Sugar Free Citrucel

  • My doctor has me drinking SF Citrucel every morning. It's first ingredient is aspartame. Do you think this is enough to stall my results?
  • eww, the 1st ingredient?? thats not good. They list ingredients based from the most used item to the least. I have heard many stories about how aspartame is dangerous...but as far as stalling your results go, I'd talk to your dct about it.
  • Quote: My doctor has me drinking SF Citrucel every morning. It's first ingredient is aspartame. Do you think this is enough to stall my results?
    Though aspartame is not "healthy" by any means, it will likely only stall your loss if you are super insulin resistant. In those that are insulin resistant (I speak from experience) aspartame turns on your pancreas and makes your body produce insulin because the body thinks it's sugar. Higher insulin production slows/inhibits weight loss.

    My weight loss slowed down when I used too much MIO flavoring, and that's with Sucralose, not aspartame. My body thinks anything sweet is sugar and starts throwing off insulin to fix it.

    My doc advised me to use Benefiber. It's non-flavored, therefore has no sweetener in it at all.
  • will be! Thanks so much for the info....I suspect I am insulin resistant and I need to try keep away if possible!

    Thanks again!