What sorcery is this?!

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  • Good for you! I drag my butt out of bed every morning at 5:30-6 to get everyone off to school/work but I don't have to energy to do anything so I really admire your energy!
    I have always wanted to do yoga. I will see if I can get a DVD like that to just do at home.
  • It's so fun Josh even did it with me after he got off work. At first I was a little embarrassed to do it in front of him but I stopped caring about that real quick and was even offering him some tips I'm so relaxed! It's only 8:00 pm but I'll be ready for bed soon to do it again at 430 tomorrow morning
  • It sets up my day with positivity. I noticed I wasn't so tense and easily irritated after I did it. Granted I am very tired now I must admit it gave me tons of energy today after I only had a few hours of sleep last night
  • I've been thinking about trying yoga, maybe I should check out that dvd....

    Though I seriously doubt I'd ever do it before the sun's even up! Way to be motivated, I definitely would have gone back to sleep
  • How flexible does one have to be for this? Even when I was in high school and a size 20 I was never very flexible when we did yoga type warm ups.
  • Not very flexible at all that's what you work up to. Do what you can and there are "child's poses" which are modified poses. When you think you can do the actual pose, try it! Even if for two seconds you build up that strength. I'd recommend it TBL is awesome because it caters to bigger people using actual contestants at different stages. I wish there was a yoga class around here that catered to big people.
  • That's awesome Elvis! You'll love it! I use a mat on my carpet just so my feet can grip a little more and it adds a little extra cushion not much though. Don't be scared! It's so relaxing! Just make sure you pull in your core and focus on breathing. I made that mistake only once and got very lightheaded for a couple minutes. Let me know how it goes! If you like it They sell it online for $5. It's a 6-8 week course with a maintenance "create your own" workout. It's pretty awesome!
  • Quote: I did it! I feel so amazing The Biggest Loser Weightloss Yoga is no joke! I am sweating my butt off! It got hard but I did it almost all the way to the end with the exception of one pose before the cool down and it's only 6:15am so if I were going to work I still have time for breakfast, and shower
    I just wanted you to know that you inspired me to try this video. I ordered it via my library so it's coming from a different town. I should have it hopefully by the weekend. Your posts really made me want to try it, even though I'm scared to death!!

    You think I can do yoga without a mat and just on the carpet? I never did anything like it before!
  • I love Yoga! It's, also, one of the good things about Yoga is that you don't have to be skinny or fit to do it. You just have to have a body and everyone has one of those, right!?

    There are, also, tons of Yoga videos (Tara Stiles) on you tube that I love to do. I may have to invest in the Biggest Loser Yoga just to see Bob!
  • Waking up that early to exercise is seriously commendable!! Way to go for effort!! Brushing your hair is another Woo Hoo!!

    I used to go swimming at 6am everyday that's only cos my cat would wake me up at 5 every morning. (there is no snooze button on a cat that wants breakfast )

    but NOW the little tyke wakes me up at 4AM and I feed it and go back to sleep thinking I'll wake up in an hour and go swim as always! Not happening. I am over sleeping.. (waking up at 7) - so no morning swim for me for past few days!

    Maybe I need to reset my cat !!!
  • Quote: Maybe I need to reset my cat !!!
    This made me laugh, so cute. Good luck with that!!!