~*~July Chat Thread~*~

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  • Icon I've just heard/read a bit about cross fit not being so good on teaching form while strength training and in turn, causing some injuries/damage from incorrect training stuff. Who knows though. Yeah.. Zumba.. I think it can be fun if you don't take it too seriously. I used to go to a class and it was easy to get through the hour and feel like you'd done a good workout afterwards. Those snackpack things look fun! You'll have to tell me what they're like - though I think they'll unfortunately be out of the budget for me...

    sun Sounds like overall you're doing well! I hope you get to your goals - I'm sure you can. Running on treadmill definitely better than nothing, but I feel your pain on the boredom - I feel like that with the stationary bike and rowing machine. Get so bored going nowhere!!

    cdavidowsky How was the rodeo? I think it's ok to sometimes ease up a bit when there are weekends/holidays, as long as you keep yourself accountable! Veggie sticks, go you!

    PinkHurricane Congrats on the six pounds and the upcoming honeymoon! That must be super excited. I've heard good things about plyometrics.

    Rie Haha that is so funny about your shoes in the freezer, let me know how that works out for you! I wish there was a way to shrink shoes, I have the opposite problem with a couple of pairs. What kind of things are you putting in your salads now? Go you with the healthy weekend lunch - I could learn a thing or two from you! I was totally controlled with build your own taco, but kind of failed a bit when it came to ice cream sundaes...

    ~Hey guys, sorry I've been MIA most of the weekend, I was so busy in the lead up to my sister's birthday party! We had to cook for 50-60 people, so by the time I got there on Friday night, she already had two slowcookers on with pulled pork and then there was lots of other prep to do. Made a green chile and lime chicken in the slowcooker the next morning and guac, salsa...a vege dish, and a rice dish. It was full on prep I tell you! By the time saturday afternoon rolled around, I just wanted to nap not party haha.

    I did ok with the build your own tacos. I was at least glad I knew what had gone into the recipes - I only had two small chicken tacos, so I think that was fine! I did eat a fair amount of bread, and tasted the rice/bean dish while we were cooking, but overall I'm sure the damage is minimal. On the other hand, I did eat a fairly large bowl of three scoops of icecream with hot fudge, nuts and a few other toppings, but I think maybe everything evened itself out over the weekend.

    I'm housesitting for the next month, so I'll be back to figuring out my own meals every night, which means I should be able to really keep my calories in check, especially during the week days.

    I've been kind of freaking out a little over the past week because it's now only 9 weeks until I move to Canada. 8 weeks left at work. EEKKK.

    Got to get back into running as of tomorrow!!
  • Nice job on the on the veggie sticks! Did you have at the lake?

    Rie shoes in the freezer? Hehe did it work? Nice job in resisting the late night food. I don’t think I will buy any jeans for now. I will wait till I fit into my old ones. Should only be a month or so. As its summer I can live without them.
    Rainbow! Only 8 weeks left! Wow. You must be so excited. Sounded like the party was crazy big. Wow. Soon you will be on my side of the planet! Hehe although I am about as far away from Canada in the Us as you can get.

    So I am up on the scale. Badly done more Sun! I need to drink more water and be more careful of the food. Didn’t run last night but will torrow mornig when DD caregiver comes to watch her. Its so nice having her here to help. Maybe by the end of summer I will brave a bikini, although I did wear one earlier this year. Really hated how I looked though. Need to tighten up and slim down some more. Hope you are all having fun!
  • Allo .. may I join in too?
  • Welcome to the chat Squishee!

    Update: I did really well at the lake!! I brought a fruit platter for everyone to share and packed some veggie sticks and trail mix for myself and it worked out really well. The trail mix was the healthy version with dried fruits and nuts rather than the chocolatey version lol. I'm over my most recent chocolate craving...for now! We all had a ton of fun at the lake too! It was our first time going - we have one right outside of post on the military's nearby reservation, and it is so pretty! The bluest (is that a word? lol) lake I've ever seen and it had plenty of room. Next time I'll go on the hiking trails with le hubster.

