever I visit the bathroom my scale will tell me I'm lighter! But it's not the case unfortunately. You're right, you can't make excuses and cut yourself slack - you've just got to keep on with it no matter what your situation. Some situations are harder than others, granted, but from someone who made a life changing move last year and has only gained and not returned to her previous weight - just keep going!!
    Good job on maintaining!!

    jessica - Have you had your whoosh?? How did your meal go?! Don't worry about how you look! You're doing something about it and that's what matters.

    NorthernChick - Ooh la la! That's a smexy costume!!

    Atarimae - Introducing exercise to your routine is amazing! You'll do it and you won't go back ;p. I live in the same place, but I would use whatever scale is around. No point carrying one around with you, unless it's not a pain in the arse!

    Sophie - I love Sailor Moon! Welcome!! I know what you mean when you just start and don't stop...it's horrible when it happens. Slip ups happen though, it doesn't mean we've FAILED and have to start over!!

    KTB - I'm thinking of running another one for New Year! Don't worry!

    ChickieBoom - Haha, well you're soaring ahead of the competition to be a slutty zombie!!

    kiss - Oh man, I hate fainting in public! I've fainted on the train twice and on the train platform once...all in Japan! It's really embarrassing when I fall into people and wake up and everyone is staring down at me...
    Hiking is such a great workout! I'm not surprised you just chilled the next day!

    naffy - Welcome back! And thanks! I love running them, brings everyone together!

    MrsDeenz - I know how you feel, but let's just get back on it and kick some arse!! We can do it!!

    runthecont - Yeah, not having a job is a dream for health but not so much for money! It's a good attitude to take though, it'll keep you sane while you job search to have something productive to focus on.

    Rated - Woohoo on costumes being too big!!
  • Rated:
    don't you love when you need something smaller than you thought? LOL I'm the same way, I keep seeing costumes that I think might be even cuter than the one I got--so many options!

    I still havent decided on my appropriate costume for my work (I work at a middle school). I'm thinking the female version of where's waldo.
    Happy Birthday! Any special plans?

    Welcome and good luck!

    Thanks for putting up the chart and hosting this challenge! And sorry you've been sick! I tend to eat terribly when I'm sick, and I have no motivation to exercise.
    The music video sounds fun and motivating, if a bit terrifying
    Glad you had fun with the boyfriend! That gift sounds super sweet and unique

    The gypsy costume I bought on Ebay came in a couple of days ago....size S/m....and it FIT! zipped up and everything. When I took it out of the box, it looked so TINY, that I immediately started thinking "damn, that is not going to fit me". The only thing is....it is way TOO short. Like, you can see my buttcheeks short. here is the link to the costume, which is short online but not buttcheek short:


    So, I looked closer and realized that the skirt to the costume had been taken up by about 3 inches!! I had to take it to a tailor to take it down. All in all my costume came out to $10 ($7 original plus $3 tailoring), so I can't copmlain
    My weekend was super relaxing. But, I am still at 147, which isn't where I was hoping. I think I'm going to start another round of 30day shred. and buy healthy groceries. ugh. Happy Mondays everyone!
  • Hey Everyone!

    I hope it is not too late to join this challenge! I used to have a profile on here, but I could not remember my login information for the life of me! I loved these challenges, and they always seemed to help me in the past.

    I have not updated the spreadsheet yet, but I will do so this evening. Should my starting weight be what it was back when the challenge first started, or what it is today? I have both of those numbers, so either would be easy for me to do

    I am actually getting married October 19th, so this is definitely a good challenge for both my wedding, and Halloween as I hope to stay on track through my Honeymoon. Cannot wait to start this awesome challenge with you all
  • Darn! Wish I had joined earlier coz it would be a definite target for me! Can I please still join?
  • Rated: Ty! Oh god, I slipped some progress shots into a post somewhere, but idk if I'm ready for a full on post of it. Maybe once I hit 150 or something.

    Lol man, it has to be a pain that the costume didn't fit, but definitely better that it was too big rather than too small. Have any new ideas on what you might want to go as instead if not your current costume?

    kisskiss: Tyty! I have three more semesters after this one, and then I'm free to go make money omg.

    Oh heey, gj on the costume fitting! Though wow what a hassle@ having to go to the tailor for the skirt length, but at least it worked out.

    I haven't bought my Halloween costume yet, and actually don't even have a clue what I want to go as this year. These last few years I've been tacking on a devil tail & horns to whatever I was already wearing that day, but maybe this year with the weight loss, I can do a little more.

    Riestrella: Ty for the chart! I love looking them over lol. Congrats on the anniversary; it sounds like you had a great time. And w ow, good luck on the music video. It's totally an a+ excuse to go out and treat yourself to a super cute new outfit, though..!

    As for the 8 miles, oh gosh it does seem like so much when you're just looking at the number, but it goes by so quickly. I play that zombies run app every time, and I have slowly extended my run periods from just 3 miles to 8 so I can listen to more story/get more supplies for my town LOL.


    So I had another school saturated week, but weigh in this morning put me as down 2 lbs from last Monday, which also means I am now, for the first time ever, the same weight that it says on my driver's license oh my god I can't even believe it. And then this afternoon I knocked out another 8 miles on the treadmill, and overall I'm feeling pretty great
  • Hey guys! Well I tried my sailor moon costume last night and it doesn't fit me right. I'd need to lose like 20lbs in order for it to look right on me. I was soooooo depressed last night. I cried. I know I shouldn't discourage myself but I REALLY wanted to fit that costume and now I know I won't be able to wear it this Halloween...

