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  • Get Well Kat!
    Hi Everyone,

    Sorry, I haven't posted in awhile; just have not spent much time at the puter lately and have also not been feeling well.

    Kat, so sorry you are not feeling well. Hope you are able to get some medical attention and some rest as well.

    Welcome Michelle and Lucyee!

    Jana, thanks for keeping things going. I really love the WATP tapes and have been using them for two years off and on with walking outside and on my treadmill.

  • Hi ladies,

    Carree!!!! So glad to hear from you! Hope you are feeling better now. It's hard to find time for the 'puter in the summer months, isn't it? I just want to be outdoors - that is until the real heat starts.

    Kat - hope you are better, too.

    I've been doing housework and laundry so that I can have time to get in the pool with DD and the twins afterwhile. The babies have never been in a pool, so this will be fun.

    What's everyone else up to?

  • Hey girls, well, looks like we are all still hanging around!!! Sorry that I haven't been around for a while. My youngest daughter moved in (not sure if she was here when I posted last) anyway, she has had her baby since then. There are three adults and three children living here now. The computer room is now the children's bedroom. So, needless to say, my time has been restricted due to bedtime and naptime! LOL

    Well, I managed to lose 20 lbs but I've now been at a standstill for what seems like forever. My fault, I'm not journaling, drinking my water or walking!! Hey, so far I have managed to maintain, so I'm happy with that.

    JANA, you are so sweet to keep this thread alive!! Keep up the good work. Congrats on the newest granddaughter, like the name!!! Not many Kaylins around. I now have Nicholas, Caylin, Aliyah, Dylan, Brittany and Elijah.

    KAT, how was school? I really goofed off last semester. I finished with 2 A's, 1 B and 1 C. I'm retaking the English (what I made the C in). I only did half the work in that class, so I could have made an A. I still have 2 maths left, so I better bring up the English grade because if I manage to pass the maths with a C, I WILL NOT take them over!! LOL I still have a 3.7 GPA. Not bad for someone who graduated high school in 1976!!

    Carree, hope you get to feeling better soon.

    Well, I've finally learned how to post photos. I'll take the time soon to post some photos of the family.


    P. S. Welcome Lucy and Michelle.
  • Hi Ladies,

    Ruth - sounds like you have been so busy! WAY TO GO on the 20 pounds lost!! That compares to 80 sticks of butter! Congrats also on the grandkids! You are blessed.

    Hi to Carree, Kat and the others, wherever you are....

    The twins 1st birthday party was today. I stayed OP and took pictures while the others ate cake. Got to see some relatives I hadn't seen for awhile, which was nice.

    I found out the shin splints are a carry-over from all the walking I did at Disney World recently, and am dealing with that.

    Take care!
  • Wow!

    I guess it's been awhile since I posted.

    Jana, what is the thread that you invited all of us to join? Can't remember the name of it.

    Love to all,
  • Carree - I will PM you with a thread from another site that I visit.

    Kat, Ruth - Hello! Hope everyone is having a great summer.

  • Hi gang--sorry its been so long since I posted, but I got really sick with pneumonia, and had to work anyhow, as there was no one to replace me. Add summer classes onto that, and its been hectic (and exhausting). I'm finally on the mend again, though I still have a bad cough, and am short of breath when I lie down.

    The good news is that I'm down to 219 from a high of 230, so I guess we can say there is something at least OK about being so sick. *wry smile* How have the rest of you been doing? I'm going to go swimming for the first time this year later on tonight. I doubt I'll be able to much in the way of laps, but at least I can get wet!
  • Hi ladies,

    Kat - it's so good to hear from you! I wondered if you had still been sick, since the last time we "talked" you were pretty bad. Glad to know you are on the mend. Hope you enjoy your swim! If you are like me, you'll take a weight loss any way you can get it, lol! Speaking of which....

    I'm down 18 1/2 pounds now. I really like WW and have converted all the family recipes into WW points.

    Now that I am out of the Fellowship group at church, I have signed up with the Hospice's Bakers and Takers program. I (when it's my turn) will be taking a dessert to the bereaved family when a hospice patient dies. I told the chairman that I would bake cakes but not cookies because cookies are too snitchable.

    Carree, Ruth, how are you? Also hi Lucyee and Elle.

    I was wondering the other day just how long this thread, no matter what the name, has been revived? It must be a couple of years anyway.... remember Chicken Lady?