    The rest of my weekend went rather smoothly in regards to my diet and exercise plans. Hubby and I actually had a lazy day full of our weekly grocery shopping (including the push for more veggies!) followed by many hours of video games. Don't worry, I got my run in before we went shopping so I was all set on the exercise portion! I actually learned something about my running - I've been so used to running on the streets in my neighborhood which includes slight inclines, that I actually ventured out to a nearby track some of the guys around here use for PT, and I hated it! I was SO bored!

    My next measurement day is coming up on the 10th! I really hope I lost a couple more inches. That would be so awesome!

    rainbow Moving to Canada?? That's awesome! It'll be quite a difference from New Zealand I bet! What part of Canada are you moving to? I've been up there a few times before I moved down to Texas. I used to be just a few hours' drive from it...I miss that! Although now I could just go to Mexico...hmmm

    sun Best of luck on the goal to a bikini. That's honestly been a lifelong goal for me. I think I'm FINALLY on my way, but I'm starting to think the running is definitely slowing down weight loss. It's a bit strange though, because I feel like my stomach is shrinking despite not losing weight.
  • sun Drink more water! Hah, like I can talk... I'm drinking a sugarfree energy drink right now - naughty!

    squishee Hello, jump on in!

    cdavidowsky Man, a lazy day of videogames sounds awesome!! And that is cool that you still got a run in! Well done with the trail mix too. I'm a sucker for chocolate. I'm moving to Vancouver actually, for four years! My partner will be studying for his PhD...and I'll be working. He's already off in Europe for a trip before he gets to Vancouver, so next time I see him will be there!!

    ~Weight is steady this week at 62.5kg (137.8 lbs), which I'm actually at peace with for the moment. I can't run because of my stupid infected toe, so I'm just keeping calories in check.

    I have a work event tonight, not super excited about that. Last night the cat brought me a rat...I was not impressed, I freaked out a lot. Staying alone means so many things to deal with that I'm not used to!!
  • Rainbow - oh wow, how exciting! My Boss is from Vancouver. He loved it there. I hope you enjoy your time there - do you think you'll go back to NZ after the 4 years? What is your profession? Thanks for the warm welcome!!

    cdavid - Thanks for the welcome Well done on the healthy snacks. A good trail mix is great to get a sweet fix without the chocolate.

    My weightloss has stopped.. mind you, I've been lazy. 10kgs since my heaviest, but I need to get back into it.
    Went for a ride this morning (horse riding), did some gardening for my mum, and walked my Grans dog. So got some exercise in today, which was good.
    Lots of vegie sticks and vegie dips, salad and salmon for dinner.. eating wasn't too bad, did have a few choccy biccies at mums.

    Thanks for letting me join in
  • Squishee Some exercise is way better than nothing! Like my favorite quote says, "No matter how slow you're going, you're always lapping the people on the couch!" It keeps me going through every bout of laziness and exhaustion I get...including today's lol

    rainbow Fantastic job on maintaining calories and weight!! It's so hard to do without exercising. Are you excited about your move to Vancouver? I would be! I hear that city is absolutely spectacular. You'll have so much fun! Make sure you go check out the stadiums they had for the Olympics. Not sure if you can tour them, but I wouldn't be surprised if you could!

    Update: My weight has gone absolutely nowhere lately and I'm not happy with it. I keep saying "well at least it hasn't gone up!!", which is definitely a great thing, but with my increased exercising I was half expecting it to go down. It just hasn't been happening though. So I'm refocusing (again!). Yesterday I worked out my upper body with a "For The Love Of Push Ups" circuit workout that I found on Pinterest. BTW, if you don't use it for fitness, do it! There are a million and one ideas on that site for anything you want. Also, I hate push ups but I did the circuit twice and ended up doing 80 push ups yesterday among other exercises. Woohoo!