    On a good note though, I got some sneakers as an early birthday gift! Bright pink hehe. I want to start Couch-2-5K next week so I went walking yesterday to try to break them in before then.

    MAYBE, by some miracle, I'll deflate (LOL) and be able to wear my costume... but as is right now, I'll probably have to go get a new one and save this one for next year :/
  • Week 3 Chart!

  • ello ello!

    Yesterday was a complete failure of a day! Ended up getting Domino's with the bf =/. I had stuff to cook with...I was just being stupidly lazy and being childish! I felt bad afterwards, usually I have a no regrets attitude to things but I knew that last night was a mistake.

    So today I made up for it, I didn't over eat and I went on my first run since July 3rd!! The weather was LOVELY tonight, so cool and not humid at all! I ran for 37 minutes and did 2.6 miles, putting my pace at 14:29 min/mi - that's a bit slow for me! I was getting 10/11 min/mi and 9 min/mi on a race day. I've got my fingers crossed the weather remains this lovely so I can carry on. I've got a base to build against the zombies!!

    Has anyone heard of Ellie Goulding? I love her song "Burn" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGyEd0aKWZE

    It's such a good workout song!

    My weight has been going up, up and UP in the last week. I went from 156 lbs up to 160 lbs!! Man, I suck so much. I'm hoping for a nicer number tomorrow morning but it might take a while for it to go down again...only got myself to blame!


    kisskiss - I'm the same way, I sink into a pit when I'm sick! Woohoo on the gypsy costume fitting and getting it altered! SO CHEAP! Take pictures on Halloween!!

    diana - You can use the weight you were at the beginning of the challenge! Wow, a wedding! So exciting!!

    anwesharry - Yes! Read the rules in post 1 =)

    versace - You'll love looking at week 3's chart...YOU'RE NUMBER 2!! Go you!! Tell me about it! But in Japan clothing sizes are ridiculously small since the women here have no boobs, butt or fat! I hope I can get something nice. Oh man, I use that app too!! I'm only on mission 2, but I really like it. I love getting home and tinkering around with my base. But the supplies run out so quickly!! Want to get back out there haha.

    Sophie - *hug* sorry it didn't fit! Don't get upset! Can't you exchange it for a bigger size? Even if you can't, you're right, save it for next year!! Don't put too much pressure on yourself, I know you were excited but it's just a costume, right? Your health is more important =). I have bright pink running shoes! I love them!
  • Alright guys. So I had a couple of bad days. I was really stressed out with school and ended up eating so much fast food due to stress and not having time to make meals. I have been so tired and I have a test today. I weighed in and Im at 234. I know that its my fault. Im really trying not to come down hard on myself and rember that its a work in progress. I ate well yesterday adn preparred to eat well today. A bit annoyed with myself but hey this is a journey not a sprint. Some encouragement would be great if anyone has any. :0

    Riestrella- Never got my woosh because I didnt wait for it. I wasnt eating healthy from like Thursday to Sunday. Yesterday I prepared healthy meals and today I have as well. I noticed for week 3 I am numero 20 so its push to get back to it! Thank you. P.s. Love that song!

    Rate- Haha what an awesome problem to have!

    KissKiss- Woohoo it fits!

    Versace- I totally feel you. School is getting the best of my eating habits.

    Sophie- Its ok hey there are still 2weeks till Halloween and maybe it just means that in 20lbs you need to throw a costume party. ; ) this is the solution i see.
  • Hellllooo?! Is anyone out there?! Haha, where oh where have all my sexy ladies gone??

    Yesterday I was going to workout but I really couldn't be bothered so I just played Mass Effect 3 instead. BUT I ran the day before and I ran today! Completed mission 3 of Zombies, Run! This time I did 3:10 miles in 42:12 (with a little walk at the beginning) which puts my pace at 13:36 min/mi which is almost a minute faster than yesterday! Huzzah!

    My weight hasn't received the good news that I'm active again, still floating on the HORRIBLE 160 lbs mark. But I'm due on my blergh on Monday so that's probably why. I've been drinking lots of water so I hope I get a WHOOSH soon!

    jessica - I'm a firm believer in that there's no such thing as "I didn't have time." I know it sounds harsh, but you can make the time for a healthy living. I think you were just stressed so you didn't want to cook healthy...am I right? Junk food is full of the fats and sugars we crave, especially when we're down in the dumps!! I was exactly the same way when I was busy with school work, I would say "I'm too busy studying/working!!" but I could have spared an hour to make myself something good. It's good to take breaks from the cramming and eating something good will power your brain! You can do it, it's not the end of the world, you're back at it and that's what's important! Never give up!
  • I hve struggled with the scale the past three days. It read the same (higher) weight all three days. Finally saw it move down to 250.8 this morning.
  • So last night I ate farely healthy and stayed within my calories. Im thinking Im going to buy a few somewhat healthy frozen meals for the days where I feel like I just cant cook and feel to stressed out to do much of anything. So ya. Hope everyones doing well.

    Riestrella- you are so right! I could have made my meals on the weekend or in the morning or when i get home. Your absulutely right just way stressed and finding excuses.
    I hope you get your whoosh to!
  • Hey guys!

    Sorry I haven't been on, been maintaining my blog and my FB page and it is almost a full-time job these days. I'm holding steady at 207 after a pretty big weight gain with TOM. Also, I got a new scale, finally! It is fairly consistent, even though it weighs a little heavier than my other scale. I am SO hoping to see 206 tomorrow, that will be my lowest weight thus far. And if I continue losing then Onederland is a very real possibility in the near future.

    Rie- Welcome back!