Very new to exercise...

  • Hi! I'm new to weight loss and exercise. I've gotten a good handle on the diet portion of what to/not to do after meeting with a dietitian. But now I need to start moving. I have a few obstacles; I'm mom to 4 small kids, including one baby who nurses often. So going out to the gym really isn't an option. I do, however, have an upright stationary bike in my home.

    So. What should I do, starting from sedentary? Is it effective enough to set a goal of 3x a week, 30 minutes each on the bike? I have no clue what/how much I should be doing of cardio, weights, anything. I'm limited in access, but I have the bike like I said, and resistance bands and a yoga mat.

    Anybody have any tips?
  • Congrats on being off to a great start! I think you are wise to focus on what you have available and can do considering your circumstances. The resistance bands can be a great workout. I turn on music and work out with them. Also the bike sounds good. You could also check YouTube and find some exercises you can do right there at home when you can grab a few minutes.
  • Thank you! I will have to check out some YouTube videos. I hadn't thought of that!
  • YouTube is a great resource for free exercise videos- I think 3x per week is a good place to start, and then just move up from there as you feel more comfortable! Try to find something that you enjoy- and make sure you are pushing yourself, but don't burn yourself out- I think that's a different balance for everyone, but this is something you'll want to maintain for life!
  • Since you're limited with equipment, bodyweight exercises could really work for you. There are tons of sites out there with great bodyweight circuits that you could start with and won't take a lot of time at all.
  • If your cable/satellite has OnDemand, check and see if there are fitness videos...Comcast has a ton of them...from belly dancing to kick boxing to pilates to barre.
  • I like to take the kids to the park. It's down a good size hill, so that's a workout for me! I also like to do pushups against the equipment. I just bought a corebody reformer. I've only had it a week, but I like it so far. It doesn't take up too much space and there are a lot of exercises that can be done with it.
  • There are a lot of challenges available online that only take a few minutes, a few times a week - for example, the 'Hundred Pushup Challenge' (all you need is a yoga mat). You could also check out the Couch to 5k - even if you can't go running outside, it's a challenge that can easily be modified for equipment like exercises bikes (bike really hard for sixty seconds then rest for 90, and so on).

    Good luck!
  • The blogilates YouTube channel is godsend! There are videos to tone up specific areas, you entire body, hiit cardio, Pilates... Everything!
  • Take your kids for walks or to indoor playplaces if you are in the freezing cold like I am, and get on the equipment! Also, if your house has stairs, take things upstairs in two trips instead of one. Check YouTube and On Demand for fitness videos. Use your kids as weights - my 3 year old nephew loves when I pretend to bench press him, and it's a great workout for me! Or carry them around on your back. My nephew likes to practice counting, so I have him count my jumping jacks. Silly things like that burn calories and get your heart rate up without taking up a lot of time!