    Today's supposed to be a run day. It's also the first day of a serious heat wave here in Texas, which means we're over 100F degrees today lol. AND I woke up too late. Yeah, that run's not happening! So I'm about to head out for a long power walk, followed by some P90X cardio which I haven't done in a while. I figure that'll burn off tons of calories and will definitely help with the weight loss boost. Also, I need a break from the running. It's starting to just hurt all the time and isn't any fun.

    Any ideas for how to pick up the weight loss again?
  • Ok, I HAVE to post another quick update...I'm so proud of myself!

    I went out for my walk after I put up that other post, and I thought to myself, "Why are you letting yourself get away with just a walk? Why cheat myself out of a great workout??" So, I opened up my RunKeeper app (love that thing!) and I pulled up my interval run for today, and I did it! I even did better than ever...my first mile was a 10:08!!

    Victory is mine!!
  • Squishee I'm currently an Office Manager, so basically admin - shouldn't be too hard to find a job over there! I've only heard good things about Vancouver, so I'm positive overall! Your dinner sounds good, and I'm sure if you didn't eat badly for the rest of the day, a couple of chocolate biscuits isn't too bad!

    cdaviddowsky I'm interested to see the whole area they set up for the Olympics actually! And yeah, I'm excited, but also freaked out at the whole prospect of moving somewhere I've never been and so far away from my family and friends! I'm glad I'll have my boyfriend there, obviously, but it's still a big change! I totally can't help with how to shift the weight. I've been given many suggestions myself - shake up your calories, try a different form of exercise, take a break from exercise - but I think you'll just have to keep at it until something works - I'm in the same situation!! I've only lost 9.9 pounds since the end of January - ridiculous! And congrats on getting the run in with that heat! It's quite cold here at the moment, so I'd happily swap weather with you haha.

    ~Well... In the interest of complete honesty and keeping myself accountable, I'm going to tell you guys what happened last night. I didn't go to the work event, because my boss had to cancel and I didn't want to go alone...but since I hadn't planned dinner, and I stayed at work late, I ended up going through the McDonald's drivethrough on the way home. And I got a Quarter Pounder combo. And when they asked me if I wanted a medium or large combo, I totally failed and said large -_-
    At least here in NZ the large fries aren't as big as some of the super size options other countries have, but still, not great.

    My calories were only over by a couple hundred for the day, but not a good thing regardless!

    Anyway, weight is actually at 62.4kg, so slightly lower than yesterday...but I don't feel great about having eaten what I ate. Keeping calories on the low side today to make up for it.
  • cdavid - well done on the run! That's awesome!!!! Is it hot hot where you are? We're meant to be having "winter" .. but I am a bit skeptical about it, since we haven't had much rain at all this season.. very worried for our farmers.

    rainbow - Oh noo! But, I don't think it's the end of the world for large Mc-meal. You're obviously still eating healthy, and exercising - so a 'treat' once in a while is a good thing. And the 'yuck' feeling is always a timely reminder on why we try to eat clean .. hopefully you don't feel yuck for too long.

    Slow day today. Doing lots of study while it's finally miserable outside. No exercise for me today, not feeling so crash hot after the salmon last night .. hmm ..
    I'm not exactly eating healthy either. Somehow "Pods" made it into my quick-shopping last night, no idea how that happened .... >_>
    Had a weight-watcher Spaghetti and meatballs for lunch .. broke so many of my rules (pasta!!! Biiig no no), but it had hardly 10 pieces of spaghetti, so I think I'll survive lol.
    Set my alarm for tomorrow morn.. I WILL get up and go for a walk, regardless if it's 2 degrees out. Just found out I'm attending 2 weddings over the next year, plus having family fly in for a visit (who I haven't seen in a VERY long time), so I need to reduce the jiggle per wiggle so I can boogy on down at the weddings! haha
  • Squishee Thanks! We're going through another wave of heat this week. It was really nice out last week, averaging about 92-95F every day. This week it'll be over 100F and the heat index has it feeling like it's over 106F. If I'm going to run, I need to get out super early in the morning to be comfy!