    Better go for now. Be good and post often!
  • Ooooh, the scale was kind this morning--it read 216!!!!!!!
    Here's to hoping its not just water weight change.
  • ~
    Kat - so what if it is water - you're still down 3 pounds. Yay for you!!!!
  • Well, that makes 14 lbs down anyhow. When I hit 209, I'll be where I was a year ago.
  • Kat - what a coincidence! I am right where I was about 2 years ago before DD got married! My goal is to get where I was 15 years ago when I thought I was SO FAT!! LOL.....
  • Hi everyone!

    Its been a while since Ive posted, Ive been a busy busy girl.
    Today is the first day in almost a week that Ive had a chance to stay home. And I am going to do my best to enjoy it. I think Im going to do a little gardening, and a lot of bok reading on my lounge chair. Were supposed to get a storm this afternoon, but I am looking forward to it. Its been so hot that Im starting to feel a little lethargic.

    Jana...congrats on your 18lbs. It sounds like WW really agrees with you. I am right behind you with about 17lbs since I started.
    I had by biggest loss yet with a 5lb loss last week. And that was on the gym scale...which, unlike my home scale, does not lie!

    Sounds like everyone is doing pretty good, and losing pretty consistantly. Is everyone on WW? Perhaps I should re-think joining.

    Well, in my busy week, I have found time to work on finding a dog. My hubby and I have been looking for about 4 months, and could never agree on one that we liked. And when we finally did, we were too late. But finally we have found one, and she is being held for us. Shes adorable, and will be a great playmate for our dog. Ill see if I can post a pic of her here for you to see.

    I hope everyone is well and enjoying the beginning of summer!

  • Awwww...what a cutie! If I ever get a dog, I want a Chinese crested--I just love their homely little hairless cuteness. Its the ET thing--so ugly they are cute.

    Its been HOT here, but one good thing about that is that I drink a lot (almost a gallon of water per day) and never have much of an appetite. About the only exercize I'm really up for is swimming though, and I can't do much of that, since I still have coughing fits if I over-do. I'm on the mend though, since I no longer have to sleep for 3 hours after each 1 hour of being up and about.
  • Hi ladies,

    Elle - What a cutie pie your puppy is!! Have you picked out a name for her yet? CONGRATS ON YOUR LOSS!!!! Yes, I'm doing better with WW than I have with anything else I've tried. But I never did go in for fad diets, or anything.

    Kat - so glad you are feeling better. You had me worried there for awhile.

    It is humid as 'ell in Indiana today. I went to Wally world and just getting from the car to the store made me feel sticky and nasty.

    Here is a wonderful new recipe I made last weekend. if anyone is interested. The fam didn't even know it was light:

    Weight Watcher Dreamsicle Cake

    -for cake-
    1 Duncan Heinz Classic White cake mix
    2 egg whites
    1 can diet orange soda (Slice, Sunkist, etc.)

    -for filling-
    1 sm. pkg. orange flavor sugar free Jello
    1 cup hot water
    1 cup cold water

    -for frosting-
    1 sm. pkg. orange flavor sugar free Jello
    1 sm. pkg. INSTANT fat free, sugar free vanilla pudding
    1 cup 2% milk
    1 tsp. vanilla
    8 oz. tub Cool Whip Free topping

    Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 9x13 cake pan with Pam. Mix dry cake mix with orange soda and egg whites. Blend 30 seconds until moistened and then 2 minutes on medium speed. Pour batter into pan and bake 33-35 minutes, or until done in center.

    Mix 1 pkg. orange jello powder with hot water until dissolved. Add cold water and stir.
    Poke holes in cake with fork that the tines have been sprayed with Pam. Pour orange mixture evenly over cake. Refrigerate at least 2 hours.

    For frosting, mix together the second dry orange jello mix and the dry vanilla pudding mix. Then add milk and vanilla, stir well. Gently fold in the Cool Whip. Spread on COLD cake. Keep refrigerated.

    Your family will not know this is a “Diet” recipe!

    Nutritional Info: 1 serving = 1/15 of cake
    Calories - 140
    Fat - 2.8 gr.
    Calories from fat - 25
    Fiber - 0
    Carbohydrates - 27.2
    Protein - 1.6 gr.
    WW points - 3

    I'm going to try this again using raspberry flavored jello. YUM!
