As if calorie counting isnt enough...

  • My mom had bloodwork done and found out she has type 2 diabetes so in honor of her and to help motivate her, i've decided to start a healthier eating plan. I've done a paleo style diet before and felt pretty good so i'm anxious to start. I'll continue to log calories as i always have but starting monday no more processed crap or "bad" carbs. Hopefully this helps with some of the stalls ive been seeing in weightloss lately! Heart disease and diabetes run in the family anyway so better to start preventing now at the age of 20 then have to deal with the consequences later!
  • Diabetes is in my family too, along with high blood pressure. It's a BIG reason why I want to drop this weight! Good on you to include your mom in your journey- she will certainly reap the benefits, too. I've cut out a lot of the processed junk food that I used to eat daily, and while it's too early to see big results on the scale, I already feel so much better. Good luck to you!
  • I hear ya girl! My family is loaded with all of those fun problems. My biggest one these days is Arthritis and Thyroid-ism (and elevated cholesterol). It especially sucks because I am only 21. It's definitely motivation though! Let me know how Paleo goes.. I've never tried it but it seems popular.
  • Good luck and good for you for helping support your mom
  • Thanks so much everyone! Ill be sure to
    Post updates along my journey!