    rainbow I like to think that an occasional treat or splurge is really great...and it is! However, I know I personally have the problem of continuing that splurge for about 3-4 days before I reel it back in Also, be happy the portion sizes down there are so small. I wish they were here! I can't go to a restaurant without packing up half of it before I even eat. It's disgusting!! I find that if I'm in that situation, I order a happy meal. Here, the bigger kids' happy meals are only 500 calories which is actually in line with a meal. Not healthy calories, but at least it's not my entire day in a bag!!

    Update: So I'm finding hope in my weight loss once again! This plateau has been really discouraging, but yesterday I got really serious about it and refocused my daily calories. Yesterday I packed in the veggies and restarted my ban on carbs during dinner. I also decided to split my one lunch meal into two smaller meals in order to balance out my metabolism and keep myself from snacking throughout the day (a HUGE problem for me!). Today was my second official weigh-in/measurement day (I do it every 15 days) and so far I've lost 4.6 lbs, 2.5" off my bust, 2" off my waist, and 2" off my hips. My bust didn't move from my last measurement, which is kind of a good thing! I'm trying really hard not to lose that wonderful part of my body

    Here's hoping this new plan gets my weight loss back on the downward slope! I want to get into a bikini before the lakes close around here. I have until October!!
  • Squishee Funny you mention that about salmon, as much as I love it and it's good for you, sometimes I find that when I eat it I get sort of reflux-y type symptoms - especially smoked salmon! Dunno why! Hope you got your walk in!!

    cdavidowsky Yup, I have to keep the treats in, because I would go crazy and binge without them I'm sure. I wish we had a "big kids happy meal"! Congrats on your lower measurements and weight, I am terrible at remembering measurements, but they're such a good way of seeing another loss!! Good luck for the bikini plan!!

    ~Last night I treated myself to a bath, which was nice in theory, but I realised they're not always that great - the water gets cold, bits of you always stick out..well nice idea, but I didn't stay in that long haha. And now my back is so sore today! I dunno if it was the bath, or the way I slept, but OUCH!
    Still no running, with my toe and now my back... but it's ok, calories remain in control and weight is still dropping in small increments - down to 62.2kg this morning (137.1 lb) - probably also to do with not running, but hey, I'm taking any loss I can see.

    I've had this idea that maybe I should wait until I'm down to 60kg (132.3 lbs) and then start running again.. since I seem to do a total stall. I remember also being fairly content at that weight. Even though it's not my overall goal, and it's not the best idea to cut out exercise, I just think for my mental state it might be a little easier on my head if the number on the scale is at least lower before the weight loss stalls again!

    Dinner with some friend tonight, and I am so looking forward to it - it's been such a busy and stressful week, with some horrible fat-ist comments at work - not directed at me, because I'm fairly smallish now, but I think of how I used to be and I get SO mad. The comments basically paint the picture, to me, that if I hadn't lost the weight, I wouldn't currently have this job, based on my appearance. I won't go into too much detail, because I'll just rant, but it made me mad!!
  • Sorry for being away, I've been sick this week. It sucks, I live on my own which makes it 10x as worse since no one can go out and get me food if I need it I have to stumble down the stairs to the local shop. My boyfriend came over last night, but he was tired from work so he didn't really talk much but he was really nice and got me food.

    Pretty certain I got a stomach bug, threw up one night and have had stomach cramps ever since. It sucks because I don't get paid days off work, and it looks like I'll be off for 5 days this month which means a LOT of money has gone down the drain. For those who are lucky enough to get sick pay be appreciative! It makes a difference.

    My shoes in the freezer worked slightly, but I think the shoes were just too narrow to fix at home. I tried them on and they felt better, so I gave them a test run and went to the shops last weekend and I came back with a blister on each little toe. I think I have to give up on them...despite how amazing they look. Who knows, maybe I can get them altered one day. Until then I'll sulk about them!

