Wedding Diet and Workout Help!

  • Hi!

    I am new to this website. I am getting married in less than 4 months (EEEK), and I want to lose some pounds and tone up! I'm wearing my mom's wedding dress, and I go in on February 7th for my first fitting. It's gorgeous, but my sweet mother is 5'1" and weighed 88 pounds with the dress ON. It's a heavy dress too. Don't you hate her? I'm obviously not that tiny, and bless the seamstresses heart, she told me she would add paneling to make it fit. Well, thanks for that one, lady. Woof.

    So, I guess my goal is to not have to add THAT much material to the dress to make it fit. If I can lost 10-15 lbs by my first fitting, I'd be so happy. I am cutting out a lot of sweets and carbs, and doing mostly proteins and veggies with the occasional sweet (sorry, I love cake). I have been running/training for a 10K off and on for the past couple of months, but I got really busy with finals and the holidays, so I have been more off lately. I plan on starting the 30 Day Shred when I get back from vacation and then moving into Insanity.

    Do any of you have any diet tips or reviews of these workouts? I'd appreciate any and all tips, reviews, motivation. I have a hard time getting up to work out, so I'd love some motivation and buddies
  • No advice, but good luck!
  • Thank you! The good wishes are great motivation
  • hey, im tryin to slim down for my wedding too. Im not gettin fitted my for my dress though untill december, so im doing it so and steady. good luck and congratulations on ur wedding x
  • Well I guess if you want to lose ten pounds by February 7th then you need 1000 calories a day. I find it much easier to eat 1500 and burn off 500 (just over an hour of moderate exercise). Losing weight is a numbers game so buy a calculator or use the one on your phone and take it everywhere with you. I find if I want to lose weight I have to be borderline obsessive about calories!

    As for exercise, find something you enjoy/is achievable because it's better to do less exercise per week for six months than loads but only for three weeks. And don't give up. And don't try diet pills as they can give you heart problems. Having said that, I am trying Capsiplex soon (I researched it and there are no major side effects) so I'll let you know how it goes.
  • Do you currently lift weights? Lift them! Does WONDERS for your shape and I found it broke me through what I thought was my "set point" from 132 to 125. In going from 132 to 125 with weight training I lost almost 2 pants sizes and 2 or 3 inches off my waist.