40-Something January 2013 Chat!

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  • Happy Monday All!
    I had a very busy weekend moving my DD from her dorm room and into my uncles home to finish up this school year. I was so tired when I finally got back home last night that I took a nap, then of course I could not go to sleep last night so I slept through my alarm this morning and did not get my work out in. I did not weight this morning. Food over the weekend was not great, plus I am being visited by TOM. Did not want to depress myself even further.
    I am determined to lose down to where I was a year ago (160) and those additional 10 lbs that I want to lose. I need to quit beating myself up for my gain and just get it done. Ugh, I am sick of myself and all these failures.
    About 3 years ago, I had a terrible and very painful case of plantar factitious in both of my heels. I ended up buying a pair of ZCoils (very UGLY shoes) and wore them for about 6 months and my pain finally went away. I have not had a problem until a couple weeks ago and it has flared up, out of the blue, in my left heal. It is so painful that I pulled out my ZCoils to wear in hope for some relief. I hated to do it because I have become so vain about my looks but I am hoping my stint wearing them is short. Man, getting old sure sucks at times. I feel like I am falling apart.

    P.S. Still not smoking and using my eciggy! 34 days or so and still loving the eciggy!
  • Welcome Cantlookinthemirror. Your login name is so negative. How much we weigh isn't everything, see 2FatCats "Get off the scale" quote above. I love that BTW.

    I've decided to cut beer out of my diet. Would like to hear how anyone else is approaching alcohol consumption. I want to allow myself one pint once a week, of something really good like a Dogfish IPA. Or should i just cut it out until I reach a mini goal?
  • NEMom I had plantar fascitis before, and went to physical therapy. Besides stretches and exercises, she used an ultrasound machine on my foot. So when I had the torn tendon in my foot, I went on line and found a little portable home ultrasound machine for around $60. I really think that helped my foot heal.

    Also, I highly recommend a massage technique called Active Release Technique (ART). I had it done for an injured tricep and then again when my back hurt so bad and it really helped.

    Congrats on not smoking for a month!! I think I'll look in to that eciggy for my husband. I want him to use Chantix, but he wants to go cold turkey. Maybe this could help him.

    I hope you can get on with things so you can stop feeling like a failure. Which I'm sure you're not. We all get busy and other things have to take priority.
  • Here's some stuff from the newsletter, more later...feeling a little out of sorts myself, hopefully weather related...

    Replace negative “self– talk” with positive “self‐talk.” Many of us are guilty of puttng ourselves down. We think thoughts about ourselves that we would never dream of saying to someone else. So, why say it to ourselves? Turn off that negative tape that repeats in your head, and learn to keep
    it positive instead.

    Start a “Success Diary.” Note your achievements and things that you do well rather than focusing on failures and shortcomings. Recognize each positive change as a victory. The small steps are just as important as the big ones. Give yourself credit for each step you take on your journey to healthier lifestyle.

    Look on the bright side. You’re more likely to succeed if you expect success. Envision yourself attaining your goals rather than frettng over failure. It takes practice to become more optimistic, but everyone can do it even if it’s in varying degrees.

    Respect others’ if they choose a less healthy path, but don’t decide to follow them. Not everyone will be ready to join you on a path to a healthier lifestyle. Respect their decision, and insist that they respect yours too. Branch out and find others with similar interests for mutual support.

    “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill
  • Sorry to read that some of us are struggling...

    As for the alcohol, I guess its a personal choice. I don't choose to give it up, sitting down with a nice drink is a way to connect with my husband. Going to the neighbors for drinks is a monthly tradition. So... I try to eat less when I know I'll be having a drink or two, I brace myself for the fact that the scale will be up the next morning regardless, and then I move on. Maybe it's slowed down my weight loss, but I've got the time. Life is short; I try to take pleasure in it where I can, and those moments with my husband and with my neighbors are part of the pleasure.
  • Hi, all,

    I feel weird and weak from doing arm exercises today. I hope I haven't hurt myself, lol. THAT would be a great way to start my strength training, right?

    SO I like how I feel when I do intermittent fasting, but doing the main meal in the morning will NOT work. D'oh. Oh, digestive woes just before work because I ate food I don't normally eat in the morning (I don't like breakfast food that much so I was eating regular food I'd eat later in the day). No fun!

