Ravenous before my monthly!!!!!

  • This is a new symptom for me... it's been happening the last few times, but man oh man,
    do I ever get extreme hungry a few days before I get my monthly.
    So much so that I HAVE to eat... I can't talk myself through it.
    Once it arrives, I'm fine again - the cravings are manageable.
    Anyone else have this joyful annoyance?
    How do you deal with it?

  • It doesn't happen to me during that time, but when I do feel really hungry and can't help myself, I just eat something healthy. Like a few slices of lean smoked chicken meat, or a few vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes) and some tofu.. I always have healthy snack choices around, and it helps a lot because they are foods that I love.

    Maybe that could work for you as well. Munch on something healthy and that you like (most importantly). Also, try drinking a glass of water, it sometimes hides hunger for a bit, and helps you feel full faster.
  • I get like that right before my monthly and during! I just make sure to eat a high protein/low fat diet (especially during those times), drink lots of water, and take my vitamins! It helps a little bit knowing that at the end of the day my cravings aren't something that my body is trying to tell me!
  • I, like snowlilly, eat when hungry. I walk an average of 8 to 12 miles per day. Every few days I will push myself for a couple days doing up to 15 miles (one day 16.5). I try to keep my calories burned 750 to 1,000 over what I take in. I drink a minimum of 80 oz of water per day (closer to 120 on days that I am bloated, have water retention, or have taken in more sodium). I usually will have one day per week that I am extra hungry. If I know it is not thirst, I eat. I have been trying to really listen to my body.
  • Count me in, it's ridiculous!!!
  • I get like that too. What's worse, I start craving salty and greasy foods that make the bloat even worse.

    I have a monopoly piece for a free medium fry... It is so hard not to use it right now.
  • I get like this but then I don't feel like eating much when TOM gets here, so it kinda balances out calories wise for that week.
  • Quote: I get like this but then I don't feel like eating much when TOM gets here, so it kinda balances out calories wise for that week.
    Me too. So I just allow myself the extra calories for a few days and don't worry about it.
  • Quote: I get like this but then I don't feel like eating much when TOM gets here, so it kinda balances out calories wise for that week.
    Oh man you are lucky... I wish mine balanced out like that.

    Well, maybe I'll try to drink more water those days. Exercising more
    so I can eat more is a good idea, as well.
    I wish I would only eat healthy foods those days but I'm like Psychic,
    only bad foods will do.

  • This happens to me every month...if I don't give in, I end up losing more weight, if I give in, I gain... it's awful!
  • Exactly what cbressler said.