300+ and Ready to Try Again #343

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  • Good morning you'all~~~~

    I just came back from an interview at a doctor's office. The job is doing Personal Injury collections! Keep your fingers crossed for me...I think she is going to call me today for sure. She gave me the employee handbook and went over all the benefits with me and the job and all and kept say YOU would be doing this and YOU would be doing that...blah blah blah!! But being a manager and doing interviews I know how easy that is to say to someone when you are talking about the job...so...we shall see.....

    Its about 5 miles from my house and the doctor would treat us all and bill the insurance and not bill us the balance....how cool can that be??? The pay is great and the benefits too! Sooo.....cross those fingers gals!!

    I too, like Sandy, am squeezing my behind back up on this wagon! So move on over here we come!!

    I gotta change my clothes now and get some laundry done and get this pig sty cleaned up. I need to take out the summer clothes and put away the winter clothes even though its not quite summer here yet...not so sure if we are going to have one with all this rain!

    I'll be back...TTFN Michelle
  • Oh...I just lost the best post!

    I can't re-create it now...took too long...


    That's all I can say.

    Have a great day all!

  • Yaahooooooooo!! I GOT THE JOB!!
  • Yaahooooooooo!! I GOT THE JOB!!
  • WAY TO GO !!!!!!
    Michelle... I am sooooo HAPPY for you !!!!!!


    WAY TO GO!!!!
  • I don't know how that posted twice! LOL I only hit the button once and then I re-read it and only one posted...then I come back and I see double! Oh well....

    I am sooo psyched! But I just want to let you know that when I start this NEW job I WON'T stop posting like a Miss somebody did!! I won't mention any NAMES LUCKY!!! Where the heck are you girl? How is that job going for you?

    With this job no more working saturdays or till 8 pm or till 6 pm for that matter! No more knocking on peoples doors or visiting them at work...well...maybe a few more before I leave...I kinda like embarrassing them at work!! With this new job I will be working with lawyer's offices, insurance offices and other personal injury type claims. Hey...maybe I'll meet me a nice young, filthy rich lawyer..aaayyy??

    Now if I could just get this much enthusiasm for my diet and get this weight off I would be all set!! John is glad I got the job...now we can live a normal life...yeah...he will live a normal life...he won't have to leave work by 6 pm and pick up the child and feed him dinner...I'll get to do that again! Geeesh...men!!

    Ok Ok...I gotta get more clothing stuff done...and speaking of dinner...I gotta wrestle something up in the kitchen!

    I'll be back! LOL
  • hey guys i am still here don't forget me
  • Hey where da heck is everybody tonight???

    Thank you all for the congrats! I am so excited still!!
  • Congrats Michelle
    Hope all of you ladies are doing good.

    Hope I haven't offended anyone or isn't anyone speaking to me anymore

    Our summer reading program started today with 127 kids attending we had a clown that was wonderful.

    I haven't exercised in over a week
    Food is terrible

    Hope all of you have a good night. Tomorrow night is chat hope to see all of you there
  • Good Evening All!
    I hope you're all having a great evening. We just got back from taking our dogs to "Yappy Hour"!! Our local Pet Store has it every couple months - everyone takes their dogs and they socialize and play games and get treats. It's fun! Charlee was the smallest little one there and she was trying to play with all the big dogs - at one point she was hanging out with a St. Bernard. It was darn cute!

    Afterwards we stop at a deli and got sandwiches. The past two days of food have been tough. I do great until about 5:00pm and then I blow it. I don't know what happens that all of a sudden I eat everything! I have to find a better way to fill my evenings. It's only about a 3 hour time - from 5-8. If I would come home and exercise right away I think I would be ok --- I just have to stay out of the kitchen when I first get home. I did manage to get my exercise in today!!! Enough of my whining --- tomorrow will be a better day!!!

    Mary - it's been fairly quiet for a few days - no one has forgotten about you! Sounds like you have your hands full with the summer program!

    I have to be at work extra early tomorrow morning, so I am going to wrap things up for the evening.

    Sweet Dreams!
  • Mary: I would never forget you!!!! Good luck with the summer reading program. I had Alexis' parent teacher conference yesterday. Her kindergarten teacher said most kids this age are in between levels 1 and 3 as an average. Alexis was at a level 6, almost a 7 which is like 2nd grade reading...She loves to read. Okay I bragged, but I am a proud momma!!!

    My boss informed me that we will be moving our office at the end of the month. About a mile from where we are now, but a much nicer spot, but the office is small!!!! Oh well, I just work there...LOL
  • Just lost my post. That'll teach me to rest my Quote Book on the 'F' keys at the top of the keyboard!

    Sorry I can't stay. I love you all.