Shocked to be here!

  • So you can see my info in my sig...the truth is I'm up 18 lbs or so...and just found out I'm pregnant! It's quite a shock but we are excited and ready to take this on.

    I am having a little trouble adjusting to pregnancy mode and have been emotionally eating due to that...but morning sickness and indigestion is already setting in and so that is going to work itself out lol.

    But I'm scared of gaining weight's my second and I'm already bloating up! I'm just over 5 weeks and my clothes are already SNUG! I've researched and I guess this is normal with the second because the uterus doesn't shrink completely back to it's prepreg size...but I'm not ready!

    But I know I can do this...I did it before, I can do it again and DO NOT have to gain 50 lbs like last I just wanted to say hi and see if anyone can relate to dreading the weight gain...
  • Congrats!!!!!
    I didn't gain as much with my second as my first, so there's definitely hope. Lol
  • Congratulations!!
  • Congrats!! I gained very little with my second and I ended up weigthing less after birth than I did when I got pregnant... Good luck and I wish you a healthy pregnancy
  • Same for me! I just found out that I am 6 days ago. Tomorrow is my first doctor appointment and Im going to be sure to ask a lot of questions reguarding my weight loss. I lost 140 lbs. and the past 8 months Ive been struggling going up and down 15 lbs. I want to find out if I can continue to lose while pregnant if eating healthy. I figure I will lose much slower than normal, but its all evening out. Im not ready for this, I wasnt prepared and never expected this so I never thought how Id feel being pregnant again for at least 2 years. We're excited, and shocked but it will all work out. Im just terrified of gaining weight!