Get out of the 190s (new)

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  • This morning was the first time I've seen 192(.2). YAY! I'm not ready to update my ticker, but I'm still encouraged!

    We leave for vacation tomorrow morning--my goal is to come back without having gained any weight.
  • Not sure why I am still here. These are some sticky pounds! 190.5.
  • Jessless, 1/2 lb--you can do this. I'm rooting for you!

    Was 192 even this morning before leaving for the airport before dawn. I brought my travel scale to help keep me on track while I'm gone. It weighs a pound heavier than my regular scale. I choose to believe my regular scale!
  • Hey guys! I'm quite busy these days - or maybe my time management just su... could use some improvement - so I'm not around here as often as I'd like.

    Anyways, the scale said 194 this morning.

    Beth - your comment on the great disagreement of the scales made me giggle

    JessLess - so according to your ticker you are out of here. Congrats!
  • 191.14 this morning.
    I'm not sure if I quite believe it, but that's what the scale said.
  • I might be talking to myself here but I still feel like shouting YAY 190 today!
  • 190, JenteIsving? That's fantastic! And it means you'll soon be following me to the 180s, which is where I'm off to. Today was my second day in a row of 189.x (189.8 yesterday, 189.6 today) (and during TOM at that!)

    So, hurry up and join me in the 180s!
  • Hi all,

    My scale finally said 199.8 this morning, so here I am!!! I hope I can get out of the 190s a little faster than it took to get out of the 210s.
  • Hello, hello, hello! Anybody out there? Where did everybody go????
  • I'm still here. And still hovering over that 190. I think by now I've seen every number from 190.9 to 190.1. I'm sooo ready to move on.
  • 189.9 as of this morning. As of five minutes ago, actually. Talk about cutting it close!
    So I guess I'll stay here until I'm sure that it's not just a fluke.
  • Hello, Hello, Hello....Echo...Echo...Echo.
  • I've been stuck in the upper 190's since the middle of June. I thought for sure I'd be in the mid-180's by now. I got down to 194 a couple weeks ago but then I started Ripped in 30 and gained 4 pounds. It's frustrating to try to lose the same weight I've already lost 4 or 5 times in the past month. I lost 2 of the 4 pounds in the last two days so it's starting to move in the right direction. I would love to get out of the 190's by the end of the month. I'm going to be watching my diet like a hawk and adding some extra cardio to my workout to try to get the weight off faster.
  • Newbie (oldie really LOL) checking in. I'm back in the 190s after saying farewell to them last year and then falling off the bandwagon. I'm around 194 at them moment, I'd like to be back in the 180s by the end of August.

    Today is always my danger day (hence why I came here for some morning pep), home with the kids on Fridays so out of work routine and no other adults around I find myself thinking I'll just eat one of those cookies... not today!
  • Wow this thread is super quiet. Still 193 this morning. These 190's are killing me.