coffee and pop

  • how much coffee and pop can you drink on atkins i have hit a wall and i think its from the coffee
  • I drink 1-2 cans of diet coke a day and a 12 oz coffee in the morning with 1-2 tablespoons of cream and 2 packets of splenda. I also drink 8-10 cups of water or seltzer on top of that, and I havent had any problems. I have hit a couple plateaus though, which is normal, and maybe that's what your experiencing. How long have you been at the wall?
  • Quote: how much coffee and pop can you drink on atkins i have hit a wall and i think its from the coffee
    I think you're going to get different opinions regarding this question. I drink 2 cups per day of decaf coffee, no sweetener, black. I don't drink any pop. I stick mainly to water. Occasionally, I'll have some decaf herbal tea.
    According to Dr. Atkins, caffeine causes sugar spikes. You might want to consider stopping the coffee & the pop for a while and see if it improves your situation.
  • Oh gosh,,, I would try and not drink caffeinated coffee and soda pop..., I know that Atkins did not want people to consume too much Caffeine. I think you should try 1 water, 1 pop 1 water 1 coffee to wean off the Caffeine Just a thought