    @newleaf - I hear you on the "life is short." Wine is like that for me (but see below)

    @junem - I am trying to cut back only because I drank so much wine over the holidays and got myself into a bad habit of going through about 1/2 a bottle a night for awhile, but I will not give it up completely. I'd like to re-add it as a one glass a night pleasure, but I need a bit of detoxing post-holidays!

    @kelijpa - I like the idea of a success diary!

    @NEmom - that sounds SO painful (your heel stuff). Yikes! But yay on continuing not to smoke!

    Gotta go now, sorry I didn't get to everyone!
  • Hello everyone! I was able to eat a salad last night without getting sick so I had another one today. YAY..but my back really hurts and I have to take my daughter back to the doctor due to her back hurting. The drunk driver finally contacted his insurance company so that took some stress off me. And we also went in for a free consult from a lawyer because that might help take some more off as well. Let them deal with the insurance company and just bring us the offers....but we aren't even done with doctors appts yet so I am still iffy about the lawyer just yet. I just want to be back to normal and him to be doing some time the sooner the better.

    Still now work out for obvious reasons.

    Newleaf-I am the same way. I do like a glass of wine every so often or some other kind of drink. Still have to life our lives as long as we do it responsibly I see nothing wrong with it (as I just bash an irresponsible drunk driver in my previous paragraph.)

    kilipa-I am in bad need of replacing the negative talk to the positive and I am working on that.
  • Busy, busy day. H is all set for his monitor on Thurs. I know it'll be the beginning of a new HEALTHIER chapter for both of us. I'm sooo ready for it!
    Healthy eating. Walked for an hour. Plenty of water. So I'm staying on track for my resolution.

    onmiwei: Glad to hear you're feeling better! Must be nice to be actually able to eat something! Glad you're able to let the laywers & insurance fight it out for the most part. YUP! This guy belongs behind bars! I have no sympathy for people like him.

    olehcat: HA HA!! I'm working out my arms too! I just finished working my biceps, triceps & traps! I'm sure I'll hurt tomorrow! Oh, well...I need to tone.

    newleaf: Yup, alcohol is a personal choice, except like in the case of H. His medical condition & meds really make that a no-no. So in support of him, I've decided to quit too. And in reality, I don't need the empty calories. I just hope anyone here partaking of adult beverages doesn't drink afterwards...there I really do have an issue.

    kelijpa: Those are awesome! Negative talk is one that is really hard to stop, but I look it at as SELF BULLYING! If we take a stand against bullying we should also NOT BULLY ourselves! I do journal. I'm not perfect at it, but I find it helps me stay on track. Our own paths...we all decide what is best for us. I'd just hope that it's a path to better health. How we get there is personal. What works for one doesn't work for all. Thanks for sharing those tips!

    NEMom: UGH! I hate moving! Wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy! Glad it's done. AWESOME! I don't know how you're kicking the habit, but I'm proud of you! I know about foot pain. I spend all day on my feet & they HATE it! I find the better shape I'm in the better they seem to be, less painful. I also soak them & massage them nearly every evening...they are pretty spoiled!

    guacamole: Walking is one of my favorite exercises. I love getting out & seeing what I might see. Just the other day I walked right up on a redtail hawk...just wish I had my camera. Next time! My eldest brother gave me code to remember ABC...always bring camera. I've seen some crazy things, like turkeys in the church yard right across the street! Also I'm just a nut about nature.
    ***See end of post: some of what I've seen recently***

    junem: I have also cut out alcohol. Hubby can't have it because of his health condition & meds. I do it to support him. Trust me, there are days I'd love a dark, hoppy beer & a shot of Jack...but I really don't need the empty calories. I also don't want to make things any rougher on him.

    CantLookInTheMirror: Glad to have you join us! I think your screen name probably voices exactly what many of us feel on most days. But know this...you can change that! Make little changes, then once those become second nature...make a few more little changes. Like you don't have to run a marathon your first day, just walk for 10-15 mins. Try & replace one "unhealthy" thing for something more healthy. Trade 1 soda for a big glass of water or unsweetened iced tea.
    You can do this! You are worth it & let us support & encourage you along the way!!


