Anyone not counting calories with success?

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  • I just started counting, as I was making unhealthy decisions based on stress/depression. But, I've got this far on Intuitive Eating, and I second everything that AlmostMe has said. I'm still doing the eat what you want when you're hungry, stop when you're no longer hungry thing, and I was often surprised at how few calories I was putting away. I've seen other people say this too.

    CC is working as a bolt-on for me right now because, i can eat intuitively all day long and murder a chocolate bar late at night while crying over a bank statement. I KNOW rationally that it's my bingeing behaviour telling me to eat the chocolate bar, not my body, but right now I need extra accountability.

    Maybe if you're measuring right now, just start eyeballing portions? Anything to loosen your grip on it, even if you don't go fully-fledged no-counting just yet? And remember stress ---> cortisol ---> body hanging onto weight. That's what I try to remind myself of (easier said, though, I know!)

  • I don't calorie count. My main meals have always been pretty healthy, made from fresh ingredients and in reasonable portion sizes. Where I fall down is snacking/binging.

    What I've done this time is eliminate all snack foods from my home (the rest of the family is *not* impressed). If I want to snack now, I can choose between an apple and a carrot stick instead of my previous big bag of chips or slab of cake. I'm losing a steady 1lbs a week which is the slow and steady loss I want, plus it's a lifestyle change I can sustain.
  • I stopped counting calories or following any structured diet plan -- too much stress and always feeling like a failure. Started to watch portion size and eat sensibly -- and it's working great. We all know what we should eat. There is no forbidden food. I try to make sensible choices - limit protein and carbs and fats, eat fruits and dairy products, and LOTS of veggies (I use veggies to bulk up a meal by adding veggies to rice/pasta). I didn't step on a scale for months -- then people told me I looked like I was losing weight and discovered I had lost almost 40 pounds). I've also done a lot of reading to learn all I can and come to the message boards for inspiration and support.