Maintainers Weekly Chat November 5 - November 11

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  • Happy Birthday, Chris! I agree with you regarding the breakfasts and cake. Cake comes but once a year (or more, depending on the size of your family) but breakfast is every day and doesn't have to be anything overly big. I'm sure you can ask for a plate of eggs and fruit.
  • Chris-- do you work in the wedding business? At first I thought you meant you were going to a 3 day wedding celebration! Happy Birthday!

    I'm in a vile mood this morning and hope to shake it. My weight is way up again.... then I come to work and it is a DISASTER after voting in the library. I've never seen such a mess. All of the booths, etc. are still here so I don't know how I'm going to conduct classes around everything. The worst thing is that the door to the outside was left unlocked all night-- the custodian was supposed to stay to lock up. There are books and food and trash everywhere. I'm not amused. I have 8 kindergarten classes plus 3 second grade classes to see today. Hope the kiddos behave.

    I know we are supposed to talk politics but my dd and I were shocked to see that in her state (Washington) they legalized the recreational use of pot. Really?! How do you pull someone over for pot use? How much is too much? How is that a good idea? What's next?
  • Well, it does provide law enforcement some much-needed resource relief. Most departments have been cut and cut and cut ... and this way they can overlook the pothead buying his 5th Biggie Fry while they go after the violent criminals. Hopefully, it will lead to some common sense zero-tolerance rules about driving, employment around heavy equipment, potentially lucrative taxation, etc. Hopefully, it can be handled in a grown-up, solution-oriented manner - but I won't hold my breath. Ann Arbor (home of UMich) hasn't legalized it - instead, they simply do not prosecute it. I think it's a $5 ticket.
  • Quote: I know we are supposed to talk politics but my dd and I were shocked to see that in her state (Washington) they legalized the recreational use of pot. Really?! How do you pull someone over for pot use? How much is too much? How is that a good idea? What's next?
    What I read in the paper was that they were establishing a legal limit like alcohol. In fact, it sounded like it would be regulated a lot like alcohol and could provide a lot of revenue. People could grow a certain amount for personal use, much like homebrewing. The big thing seems to be that it flouts federal regulations so we'll see how that works out. Colorado also legalized marijuana last night. I predict a lot of court battles.
  • Hey folks, just realized I haven't really posted in this thread yet this week! I voted yesterday but had to stand in line for an hour in freezing temps. Then I barely made it to work in time for an entire day full of interviews (recruiting for summer interns). Phew!

    Michele, there are a lot of details to be worked out regarding legal limits (like for alcohol) and such, but I'm sure a google search can provide you with all of the reasons some people would like to legalize marijuana. I will refrain from providing my personal opinions because I think this may violate the "no politics" rule, but there is plenty of info out there and it is worth reading both sides of the story.

    I was lazy this week and didn't want to cook, so instead I made a big pan of lasagna Saturday and we made a huge pot of soup Sunday, but now I'm totally sick of eating lasagna or soup for every single meal. Oops. I have one more soup recipe for the week which I'll make tomorrow in the slow cooker.

    Meanwhile at work I am fighting a losing battle against Windows in my attempt to make my software show the right cursor (I'm a software developer, for those who don't know).
  • I can't believe how easy it was to get gas in Connecticut this morning. After I moved away from I-95 and into one of the towns, gas was expensive and they only had regular, but there WAS NO LINE AT ALL.

    After I helped conduct the interview, and ate lunch, the sleet and blowing wind began, so I left at 2 PM & drove back home to work at my desk in the living room for the rest of the day.

    It's so strange to go from a hurricane to a snowstorm in such a short span of time.
  • I don't smoke marijuana any more - did that in my early 20's and then gave it up due to severe penalties if caught, plus a criminal record following you.

    DH and I tried it again for recreational use last year and we were both so paranoid and freaked out and so high that we agreed it wasn't for us. I would never, ever toke and drive. Same way I won't drink and drive - my judgement just goes to pot if I have even one beer and am not legally drunk.

    I wonder how they will work out legal limits? Drugs affect different people in such different ways. My DH can drink 3 beers and still be quite rational and able to do stuff. Me, I'm loaded after 3 beers and can only sit and giggle.

