Starting the 30 Day Shred

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  • HI! I'm here! I so want in! I plan to start tomorrow...but tomorrow might mean 12am..since I'm still awake and dying to see if I can deal with it or not...They also had JM Frontside and Backside for beginners but I wanted to give Shred a try since that's what I've been hearing about...

    uh my inches, hold that thought:

    Chest: 38.5
    Waist: 41
    Butt: 50.5
    Calf 17.25

    I'm hoping to be able to make a go of it 4 days a week, in combination with walking the other 3 days and maybe even walking 2 of the 4 days as well...while also calorie cycling....(woo buddy...) So we'll see how this goes!
  • Just got a copy, so I plan on starting tomorrow, i dont have any hand weights but i hope it will be ok until i get some.
  • Just did L3D9! One more day and I'll have finished the Shred
  • ImImportant Feel better! Always better to make sure you don't make it worse, we'll be here when you come back.

    BeachBella85 Welcome! I haven't tried the front and back workout. You'll have to let us know how it is when you get to it. I find that I feel less sore on the days that I get some movement in at work, so walking a bit is a great idea.

    Brandibooxoxo Welcome, hope you get to it today! Not having actual weights is no big deal. You can use bottles of water, 16oz cans of soup...or if you're finding the moves really challenging, you don't have to use anything at all. The point is to get moving, and you'll sweat either way. lol.

    IzzyD07 Almost there! Keep it up, girl.
  • Jumping back in
    I feel a bit better this morning so I will get my workout in now before my body says no.

    My measurements are:

    Neck: 14"
    Bicep: 11"
    Chest: 37"
    Waist: 31"
    Paunch: 31.5". I like this! I always feel like I'm cheating when I don't count it.
    Hips: 38.5"
    Thigh: 23"

    Weight this morning. 153.4

    3 pound weights
    20 year old mini trampoline for the moves that may stress my back - jumping jacks
    Yoga mat
  • You gals are awesome, I don't own the Shred otherwise I'd be all over this. Have been doing a squat challenge though and need all the inspiration I can get.

    I super related to having no hobbies, lol. Sleep, pee and eat--holla. Now: sleep, pee, eat, squat, chug water, 5lb weights on arms, sleep

    Happy new year!
  • Level 1 Day 2 Done!
  • Starting this tomorrow. Kind of looking forward to it, it will be good to get going on something positive and hopefully feel a fair bit fitter than I do now.

    Adding my inches so I don't forget
    Arm: 13.5
    Bust: 45
    Waist: 42
    Paunch: 46
    Hips 48.5
    Thighs 29

    Wasn't until I did these measurements that I realised how I really do carry so much of my weight round my stomach. Legs and arms aren't that bad but my hip area is awful!
  • Brandibooxoxo I don't have any hand weights either, I just move my hands. I honestly don't think I would be able to do it with weights right now. lol

    L1D3 done (yesterday), wow it's going by so fast. Another thing, I don't know if it's because this is the most intense workout ive tried or if it's because of my TOM but I've lost 9 lbs since starting this. I went to my friend's office (she works in a clinic) and I weighed myself on the scale the day I started the shred and I was 276 and I weighed myself today on their scale and I'm 267. I'm not complaining at all, I'm just shocked! I'm almost at my first goal, 2 more lbs to go! My left calf is still kinda sore but It's feeling a little better today.
  • ImImportant Way to go on L1D2. I'm glad you're feeling well enough to start shredding again.

    CaliforniaDreamer Thats FANTASTIC. If ever you needed motivation to keep going, you've certainly got it. Personally, I've lost not a damn thing despite staying within my calorie limits. 25 days to go though, plenty of time to see a change! I would really like to lose 8lbs over that time but I'm not optimistic.

    BippityBoppety Let us know what you think of day one. It kicks my butt something awful.

    I was absolutely starving when I got out of work. Had a 6" roast beef sandwich from Subway for ~350 cals. Quite full at the moment, L1D5 shall commence in an hour or two.
  • Im glad to hear everyone is having such success with this i did the first L1D1 last night and im so sore but im gonna do L1D2
  • ...OMG....L1D1 just finished...I'm dying, pretty sure. That was so intense and the bad thing was I watched it first about 2 hours ago so I would know what was coming up and wouldn't spend the whole video trying to figure out what was going on and I was like...what is this? Its not that bad! This is going to be easy blah blah blah blah...LIES..lies I told myself to get myself to do it and now...I'm dying. My shoulders hurt! how does she get your shoulders to hurt?! Evil death queen person...

    Also...I added in the exercise to my calorie limit and it killed off some of my calories and I'm already running way low for the I supposed to eat or just add the calories to another day? I'm asposed to calorie cycling...

    also, do we actually do this 30 days in a row? or how do you cycle it?
  • Or I could just fall asleep...thats cool too. So now at 1:40am I have to get up and do the Shred, because I said I'd do it everyday and by god I will.

    How awesome is my life right now? *pouts* L1D5 commencing NOW.

    Also, I tell Jillian to go f**k herself at least three times a workout. Usually when she asks the girls "its hard, isn't it? yea" and I'm like..screw you bikini lady. You want tough? Try having your stomach resting on your knees during the squat press.

    BeachBella85 I actually don't add my exercise into my calorie tracker until the end of the night because it gives me those calories back and I don't want to eat what I just exercised I'm leary of believing the count is correct. ~180 calories for 20 minutes of circuit training. Color me skeptical.
  • L1D3 complete! I think I will stick with working out in the morning. I will see what happens when my work schedule returns to normal after the new year.
  • Well, I finally did it. 30 days of pain and I've finished the 30 Day Shred I wonder if I should try Ripped in 30 next?