Bikini Ready 2013 Challenge - Part II!

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  • I faced the music and weighed myself yesterday and today. I'm up to 158 lbs, which means in total I've gained 9 lbs from my lowest weight last summer. Not terrible, I know there are cases of people gaining back everything, but I'm not happy that I went in reverse! I'm on my period, so I'm hoping for a serious WHOOSH. Serious WHOOSH because since Tuesday I've been ON IT with eating right and exercising. Even when I really couldn't be bothered and I've felt all bloated from my period I did it anyway. I saw my reflection in the mirror and I was NOT happy one bit.
  • Hoopty-Nice job!!

    Riestrella-good for you for getting back to it this week! Your body will reflect that diet and exercise-I bet you'll get a woosh after TOM!!

    So this intersession class I'm in is no joke. I've been working about eight hours per day on this one class and I still feel behind! It's alot of group work and MOST of my group is pretty awesome. Either way, just another week and I'll be on to my next class! I've been tracking my cals and exercise on myfitnesspal, and I think it's really helping me to keep things on track (although I don't think I've EVER been under my calorie goal-who eats 1360 cals per day??)

    Hope everyone's doing well!
  • Good for you, Rie. I wish I had been brave enough to face the numbers last year. I was too embarassed to weigh myself and 5lbs turned into 10 and eventually I had gained it all back PLUS SOME!

    SummerKate, try changing your activity level in MFP to get a more achievable caloric goal even if it isn't true. I had to set myself to the most active in order to eat 1520 calories a day. According to every other calculator in the world this is what I should be eating. MFP had me at 1300-something. I have a good 70+ pounds on a friend who is the same height as I am and her calorie app tells her to eat 1300-something, she confirmed that I wasn't crazy and should be eating more. I am active and do lift weights so in my head I was like "This can't possibly be right" so I tweeked the settings to get something that was realistic.

    I went a little crazy last night. I forgot ALL of my food at home when I left for work. I had a yogurt and an extra lunch at work but the lunch had gone bad so I only ate a yogurt and a Babybel cheese before going out to dinner with my friends. Planned on only eating my sandwich but I ate my sandwich, my fries AND made my fiance stop at Dairy Queen on the way home. I got a small Blizzard which I was proud of because I wanted the medium. Then I nearly had a heart attack when I put the calories for that in. 680 CALORIES FOR A SMALL. Not doing that again. So much for being proud of myself haha.

    Between yesterday and today I'm only up .9 but I'm up 3lbs from my weigh-in last Saturday. As of today MFP says I have a 4000+ deficit this week so far. Other than yesterday I have been OP all week so I'm not sure what's going on. Maybe water retention? I dunno. I guess I'll whoosh at some point, my calorie deficit is acceptable.

    Sorry for the book! I needed to get some things out hehe.
  • Daki - These little slip up happen. Don't beat yourself up too much, just get right back on track tomorrow. At least you were semi-conscious of what you put in your mouth. I was the same way last year. I after reaching the lowest number I've ever seen last summer, I put it all back on and then some.

    I'm down about 5 pounds from last Saturday. My brothers are coming home today. I just hope to maintain the 5 pound loss over the weekend while they are here. Then have a really good week from Monday on.
  • Hello all I am new to this forum and I would like to be apart of this bikini challenge. Not sure I am going to ever be bikini ready but I would like to lose 68 pounds and get to my goal weight of 200 pounds. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed about 298 pounds, basically 300lbs. I'm 6"1" so I carry the weight different from most women. I see some great progress in this group and I would like to be apart because we all need to continue to stayed motivated with our journey. I look forward to getting to meet everyone and we can all do it if we stick together.
  • I swear to smarties if i hit my goal of 180 on time i might just cry! no joke lol. its been a tiring journey(9 months tomorrow) i been at this. 9 months of "no kim u cant have this, no kim dont look at that" and yet i watch other ppl eat it in front of me (like my hubby and child) *sigh* thats prob been the hardest part of all this. my wedding dress almost fits, about 2 more inches to go on the waist! so please everyone have skinny dreams for me at night lol but even if i dont get much lower from a start of 268 to a current of 185 is pretty good in my books!
  • Hey Riestrella, can you add me back to the spreadsheet. I was on vacation and then had some unexpected things come up that kept me offline. I have managed to stay the course on diet although I haven't been able to exercise. I'm excited about my weigh in this week...141.6. I'm almost to my original goal but I think I may need to reset a little lower. I'll play it by ear though depending on whether or not I loose anymore. Glad to be back on and I have a LOT of catching up to do!
  • FUN! I know I'm joining late, but I think I can lose something by the end
  • Woohoo! I went down to 157 lbs this morning! So happy that this weight is shifting =). I'm still back to where I started at the beginning of this challenge but I'm glad that I'm making progress! Going to try and run today, but if not I'll do some Insanity.

    summerkate - Thanks! And I'm glad to see you're back! Good luck with all your school work, I don't envy you!

    Daki - Thank you for your support! I'm glad you got a shock, because you're now saying you wont do it again which is progress! Calorie counting is great that way, you really see how much the comfort food is worth. I remember when I was in America and I ate at this fast food place, I saw what my "usual" was and it was around 1000 calories. No joke. Drink lots of water and stay on plan to see that whoosh! You're doing great!!

    Poundage - Welcome!! I'm sure you will be bikini ready one day, never think that you can't look amazing because with the right work you can!! It's all about taking control and bringing back that confidence that you might have lost.