  • Chris

    Enjoy your

  • Thanks a zillion Dagmar! And I'm at the lowest birthday weight of my adult life, THE BEST GIFT I COULD GIVE MYSELF! And Allinell, yes, I own a wedding chapel and perform about 125 weddings a year as an officiant. It's an occupational hazard with too much cake and great food available several times a week, so I have to stay for pictures and then graciously leave the reception!
  • Quote:
    I wonder how they will work out legal limits? Drugs affect different people in such different ways. My DH can drink 3 beers and still be quite rational and able to do stuff. Me, I'm loaded after 3 beers and can only sit and giggle.

    With alcohol, they can do a breathalizer. My understanding with pot is that a blood test has to be conducted so I'm wondering how they'll screen. My family was joking that when they pull you over they'll look for fast food trash in your car (from the munchies). I don't even drink anymore-- half a drink and I'm wasted. Dh can drink quite a bit with no discernable affect (though I am always his designated driver). I also wonder how this will be enforced. I heard on the news that there may be quite a tourist business for tourists to go to these states (like people go to Amsterdam). Not sure if it has all be thought through.

    I posted a funny dialogue about spinning on the exercise board but I'll post it here for anyone who wants to see. My friend sent it to me and I can definitely relate!

    Inner Monologue Of A Spin Class Student
    Nov. 2, 2012

    By Stephanie White info

    Oh man, why is it so early? Better not look in the mirror. Yep that’s definitely a bad idea. It’s WAY too soon for that. Wait, what is that smell? (*looks down*) Wow, is that coming from my spin shoes? Must address this after class. (*creates new iPhone “note”*). Why is the woman next to me shouting at her friend? It’s 7 a.m. Why is she even making noise? Isn’t the first rule of spin class NO talking? Let’s kick her out. I guess class hasn’t officially begun. Damnit. Can we get this show on the road? Oh crap, there’s a sub today?! Alright, I’m leaving. No, NO. You’re already here. Stay put. This is only an hour of your life. Stop whining. (*takes a sip of black coffee*). Alright, which bike am I? Number 13? **** I totally forget. Why is this old man looking at me funny? Nothing to see here mister. Except for the red lycra-blend pants I’m wearing. I know they’re not very flattering, but at least they’re clean! Okay, he’s still staring. Avert your eyes buddy. Oh, is this your bike? My mistake. I’m leaving, I’m sorry! Don’t make that face. It’s just a spin bike. Not your actual bike, gosh! I guess this means I’m bike 31? Oh no, is bike 31 under the speakers? Perfect. Jesus, this teacher looks like a giant douche bag. I can see his nipples through his frat boy cut off tee. That doesn’t even look comfortable. But maybe he’ll play some Rihanna? That’d be sweet. Why won’t my red knobby thingy loosen up? Class starts in like 60 seconds and I reeeeeeeeally don’t want to ask this teacher to help me adjust my bike. But really though, whhhhhy won’t this knob buuuuuuudge. Oh wait, there it goes. Thank GOD. Okay first song is… an Akon remix? Strike one, my douchey friend, strike ONE. But there’s still time to redeem yourself. What was that? I’m sorry, I could have sworn you just said, “Crank your resistance up THREE whole turns to the right.” I’m sorry but I am not doing that. I physically CANNOT. We’re not even warmed up yet. This is absurd. I’m just going to carrrrrrefully fake these numerous cranks you’re demanding. One, one and two thirds…“three.” There ya go. Happy now? No one saw me fake that right? Maybe old man on bike 13 with the staring problem did. Whatevs. I’m really glad that Akon song is over. Is this Destiny’s Child?! SAY MY NAME. Throwbaaaaaack. I approve. Are we climbing a hill now? Bring it on. Let’s climb five hills in a row. I don’t even care. This song is everything. Hold on, why are you yelling at us? Intervals? And tap backs? You know what? I’m not coordinated enough for this. I’m going to politely opt out of whatever it is this instructor is currently doing with his arms. Baby push-ups on the bike handles? This feels very silly. And now he’s asking us to rotate our inner thighs toward the floor while we tuck our cores and release our shoulders from our ears? You want me to do WHAT with my pelvic floor muscles? No thanks! I’ve stopped listening. I can’t hear anything over the bass pounding above my head. Alright, I’m already soaking with sweat. Are we there yet? Three more songs?! This guy has lost his mind. Clearly. If he starts playing a One Republic song while shouting new agey BS over the mic, I’m definitely calling it a day. He better not… omg RIHANNA! This. Song. This. Song. How did I ever question this man? I LOVE YOU AND YOUR MUSICAL TASTE. Shine bright like a diamond, shine bright like a diamond. Endorphins. So. Many. Endorphins. Icouldspinforever. Should I quit my job? Spin full time? This feels right. All of this just feels… wait, is the song over? ****. Wait, CLASS is over?! NOOOOO. I don’t want to go! We’re cooling down? I’m not leaving this bike. I refuse to leave! I love bikes and music and exercise and life! Am I safe to drive? I feel a little bit high right now. Deep breaths. Take some deep breaths. Oh thank God, we’re cooling down… to a Bonnie Raitt cover? Is this Adele? This song makes me feel emotionally unstable. Am I already sore? Wait, am I crying? I need to exit the building. I feel, I feel very vulnerable. Is the instructor leaving already?! Bye dude. I underestimated you. Wait, I wonder if he’ll burn me a copy of his playlist?! Oh look, there goes my pride! And that is my CUE.
  • Quote: And Allinell, yes, I own a wedding chapel and perform about 125 weddings a year as an officiant. It's an occupational hazard with too much cake and great food available several times a week, so I have to stay for pictures and then graciously leave the reception!
    How interesting! I'll bet you look great in those peoples' wedding pictures!

