Strength training for someone with no access to gym

  • Hi,
    Was just wondering if anyone could give me advice. I am looking to do more strength training, but I can't go to a gym (too expensive) I have some weights, resistance bands etc at home but that's it. Can anyone point me in the right direction to a site, video or something that I could use as a basis for a strength training workout?

    Many thanks
  • I'd look at the resistance band sticky in this forum.
  • Look up Jillian Michaels. Just about everything she has is for toning and mild strength training. I know some people might knock it, but I went from not being able to hold my 42 pound daughter more than 2 minutes to carrying her around for nearly an hour last weekend when she passed out...and that was only doing the 30DS for two weeks.

    Most of her videos can be streamed for free on You Tube
  • The insanity workout also combines strength and cardio and needs no equipment. Something else I have found to be a good workout are the blogilates workouts on youtube! I also own resistance bands and do use them, but I think I feel more productive when I do exercises that use my body weight to resist (i.e., triceps dips).
  • I recommend P90X - got me really leaned and toned out. I always go back to it when I need an extra feel good workout! It's recommended that you get dumb bells, resistance bands and pull up bars but the resistance bars work just as well.
  • Look up Joan Pagano--she has books for resistance training that comes with DVD. You can buy on Amazon.
  • I recommend P90X. It really toned me up and got me in shape without a need for much weight training equipment
  • Living in rural India, I have no access to a gym either... I joined over a year ago & love it!!! Josh is a very enthusiastic online trainer. He has a facebook page too..

    He's offering free workouts this month (March)... (

    I also use Great workouts there too..
  • Here's a quick workout you can do from home:

    Do exercise for 45 seconds with 15 second break
    1. squat
    2. plank
    3. jumping jack
    4. rock climber
    5. kneeling push up

    Try one circuit for 5 minutes. If you feel courageous and energetic take a one minute break and do above circuit again.

    Have fun.
  • I am doing ChaLEAN Extreme, at home with 2 8 pounders, but they demonstrate how to use resistance bands in the vids. It's GREAT! Highly recommend!
  • I rent videos from amazon (1.99), Cathe Friedrich has some great stuff. Youtube also has a bunch of free video, fitness blender is my favorite.
  • I just recently downloaded an app called You Are Your Own Gym, based on the book of the same name. It has workouts made up of bodyweight exercises that you can do in your home. There is also a book by the same author called Body By You, which is specifically for women. I don't have a whole lot of experience with these exercises yet, but so far it seems great!
  • If you go to YouTube and do a search for "Resistance Training at home" a ton of videos will pop up that give you plans/demos/classes that will how you how to do this at home with no equipment.
  • I also recommend ChaLean Extreme as a great at home strength training program. I've been doing this program off and on and mixing it in with my cardio program, shifting between the three phases (Burn Circuit, Push Circuit and Lean Circuit) and over the years have managed to significantly increase the amount of free weight that I am lifting over the last 3 years - just increasing by 2 pounds here and there.

    It's been amazing. It never gets boring because you're always pushing yourself to see how much heavier you can go, and Chalene is constantly encouraging you to GO HEAVY OR GO HOME! LOL. She's just a dynamo in my opinion, such an inspiration.