    I'll come back soon and do some personals, but I've read all your posts!
  • Aww Ries, I'm sorry about the stomach bug!! Being sick is the worst, especially when you're trying so hard to be healthy. Use the BRAT diet to get back on your feet if you're having trouble keeping food down. Feel better really soon!

    rainbowstripe I hear ya about the baths! I only seem to enjoy them if I'm already soaked in wine! I hope you can get back to running soon. Sorry to hear about your back...that's no fun. I hate when I wake up really sore and I have a workout planned for the day. Do you stretch? It takes a lot of stretching for me to get into doing anything lol. Also, I'm really sorry to hear about those comments at work, whether they're at you or not. That's just awful! People can be so mean these days and I can never understand why.

    Update: I finally figured it out and my weight loss is plummeting now! I started myself on MyFitnessPal and got my calorie tracker going. It told me to eat 1680 calories a day which to me makes a lot of sense and after everything I've read over the years about recommended calorie intake, it's a reasonable number. It's a slight change to what I was doing...I need to focus more on keeping my portions in check, but it's working! I also realized that two of my friends from my homestate are using it too, so we keep each other going. They were so excited to see me join and that only made me want to do it more. Woohoo!

    Last night I began to write about my journey on my MFP blog (they have one there too). If y'all are interested you can go on my profile to find the link. So far I only have one post hehehe, but I promise it'll grow! It'll be about everything...the good, the bad, and the fugly. Check it out!!

    Talk to you guys soon!
  • Today I feel a bit better. Stomach is still cramping, combined with womb cramping - I'm not a happy camper! I made plans a while ago to go up a mountain with some friends since there's a temple at the top. I asked them nicely if we could take the ropeway since I've been bed ridden all week and they said yes, so I'm relieved about that. Hopefully I won't ruin the day if I'm a bit slow! Should be a nice day trip though, although it's going to be mad hot in the 30s (centigrade) which I'm not used to yet. Seriously, Japan's seasons change over night. It went up by 10 degrees over the last weekend I swear.

    Going to weigh myself now and face the music...been eating pretty bad which is stupid because I've been ill but convenient food was a lot easier for me to get. It's a bit of a walk to the supermarket so I had to rely on the convenience store which doesn't sell much fresh food. And the damage is...a LOSS. What the?! I was sure it would have gone up! Well, guess all the pooping has counteracted the crap I've been eating! Lost 1 lb I'm now at 156.9 lbs. I'll take it!


    rainbow - Right now my salads consist of lettuce, carrot, cucumber, pepper (although started to begin to hate pepper) sometimes spring onion and avacado that mushes into a dressing of some sorts. But having eaten this concoction for months it's like my taste buds are like "seriously? AGAIN?" I ate the same salad that one weekend and I almost threw up. It was madness!
    How's your toe and back now? Your back will benefit from a bit of light jogging, but yeah, the toe wouldn't be too thrilled! Sorry about the rat incident, I think I would have flipped too. But at the same time I'd be like "mad hunting skills, bro" to the cat.
    Well done for staying accountable, I hate coming on here and posting up that I went for junk food but it happens and we're not proud of it but let's just move on past it!

    sun - Everyone freaks out about looking good in a bikini, I know WHY it's the most acceptably revealing thing you can wear, but it's not all about how you look but how you feel. Don't hide your body! Flaunt it. You may not be at your goal weight or "look" now but you will some day so no reason not to enjoy yourself today.

    Squish - What's your plan of action? What's your weight at now? What's your goal? So many questions! Welcome to the chat =)

    cdavid - Well done on spontaneous running! That's the spirit! HUGE congrats in the loss on the scale and in measurements! That's awesome. Tracking calories is a great way to lose weight, and thank you for actually listening to MFP and not saying "well I'm just gonna eat 1200 anyway" because your body needs that food to keep going! So happy for you, I know how it feels to change it up and get results so good for you!