WW Weekly Chat!: 10/8 - 10/14

  • Hello everyone! Welcome to WW Weekly Chit Chat!

    This is a thread for any and all WW users to get to know each other. To talk about their days or weeks. Whether it's plan-related or not. Just a comfy area to chat about things in general. Grab a chair, pick up a cup of hot tea or coffee and relax with everyone!

    Please join in at any time
  • oh how I hope you chickies have had a wonderful day! The weather here was beautiful and I took advantage of it and went to the gym LOL....But I know that Wed and Thur I will not have that opportunity because of work so I need to find an alternative to get my movement in

    I am looking forward to my weigh in but I will not be at home...shoot and will have to go with tue or friday I am going to aim for tomorrow since I travel on wed and thur

    can't wait to hear from you all
  • Hello. Where is everyone? I read through last week's thread and there were lots of posts! I usually post on the 50+ Golden Girls thread, but I recently started Weight Watchers Points Plus and thought I'd come on over and look around.

    Vegequarian - I don't eat a lot of fruit because of my type 2 diabetes, but I do fill up on zero point veggies. I was told that they are zero points, but not free. ie, not unlimited and should be kept at 5-7 servings per day, and some veggies are only 1/2 cup per serving. But I never heard anyone say they got fat because they ate too many veggies. And I've never heard of a doctor telling a patient to cut back of veggies. I think the veggies are why I'm doing well on Points Plus and I'm not going to change my diet as long as I continue to lose. I think the reason they specify 5-7 servings is because most people don't meet that allotment. I, too, sometimes don't eat all my 26 points for the day. On weigh-in day I allow myself some things I don't usually eat and then get right back to plan the next day. Even doing that, I don't go over my weekly points.

    This seems like a nice group and I will probably stop in from time to time.

    Have a good week, everyone!
  • The week is almost over and its quiet here! I did my first weigh in last night after re-joining, down -4.6 pounds, glad to be back on this journey! Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • Yes this week seems to be quiet....maybe it is because we are all dreading halloween and the candy it might bring?

    I just finished with some traveling so I have not been able to monitor or comment like I usually do...drats! but on the upside I have made some great food choices for example today....ordered a turkey club sandwich it was way to big so I took 1/2 then removed 1/2 the turkey since it was piled so high and had that for lunch and I did not know it came with fries and I only ate 3 of them! I really was full...so cool. Dinner a 1/2 can healthy choice soup! And a glass of wine LOL had to have that