    Kymish - You're doing an AMAZING job, like wow I'm so proud of you! Keep going and it will all be worth it! Just make sure after you look like STUNNING on your wedding day you don't go crazy with the food!! I can imagine building up to a big day can make people break and want all the food they've missed out on.

    bunnabear - You're back! How does your body look now you're approaching goal weight? I think that's what's important! HUGE congrats on almost making it, you can smash it!
  • Thanks Riestrella! In terms of my definitely has improved but I'm still not quite where I'd like to be in that regard. I feel like I still have some fat to lose in certain places. My pronounced paunch is now just a small paunch and while I'd love to have a totally flat stomach, I don't really see that happening based on prior experience. The only other area that is still a concern is the inner thigh area. I'd like more progress there too. That being said, I'm happy with the improvements and would be content here without any additional loss, but in a perfect world....
  • Quote: Thanks Riestrella! In terms of my definitely has improved but I'm still not quite where I'd like to be in that regard. I feel like I still have some fat to lose in certain places. My pronounced paunch is now just a small paunch and while I'd love to have a totally flat stomach, I don't really see that happening based on prior experience. The only other area that is still a concern is the inner thigh area. I'd like more progress there too. That being said, I'm happy with the improvements and would be content here without any additional loss, but in a perfect world....
    Yeah, I think it takes hardcore working out to get that completely flat stomach! There's a great move in Body Revolution, I can't remember if you do it or not? But you lay on your side, legs on top of each other, rest a dumbbell on your outer thigh and lift up your leg. My inner thighs always KILL after that one. Sometimes the gap-between-the-thighs-look just can't be achieved by certain people, the hips are orientated differently so the legs will always be together. Just something to keep in mind in case you're trying to achieve the "gap" everyone is banging on about these days! But of course I don't know your body type but it's something to consider.
  • I haven't been doing so great lately. :/ The Get Fit Challenge at work is over (we won, btw!) so I lost my team I was losing weight with. It was surprising how much more progress I made when I interacted every day with other people who were working to lose weight. But none of them had any desire to continue after it was done, and some of them have gone back to eating fast food for lunch & stuff, which sucks. So post-challenge, I've done poorly. I switched back to running from spin because I'm doing the Peachtree on July 4th (a 10k). But I'm having some health issues lately, pain & dizziness, that have made running much less enjoyable. :/ I need to do it, though, because my goal is to do 10-minute miles the whole race. I'm just really frustrated with myself right now. I've also stopped religiously counting my calories, which unfortunately I need to do to lose any weight. It doesn't make sense, but eating 1300 calories per day, while doing 4 intense 1-hour spin classes a week lost me 1lb a week. So even if I don't count and eat around 1500 a day, my weight loss just screeches to a halt. Lose It says I should be losing 2lbs a week without exercise....that's never been the case for me.

    Anyway, long story short, crap & excuses combined to cause me to do poorly, to the point where I'm afraid I won't hit my challenge goal AGAIN. And earlier I was positive I would. I did buy a bikini, though! I'm hoping seeing it every day will help give me the push I need to keep up all the hard work I've been doing & not backslide again.
  • Quote: I haven't been doing so great lately. :/ The Get Fit Challenge at work is over (we won, btw!) so I lost my team I was losing weight with. It was surprising how much more progress I made when I interacted every day with other people who were working to lose weight. But none of them had any desire to continue after it was done, and some of them have gone back to eating fast food for lunch & stuff, which sucks. So post-challenge, I've done poorly. I switched back to running from spin because I'm doing the Peachtree on July 4th (a 10k). But I'm having some health issues lately, pain & dizziness, that have made running much less enjoyable. :/ I need to do it, though, because my goal is to do 10-minute miles the whole race. I'm just really frustrated with myself right now. I've also stopped religiously counting my calories, which unfortunately I need to do to lose any weight. It doesn't make sense, but eating 1300 calories per day, while doing 4 intense 1-hour spin classes a week lost me 1lb a week. So even if I don't count and eat around 1500 a day, my weight loss just screeches to a halt. Lose It says I should be losing 2lbs a week without exercise....that's never been the case for me.

    Anyway, long story short, crap & excuses combined to cause me to do poorly, to the point where I'm afraid I won't hit my challenge goal AGAIN. And earlier I was positive I would. I did buy a bikini, though! I'm hoping seeing it every day will help give me the push I need to keep up all the hard work I've been doing & not backslide again.
    If you're training for a 10K and you're eating 1300're not eating enough!! You need to eat MORE! Your body is a fire, if you don't put enough wood on the fire it won't burn. Look into nutrition for sports training. It's a whole new way to look at food and healthy eating that will compliment the intense fitness you're doing. A dieting low calorie goal will not help you lose weight if you're training like an athlete! You need to eat like one. I know it sounds madness to eat more, but if you make the right choices (fruit, veg, PROTEIN!!) then you will see the scales move.

    Sorry that you have lost your weight loss buddies...but you're on a website full of weight loss buddies! I know it's nice to have them in person but we are here to help you and to share your victories and failures. Don't worry about not hitting your goal, I fully intended to be 130 lbs by now but I haven't lost a single pound. But there's no point beating myself up about it - it happened - and I'm now changing my attitude and my lifestyle to help me lose the weight. This is a lifestyle change after all, you have to have your mind in the game and focused on being healthy and in shape for it to work.
  • Week 20 Chart everyone!

  • its sooooo quiet in here this week! where are all you lovely ladies hiding !!