Bikini Ready 2013 Challenge - Who's with me?!

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  • This challenge sounds amazing, I'm in too!
  • Hey everyone! It's been amazing reading all your resolutions for 2013. I hope this year brings you happiness and success. And a rocking bikini body of course!

    As for me, I've gained 7 lbs since I came to England for Christmas and New Year! Eeeep! But I'm not going to let it bum me out, I'm going to focus on weight loss when I get back home and lose that weight and MORE.

    I went shopping recently since Japan sizes are so small it was so nice being back in my home country with sizes I can fit into. I'm usually a UK 12/14 in tops but this time I fit into a UK 10 and even a UK 8!! What?!! Granted the top that was an 8 was really baggy in design so it's not a true reflection on my ACTUAL size but still it feels amazing to own something in a size 8!! I think that's like a 4 in the US?! Not sure though! So yeah, I spent a lot of money treating myself and buying new clothes since I figured I probably won't when I get back to the land of the skinnies!


    Sorry if I don't get back to all of you, but I have read everyone's post!

    runthec - I personally downloaded it via a torrent and plugged a usb into my PS3. The DVD is really popular, try getting it from Amazon.

    lisa4621 - Did you have a nice New Year despite the no alcohol and food? =(. Congratulations on 11 years!

    Lauracore - You've got some good resolutions! I think my reward will be a shopping spree for nice clothes for slim people!

    tinner - Congrats on resisting the urge to buy doughnuts!! I hate lingerie shopping with a passion. My bra size is a 32GG so finding a nice, supporting bra is so difficult. I have to try on SO many different ones that I just hate myself by the end of it! I just want to get in and out as quickly as possible.

    Song of Surly - I'm glad you had a great New Years! I really want to watch Les Mis, I'm a bit of a sucker for musicals. The pizza was delicious thank you, and so far I don't have Noro!!

    margare - That sucks! Well at least you're not there now!

    lilypad - I'm sorry that happened to you. Friends definitely don't do that!! Congratulations on all your successes and emotional progressions from 2012 and I'm sure you'll achieve all you want to in 2013.

    getmydivaback - If you are going to work out for 1 hour make sure you're eating more healthy food to fuel your body! 1 hour is a long time!

    chubbie - I always liked to think that I'm a tiger and my stretch marks are my stripes =p. It's so cheesy but don't let some marks put you off wearing anything!

    ilovemo - Aww thank you! You're very welcome, I enjoy running them and seeing everyone's progress =).

    ParkTrot - Perfect timing! Let's do this together!

    Scarlett - Don't worry about the last 2 weeks, I'm there with you! We can do this together I'm sure, I find coming here and staying accountable helps me focus too. =) My last challenge Halloween challenge fell apart too after I moved to Japan, I felt so guilty so hopefully this will make it up to the people who I let down! Wow, congratulations on all your successes in your career! I'm sure you can get to where you want to be. What made you want to work in the diabetes field?

    epicskyline - Well done on your loss! Even more incredible during these weeks of temptation!

    Kymish - Sorry for your loss, but it looks like your 2013 is going to be full of happy memories =).

    Ash2007 - Have you considered home workouts? They're amazing to do during the cold weather!

    ruby - Why do you want to teach in the UK might I ask? I really want to move to Canada!!

    Jez - You're the saboteur! Hehe, it's ok, you got them right just they weren't in caps ;p. You're very welcome in the challenge! I just put it in the 20-somethings forum because it's where I lurk the most!

    bunna - Congrats on the loss in inches!!
  • Ughhhh....I'm 5 days off wheat and I'm having the "wheat flu". I'm tired and I have serious head and body aches! Detoxing, I guess. Anyway, I suspect all of my weight loss is water but I'll take it. I've been so sore and tired that I haven't been able to do the 30 day shred as planned. But, I think at the moment I need to focus on transitioning into this way of eating then add the shred when I feel better.

    Hope the rest of you are just killing it!

    Riestrella Get it, girl! UK size 8 is awesome!
  • Tinneranne- I'm sure you don't look huge and gross....and those dressing room mirrors have a habbit of making every little flaw pop...Also, some colors look better then others depending on the body...Anything pink for instance, makes me look...horrible...but blues and whites, or purples seem to look awesome...Glad you got a boost of modivation out of it tho

    Bunnabear- :* WOOO...that pound was still lost through hard work...those measurements lost are amazing for two weeks...maybe you'll be experiencing a woosh soon....

