
  • Anyone else have a hard time staying under the recomended sodium intake? Its 8am and I am already at over half my recomended amount.
  • Yes I am having a hard time. I too am eating 1500 calories today and I noticed I was up 2 pounds today and I have been completely OP for 11 days now and I think it's the sodium.. Blah.. I cannot keep it under control with the food we have in the house. FatCat I think I will by PM you if you don't mind.
  • I'm always way over on my sodium, and I wouldn't even know where to begin to cut it. But my bp is normal and the diet seems to be working so I'm not too too worried.
  • processed foods of all types r loaded with sodium! Stick as close as you can to whole foods and it gets alot easier. Also rinse any and all can veggies, beans and such for a couple minutes and it reduces the sodium by up to 40%!
  • That's great Jane. I don't think I wouldve given it another thought if I was so puffed out this morning and up 2 pounds ya know. Honestly I'm not even sure how it gets so high. Im so in the dark when it comes to sodium.
  • Keep in mind that conventional wisdom is sometimes wrong for some people. I was taught low cal, low sodium, low fat all my life, and I got to 450 pounds eating that way and was never full. It fed my addiction to food. Now that I'm eating full fat, whole foods, I feel better, I'm full quicker and my blood work is normal.

    If you're puffy though and it's not hormones, you may have to look at dialing it back a little. Are you eating pre packaged stuff? That kind of thing is full of hidden salt.
  • Quote: processed foods of all types r loaded with sodium! Stick as close as you can to whole foods and it gets alot easier. Also rinse any and all can veggies, beans and such for a couple minutes and it reduces the sodium by up to 40%!
    That is a great tip. Will do that for sure.
  • No Jane. I rarely eat prepackaged food. I think because we went out to eat last night. Any salt will make me puffy. I just took a look at my food In my fitness pal and saw that I was over what they wanted me to be at. Like you I don't have high bp our any medical issues. Today I noticed the canned tomatoes I made soup with had allot of sodium. I guess I'm going to have to learn as I go. Thanks for the advice!

    Posted from App for Android
  • I think above all, I look for foods and/or recipes that are low-sodium. Even the prepackaged Lean Cuisines can be ok if you just watch the sodium.

    I tend to drink a ton of water to help flush it all out before it can get comfy in my ankles.
  • I'm with Kaitie: if I know I've had more salt than usual, i make myself do a couple extra glasses of water: seems to help keep the scales even from day to day, even when I go a bit overboard on the sodium.
  • I have heart disease and it's imperative I eat low sodium foods. (That's what I get for not taking my blood pressure medication as prescribed) I stay away from soda, canned veggies and frozen meals and boxed prepared mixes. I look everything up on My-Calorie-Counter and Lose It to get the sodium content. Mrs. Dash seasonings really don't do it for me - but I do use herbs, etc. I started a log with my usual meals so now I'm pretty savy on what I can have - it's pretty automatic. Food prep takes a little longer because I'm actually preparing meals - not Stoeffers or Weight Watchers, etc.!