    Happy belated birthday, Chris!
  • An unexpected gift of working from home today, due to one of the recent manic swings in our weather pattern. We got several inches of snow yesterday, which I avoided driving through by leaving the office early & working from home for the remainder of the day. The evening commute that I missed out on was chaotic. Heard from a friend that it took her an hour to drive nine miles because of traffic diverted around an accident.

    I'm drinking coffee and trying to call on dwindling stores of energy. I keep staying up till 10 PM when my wakeup time means I ought to be in bed by 9 PM. How do I stop this behavior?
  • Michele~I saw your spin dialogue thing on FB and had to send it to my DD. While I don't know if she has those things going on in her head, she is known to do two spin classes a day, so I hope she thinks it as funny as we do. I have dialogues going on in my head all the time. (She just wrote back--she says it rang quite true for her too!)

    Got our cars washed last night and it looks like rain today. There was a slight chance predicted for tomorrow so now I wonder what will happen.

    My in-laws are going to go look at kittens tomorrow. MIL ordered FIL to "bring home the cat stuff" that we've had stored at our office so they'll be prepared. FIL says MIL has been talking to herself lately (she used to talk to the cat) and he thinks it'd be healthier for her to talk to a living creature. She's also been saying how nice it is to not have a pet to take care of, so who knows what they'll do. There are four great kittens at Animal Samaritans--three are polydactyl and one looks just like my Louie only a different color. Those are the ones they want to see about adopting.

    Golf is back in season! We have a tee time for Sunday afternoon. Then we'll probably go see Lincoln. That looks like a great movie.
  • Allison - we are looking forward to seeing Lincoln as well, let me know how it is.

    Love the spin dialogue, Michele.

    Saef - I often push myself awake too late, can't seem to break the habit though.

    Chris - happy late birthday! Owning a wedding chapel sounds fascinating. You get to see so many different people at a high point in their lives. Neat.

    I've never smoked pot. I get loopy from a beer or a glass of wine, and am pretty sure I have had some seconhand highs from concerts in my youth, so I avoid it for the safety of all around me.

    I got up and went for a run in the cold before work this morning. Felt good.

    Good week everyone!
  • I have been feeling quite "doltish" since yesterday evening. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to sign in to hotmail on my client's computer. I am on a guest account and can access everything else but not the hotmail. I am now going to lug DH's laptop to the client's house, plug it into the modem, and see what happens. ARRRGH! I am only there for 4 days and have enough stuff with me that it looks like an expedition to conquer Everest!
