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  • Seeing as it's January first, I thought we could share and reflect on some of the things we accomplished in 2012. It can be both weight related or not. Whatever you feel like sharing!

    I personally, lost 14 pounds. I started my weight loss journey in November though, so I feel really great about it. It's only going to keep going down too since I didn't really gain anything over the holidays. I feel great about it.

    The second thing I accomplished was I finally started my business degree. I go to school full time and work a full time job 8-5, so I feel really proud that I can accomplish so much all in unison. It makes me feel like a stronger person.

    Thanks for listening, now let's hear yours!
  • I...

    ...lost almost 40 pounds.
    ...brought my mile time down from 14/15 minutes to just under 12.
    ...cut out soda.
    ...completed an internship.
    ...graduated from college. my first "real" job.
    ...moved out on my own and have been living with two roommates since June.
    ...wrote an article that was published in my school's research magazine. past my first big heartbreak.
    ...learned to be strong and independent.
    ...set bigger goals for myself.
    ...learned that whatever I set my mind to, I can accomplish.
  • I like this!

    I finished my first year and a half of law school, have secured sassy summer associate position, have gotten onto and haven't gotten kicked off of law review, won my election for assistant managing editor, took up running again and have my mile back to just over 8 (looking for 7:30 this year. would love to break 7), and have managed to stay in touch with lovely friends.
  • lovedancelive - You have had such a busy and successful year!! Congratulations!

    glittergation - That is amazing! You're at an 8 minute mile after a hiatus! Go go go!
  • I lost about 70 pounds in 2012.
    I bought a fairly new car.
    I moved out of my mom's home.
    I gave up regular soda.
  • hmmm... my only big accomplishment this year is that i moved out to Tokyo and got a new job all on my own. I only started my weight-loss at the end of the year, so I don't think it should be counted as an "accomplishment" since it was just starting

    you guys all got some pretty big stuff up there though! congrats!
  • Love this idea!

    -I lost 23 pounds since November 2012
    -I started horseback riding again
    -I'm back to school for culinary arts (got all As!)
    -I found some confidence
    -I found 3FC!!
  • Kawaii that's a pretty amazing accomplishment!

    kisskiss woohoo at the 70lbs
  • @lrgemmell - Thank you!

    @KawaiiCandie - That's a pretty big accomplishment! I contemplated working in another country but was too nervous to try. Not time yet, maybe one day. Your bravery is inspiring. =)

    @TheLauren - Congrats! 23 pounds in ~2 months is awesome! And it's great that you went back to school; learning new things is always a good thing!

    @kisskiss - Congrats, those are really great accomplishments!
  • I committed to my journey, a huge accomplishment in and of itself...
  • I like this! Everyone has such amazing accomplishments! You should all be so proud!

    I moved to a new city, and only gained about 5 lbs from living with my fiance and eating terrible with him.
    I finished up my last semester of law school classes
    I got a job
    I started planning my wedding
    I started training for a 10K, and I'm a terrible runner!
  • In 2012 I...

    -started a REAL lifestyle change...which I love
    -lost 84 pounds!
    -got into my pre pregnancy clothes..which are now too big
    -went from a size 20 to a 10..
    -started really planning on my future, job wise.
    -I RAN..something I have never really been able to do..
    -found my old self again...
  • Wow, we are some seriously accomplished chicas! I'm hoping that this success will carry into and multiply in 2013.

    MLR, I'm jealous. haha. Congrats on being finished. What's it like? I'm kidding. Good luck with the bar studies. I hear that is an interesting time in one's life, to say the least.
  • ... I lost nearly 70lbs between August and December
    ... I've been going to the pool nearly every day since the first of October
    ... I gave up pop completely after years of 1 liter + a day habit
    ... I went primal, giving up wheat and processed foods
    ... I successfully planned for, saved for and enjoyed a two week vacation that took me to Minneapolis, Chicago, the Maritimes and showed me more of the world than I have ever seen
    ... I got my personal finances in order and stopped living in a pig pen.

    But mostly what I accomplished was CHANGE, something I've never been good at. This is the longest I've ever stuck with a plan and I'm so glad I have
  • These are great!! In 2012 I...

    Moved to France
    Sharpened up my French skills
    Decided what to do with the rest of my life
    Made amazing new friends
    Traveled to Portugal, Norway and Sweden
    Took a job I ended up absolutely loving
    Made the decision to finally get down to my goal weight...