    GobabyGoGO- Welcome...Your goal seems super reasonable to reach. Good luck

    Riestrella- I love your positive additude approaching this again and glad you got some retail "Therpy," in with those smaller sizes

    Lauracore- Sorry your feeling so shitty with this detox..just think how amazing your gonna feel in a week tho after this passes. Keep at it...

    Hmm lets see...I've been hovering at 186.5 for the past two days...TOM is in full swing so i'm hoping it'll disipate in a few more days(would love it to before this weeks weighin haha)

    I was thinking of taking up yoga sometime this week, at home since I'm to broke to pay for classes...I'm hoping it'll help me tone up a bit more and it just looks like alot of fun
  • Kinda wondering why my post and my information on the spreadsheet got removed....
  • i really have to push I want to make my goal by summer so bad. I was so depressed last weekend I went shopping and everything I tried on looked awful. I have decided to buy only goal clothes from now on.
  • Hi everyone! I've been crazy busy these past few weeks but starting tuesday I'll be semi back to normal. Hope everyone the best in this challenge...I know I definitely need it. I've been going off plan like crazy. I haven't stepped on a scale in almost a week and I'm scared.
  • Hey everyone! I will be flying back to Japan tomorrow, which means I will arrive on Tuesday, which means the first set of charts will either be up Tuesday or Wednesday!

    Lauracore - What were the main things you were eating that had wheat in? And Thank you!!

    baker - I liked yoga! I did a youtube lesson (there are a surprising amount on there) and did a few at the gym, and honestly I found the youtube one better! It is very relaxing and you feel really rested afterwards, I always like feeling like I've stretched good so that's why I like it.

    Katbot - A post in the thread you mean? I honestly don't have anything to do with either disappearances! There might have been a error in the spreadsheet which meant your information wasn't saved before you exited the page? Try it again perhaps!

    getmydiva - I would suggest not to just get goal clothes! It can put a lot of pressure and there are ways to look great at a bigger size! You might just be being too hard on yourself

    Pom - I was scared too!
  • Riestrella: There are too many teachers and not enough jobs in Canada, or at least in and around my city (Toronto). There are a bunch of agencies that hire Canadian teachers to teach in the UK and I figured it would be nice to get some experience and have an opportunity to travel around Europe! I don't know if I'll end up doing it, but there's no harm in applying.

    Lauracore: The "wheat flu" sounds awful! Have you cut out sugar as well?

    Baker23: Definitely try yoga! Depending on the video you do, it can be a great workout. I got The Biggest Loser Weightloss Yoga dvd and it was really good. You can probably find it online somewhere to download.

    I have not been drinking enough water the last few days so I'm also scared to step on the scale...
  • I weighed in today and plan to continue to weigh in on Sundays.

    SW: 231.6
    WK1: 231.6
    WK2: 225.4

    Total Lost: 6.2 Pounds

    I ate far from perfectly. My weight loss consisted of mostly water weight.

    It’s tough to go from completely lax to diet ninja over night. At least I remained somewhat conscious of what I put in my mouth throughout the week. It was a step in the right direction. If I keep up with the weigh ins, I should get better with my eating as the challenge rolls on. I’m still trying to wrap my mind around where my weight has crept up to and get back into the week to week mindset.
  • REI Wheat is in pretty much everything but I have a tendency to want quick easy meals. I had been carb loading because eating a whole wheat bread sandwich was easier. BUT over xmas when I visited family I was only eating bread basically. I started to feel REALLY awful and decided to just cut it all out and be done with it.

    Ruby I cut out all refined sugars 2 years ago. It was suggested to me at that time to try cutting out wheat but I wasn't ready to make the plunge. But now on day 6 I feel really good! Wheat flu is gone!!!

    Scarlett 6 pounds is awesome! Water or not it is always great to see some movement on the scale! Congrats!
  • Hi Guys,

    Looks like the Pounds to go column is mis-calculating the number of pounds that we have left to lose. It's increasing instead of decreasing because the formula is adding instead of subracting.

    Just a heads up!
  • lauracore - When I first switched to paleo I had the "wheat flu" reaction as well. But once it's over you feel SO much better.

    scarlett - Water weight or otherwise, a loss is a loss - and that's a big one! Congrats!

    My weight has been yoyoing but I've lost 1.8 so far this week so hopefully I get another little loss before tomorrow's weigh in.
  • park how long did your wheat flu last?
  • Quote: Hi Guys,

    Looks like the Pounds to go column is mis-calculating the number of pounds that we have left to lose. It's increasing instead of decreasing because the formula is adding instead of subracting.

    Just a heads up!
    No it's not . It's only going up if people have gained weight.