The ad at the top of the page...

  • Anyone else have the Medifast ad at the top of the page? The one with the brownie? Anyone else want to throw something at the ad every time you log in? LOL
  • A lot of the ads you'll see are based on things you've clicked in the past.
    Nashua Nutrition is the side ad right now for me.
    Go read the ingredients of the Medifast brownie. That should quell any desire you have.
  • Firefox + adblocker = no ads.
  • Quote: Firefox + adblocker = no ads.
    bubbleblower. jist added adblocker, a giant Thank You for this tip,it works !
  • Quote: bubbleblower. jist added adblocker, a giant Thank You for this tip,it works !
    Happy to help!
  • Thank you for that tip!! Didn't know there was an adblocker. And yes, very unappealing once I read the description of ingredients.
  • I have chilis on top lol YUM! lol
  • Google Chrome has Adblock too as an extension. LOVE IT!
  • I'm not sure about the top, but a few times I've clicked on a thread and end up with some video showing, which is also annoying.
  • 15% of Law Enforcement Gear at Chief Supply! I shop there but the Ore-Ida Tater Tots that just popped up are not something I shop for or would buy.
  • BEccagrim some ads just drive me crazy!!!! I had one for "Lose 25 in a month" Nope, not IP!!! The only way I would lose 25 lbs in a month is eating oysters! I'm allergic to them and end up in the hospital the few times that I have eaten them. It was the fastest and most difficult 10lbs I ever lost!
  • Maezy--Oh my gosh. Please don't eat them. LMAO
  • Not an IP'er but wanted to the right margin I see 'before and afters' of young women and I'd be happy to look like the 'before's!

    Oh and has anyone clicked on the blackening banana, lol!

    Nice, right now I see ads for motorcycle jackets