Today is:

  • 19 days soda free
    39 days smoke free!

    Taking baby steps toward my goals!
  • Bravo!!!

  • Thanks!
  • Wow , that's really great !! I know how hard it is. I tried quiting junk food and soda before, but i couldn't of course and I'm not ready just yet but someday I will for sure
  • That's great...congrats! I quit both smoking and soda (Diet Coke) on March 11, almost 5 months ago, which was same day I started my diet. It was tough at first, but now I don't miss either, and I feel great. Keep up the good work!
  • Congratulations! Great accomplishments!
  • on your quit smoking efforts!! 39 days is awesome...Great job!!
  • Woah, amazing!
  • That's fantastic, you are doing a wonderful job! Keep up the great work
  • Thanks very much all! Its been HARD but worth it
  • Good job!
  • That's great!

    I find that with carby things like sweets and bread, it's the eating that makes you want more. So if you can stay away for a couple of days, the craving goes away. Do you all find that?
  • Way to go! :-)
  • Great job!