  • good morning all!
    nice pics MrsTA, good luck with the monitor!
    day 2 of juice fast, woke up with a beauty of a headache...can't wait to get in the shower and hydrate, looking forward to some real food tomorrow. DH is making a baked potato thing, he says we have to earn our potato...lol

    best to all
  • Morning ladies

    So sorry about my poutyness yesterday! I was just so down.
    Feeling better today, scale rewarded me with a 4 pound bloat loss So day 3 on slimfast for me (I did cheat a bit; I had some wine with dinner....)

    NEMom; congrats on your ciggys...when do you think the e-ciggy can be put away?

    Sending to all!
  • Quote: Morning ladies

    So sorry about my poutyness yesterday! I was just so down.
    Feeling better today, scale rewarded me with a 4 pound bloat loss So day 3 on slimfast for me (I did cheat a bit; I had some wine with dinner....)

    NEMom; congrats on your ciggys...when do you think the e-ciggy can be put away?

    Sending to all!

    Four lbs?! Awesome...now I'm thinking I should try slim fast.....what do you eat for dinner?
  • I had made some beef stew and had a bowl of that; I added some feta cheese on top. An apple with some peanut butter as an evening snack and two cheese sticks as an afternoon snack. I was pretty full. Now I am totally motivated to stay on slimfast. -- It is not that bad if you have the snacks between shakes. It is really taking away some bloat!!
  • Hi, everyone.

    Mrs.TA totally agree on the drinking and driving. It is reprehensible for people to do that, the effects of which being experienced by onmywei. Happy to say we only indulge at home or literally next door, where we walk home.

    Sum38 congrats on the whoosh! I think I would fall over on the floor in shock if my scale ever went down that much in one day! Glad you've found something that is working for you.

    Well, with 13- and 11-year-old boys in the house, we've finally installed one of these net-nanny type thingies, and unfortunately it's blocking Mrs.TA's photos! Ugh... Sorry I can't see them. I'm sure they aren't of the nature of the type of things we're trying to block... LOL
  • Good morning, all, just a brief drive-by, try to answer a few things before I have to go to work...

    @sum38 - I remember one of my favorite eating light dinners was getting Progresso's lentil soup and adding spinach and feta cheese to it! Completely filling and healthy and low calorie! Wow, 4 pounds of bloat!

    @MrsTrying - I hurt a little this morning, but not too badly. Mosty just stiff. It was my first day back at work after vacation and I ended up feeling like I was hit by a truck last night anyway, much less with the exercise stiffness, lol

    @omniwei - definitely do not drink and drive! Over the holidays I was lucky to be staying with family both times so I could drink all I wanted and didn't have to go anywhere!

    I was down .6 of a pound this morning, yay. And I didn't even do the IFing right yesterday. Today is a new day. I am not eating anything until lunch, at which point I will have a light salad. Then I will have the remainder of my calories at dinner. This worked like a charm a few summers ago for me, so I'm hoping to really get into the right pattern for it.

    Also, sheila! No wine yesterday. Day 1 of no wine for my plan of a MOSTLY dry January!
  • Good morning ladies!

    I had a good food day yesterday. Kept my calories under 1300 so I am happy about that.
    I had a rough morning but did manage to get 30 minutes of exercise in so at least it is a little. Hoping my morning is better tomorrow so I can get my normal routine in.

    For alcohol, I generally on drink rum and diet pop. I try to limit it to the weekends, however, some nights I say Fuc! it and have a drink or two. The last time I looked my drinks only had like 70 calories so not too bad.

    @twinieten - I will look into the ultra sound machine. I am not going to do PT but will find some stretches to do at home. I know my Zcoils work if I wear them long enough, they are just so UGLY! I will send you a PM about the ecig.
    @SUM - A HUGE congrats on your 4lb loss. AMAZING! I am lucky to loose that in a good month.
    NEMom; congrats on your ciggys...when do you think the e-ciggy can be put away?
    - I am NOT even thinking of that yet. I am slowly lowering my nic levels and I may or may not choose to vape zero nic flavors when I get there. The hand to mouth thing is huge, plus the flavors are so good, it helps keep me from snacking.
    @onmiwei-I hope all goes well with the lawyer and healing! Prying noting serious is wrong with your daughter! Get a GOOD lawyer, talk to a few before you decide and then let them take care of the insurance companies and stuff.

    Have a wonderful day!!!