Getting out of the 300's

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  • Alright ladies (and laddies if any are lurking) we can get to twoderville!

    Most of us aren't too far and then we can move and join those in the 290's thread.
  • My ticker moved!

    Earlier in the thread I explained how my weight on my first weigh in was weirdly low (315) and the next day it hopped up to 324. I decided not to change my ticker.

    So for the past two weeks I've watched my weight come down from 324 to 315ish but my ticker never got to move - and I LOVE watching my ticker.

    Anyhow today I was happy to see 314! My clothes feel looser, and I feel better since starting my plan.
  • I just wanted to pop my head in here and cheer everybody on! I can clearly remember the difficulties that come with being over 300 pounds . . . the fear of breaking chairs, not knowing if I had the energy to even walk across the room, not fitting into restaurant booths, the stares, the whispering, the struggle to find clothes . . . and the hopelessness I used to feel. Not that you ever have to feel hopeless!

    Love yourself, take care of yourself, and the rest will follow. I still have a ways to go but I'm living proof that progress can be made.
  • Thanks Elladorine!

    Keep up the good work - you're so close to Onederland!
  • Quote: I just wanted to pop my head in here and cheer everybody on! I can clearly remember the difficulties that come with being over 300 pounds . . . the fear of breaking chairs, not knowing if I had the energy to even walk across the room, not fitting into restaurant booths, the stares, the whispering, the struggle to find clothes . . . and the hopelessness I used to feel. Not that you ever have to feel hopeless!

    Love yourself, take care of yourself, and the rest will follow. I still have a ways to go but I'm living proof that progress can be made.
    Elladorine- I definitely feel all those things. I'm too afraid to even go to movies or sit in chairs with arms at all because I'm afraid I won't fit! Or be able to get out! I can't wait until I'm able to go to amusement parks too
  • OMGsh amusement parks. I LOVE roller coasters. When I get down to 250 I think I might treat myself to a trip to Six Flags in California!
  • I put these goals in the one year commitment thread and am sharing them with our little group here:

    So between now and March 4th 2014 I commit to:
    Staying under 2000 net calories a day.
    Drinking at least 32oz of water a day.
    Getting 6.5 hours of sleep or more a night.
    Not eating at Fast Food more than 12 times. (Subway is exempt)
    Continuing on if I fail instead of giving up.

    Today I've made all my goals (assuming I go to sleep on time). Yay!
  • I just wanted to help cheer you guys and gals on!! My highest weight on a scale was 289, but I know it was much higher. I was busting out of size 28's and at 5'10", there was just more landscape to spread the fat on. And it was years after busting out of the 28's that I saw 289. I know its rough, more emotionally and mentally than anything but you CAN do this. Not perfectly, not 100% every single day, but if you watch your graphs and OVERALL progress, I promise, it'll keep moving down. I'm so excited to watch other people succeed, weight loss is the hardest thing I've ever done, and that includes 57 hours of pitocin induced labor with no pain killers. That was way easier than losing an 8th grader.
  • Angihas2 thanks for stopping by and spreading some encouragement!

    Hope everyone else is doing well - I'm hoping to get under 310 by my birthday (third week in March)!
  • Wow you guys are all inspirational. I just officially started this Journey on the first of March, after saying I was going to start about 4 separate times and gaining another 15 lbs in the process. I know we can all do this (hopefully myself included this time!)

    five seconds later edit: Won't it be so great to have less than 100 lbs to onederland? Double digits are amazing. I'm tall and build a lot of muscle when I workout so I will be really happy at 185-190 but shooting for 220 as of now, I was 220 at like 12 years old so I don't even know what I'll look like at that weight now.
  • I just want to echo that it is entirely do-able. I made it under 300 lbs for the first time in oh, five or six years (and the time before was a brief episode!) last... I want to say August. And since then I've lost another 60 lbs. As daunting as the numbers sometimes seem, you just keep putting one good month after another and you will see it come off!
  • Welcome Sunday115!

    If I can lose this weight, anyone can do it. I thought I was going to be in the 300s for the rest of my life (I'm 37). If you told me this time last year that I'd be pulling myself to the finish line of one-derland, I would never have believed you and probably would have gained more weight just pondering the thought over Chinese food or pizza.

    3FC is literally a life saver to me alongside my new exercise and eating routines. The people I have "met" here are amongst the most wonderful people I have ever met, I couldn't have done it without each and every one of them.
  • Mnem & Elvis You have made such amazing progress! So inspiring!

    I'm down to 320 this morning. I can't believe I've only got 20 pounds to go before I hit that milestone! I can't wait!
  • Sunday is my weigh in day and I was at 324 but this morning I was 322.
    I planned on starting exercise this week but Tuesday morning getting ready for work, I stepped out of the shower and I was just in pain. So I've been home for two days on my back. Today I'm hobbling around work, it's not to bad now. Next week I start with a trainer, there is this chronic disease (I have diabetes) program where we work with a trainer 3 days a week for 8 weeks. I'm super excited to start. I just have to get a clearance from the doctor. I['m going in on Monday, getting my meds upped for the diabetes. So i'm going in the right direction. I've been watching what I eat, so the weigh is slowing coming off.
  • Quote: Mnem & Elvis You have made such amazing progress! So inspiring!

    I'm down to 320 this morning. I can't believe I've only got 20 pounds to go before I hit that milestone! I can't wait!
    Thank you Jane.

    You and I can do these 20lbs, I know it! I was hoping I'd be at 195 by tax day (April 15th which also happens to be April Snow's birthday!) but I'm not sure I'll get it done by then. The only thing that matters is I stay on plan and keep going!

    I know you will be working your butt off so if I am tempted to stray, I will ask myself "wwjd?", which means "What would Jane do?" of course!