GET ME OUT OF THE 170s/160s/150s

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  • Happy New Year everyone!

    Sofie-Yep, let's get back on the pony! My 2 week diet break end on Monday. The crazy good thing is that I haven't been pigging out. I think I may have actually changed some behaviors here! I've started The New Rules of Lifting For Women program. It took tons of planning and some purchases, but I'm doing it in my garage at home. My butt is sore today In a weird way, I can't wait to get back to my diet and counting again. The scale has creeped up a wee bit the last few days. I can't tell if that is actual fat or water weight from me starting to lift. But I want it gone! Today I'm going to clean out my closet. I'm getting rid of all the size 14's and XL's.

    HappyHoliday--I know exactly how you feel with the lunches out. Those are the hardest situations. Good luck!

    Angieand2girls--Good for you for cooking all that food ahead. I'm never that organized. Maybe in my next life. Like you, 2013 is going to be the year I end this battle of the bulge. What a great thought!
  • I'm down 1.8 since Monday 12/31
    Looking for a good number this Monday morning..
  • Good for you HappyHoliday!

    I did the big closet project today. It took all day. But thankfully it is done. I ended up keeping more than I should have, but I figure I can get rid of more later if it just doesn't fit anymore. In the back of my mind, I kept worrying what would happen if I got rid of everything and gained the weight back. I know I shouldn't think like this, but this does happen to people.

    I'm also really sore today from yesterday's lifting. I'm supposed to lift again tomorrow, but not sure I'll do it I'm still sore.

    I've got two more days of vacation left. In feeling like we really should do vacations more often.
  • Hey everyone,
    Would love to (re)join this thread. I'm not a great poster, but I've started to lose a bit again in the past few weeks, so now that I've got some momentum going, would like to keep with it!

    The reason I've started losing again is because I've started a very restrictive diet due to my son's rash- he's 6 months old, and just starting to eat food. So if its a food allergy, its something he's getting from my milk. I'm off wheat, dairy, egg, corn, citrus, and peanuts. So yeah, the weight is coming off, and for the first time ever, I need to make sure that I'm getting enough calories each day. !!!

    I've been 157.0 for the past four days, then was 157.8 this morning.
    I'm officially at or just below the lowest weight I was when I got pregnant with him- I was working on weight loss when I got pregnant, then gained 45-50 lbs, now they're all off!
    I'll keep working on the weight loss, now I just need to lose the extra 15 that never came off after baby #2.
  • I've been at 145.6 yesterday and this am.
    So I (miraculously) dropped 4 lbs last week.
    No longer panicking about upcoming events/dinners- still get worried but less so.
    I think I won't see the scale numbers drop so well this week since I will be excercising again and expect that will screw up the numbers with water weight-lactic acid or muscle whatever. But we'll see.

    Still going to try to improve my eating.
    I don't want to be too restrictive, but I can't expect to be lucky again eating what I ate last week.

    I keep donating clothes when they are too big on me though I wish I had kept at least one pair of my fattest pants, so I can step into them. I guess I could always do that at a store. I've kept clothes that are one size bigger but once I go down another size I get rid of the two-sizes-too-big clothes.

    Oh another great thing is that I tried on a smaller size jeans again and found I could zip them up pretty easily, but too snug to say they "fit" yet, they didn't quite feel right. But I was ecstatic because I didn't realize I was so close to dropping another size. Hooray
  • moving forward- that's awesome that you're getting rid of clothes. i have clothes spanning about a size L to an XS. (Yes, 180 lbs and an XS wtf?????) getting rid of clothes is so sad... ha ha

    happy holidays- isn't it nice when you can feel like you're being "naughty" with food and still drop? my theory? your body is happy about your new found moderation! keep it up, be as clean as you can, and don't stress yourself out!

    clevername- welcome back! keep posting here, even if you're not losing! it's great motivation!

    i'm still here. a little heavy on the scales, but coming back down.
    moved in, happier, back to a regular yoga practice, back to work, done with the holidaze, and feeling pretty calm. but quitting smoking after a 10+ year thing. apparently just weight loss wasn't enough?? lol
  • Weighed in again this afternoon, and I was 156.0!!!
  • Now that I'm on a real computer, I'll add a bit (its hard to type much when I'm on a tablet with only one hand available to type with).

    Moving Forward- Great job cleaning out the closet, thats a massive undertaking. I need to get mine sorted out too.

    HappyHoliday- That's wonderful that the scale was so kind to you this week! And awesome that you're fitting into smaller clothing too- I know how you feel, I've just pulled out a pair of sz 10 jeans that fit pretty perfectly. Now I'm wondering if I should just hold out until I fit into 8's? It seems a waste of a perfectly good pair of pants to hem them, wear them for a month or two, and nobody will be able to wear them after me (unless they want capris with a 28" inseam? )

    Stimkovs- Its nice to get back to 'normal' after a busy time like the holidays are. That's awesome that you've quit smoking- keep at it!
  • It's so nice to see life again on this thread!

    Welcome back CleverName--I need to rub up against you. The weight just seems to be falling off of you.

    Sofie--I am so glad you are feeling calm and happy. You deserve that! I'm so glad you've decided to quit smoking. You will never regret that decision. I had a chuckle when you referred to the "holidaze". So apt of a description!

    HappyHoliday--I'm just curious what size you are close to since I believe you are my height. (It's not showing right now-of course!). Congrats on the loss too! And being close to a new size!

    My two week diet break was won-der-ful. Definitely needed. I ate in moderation, didn't deprive myself and maintained. Hot diggety dog! Today I started logging calories again, but switched over to Myfitnesspal. I like it. At the end of the day, though, it told me I didn't eat enough and could put myself into starvation mode. Considering that I also did a weight lifting workout, that's not good. Eating more is a problem I can definitely handle.
  • HappyHoliday--I just confirmed that we are the same height. I also noticed that you are very close to my goal weight. I picked that solely based on getting into a healthy BMI range. I'm curious what you think at this point of your weight. I realize we may have totally different builds, but I'm still curious. I'm dreaming of the day I get there. My weight loss is definitely slowing down as I get closer and I'm wondering if my body will even let me go lower.
  • No way avoiding it-
    I'm back to working out this week.
    Wish I could say I wasn't dreading it. Needs to be done though.


    What happened was I bought size 6 jeans online bc they were on sale, and at the time I was a size 8. I bought the same jeans I already had in size 8. However when the jeans arrived, I found that I could already wear the six.

    So then I bought size 4's, for the original reason (to wear them after I lose wt).
    I bought them at the store. I didn't try them on.
    But this weekend I did try them and they easily zip.
    Just don't feel as right as the six, so they'll be wearable when I drop about six pounds.

    So right now I'm a six for skirts, dresses and pants or jeans.
    I can still wear size 8 pants for now too, but 6 fits better.

    I'm not really sure what my goal wt should be.
    I've been 104, 116, etc and don't recall ever feeling like I was at the perfect wt for me. It really will be less about the numbers and more about how I look and feel. When I get back around 120 I think I'll really be focusing more on making my hamstrings less jiggly then see the scale drop.

    The numbers for sizes is hard to get used to. I know I'm not really a size six. Everything is off by two sizes due to Vanity Sizing. I remember the years when I was 142 and that was an 8 or 10. Around 136 I was an 8. Around 120 I was a 6, or a 4 in some things. I found an old pair of "size 12" jeans in my basement that fit me perfectly again when my new jeans had to be bought in size 8.

    For now though, I am pretty good at this weight. I can shop again at all the normal shops, and I don't have trouble finding clothing that fits, and I think the clothes I try on look good. So I'm at a point where I'm so much happier and relieved at the progress I made.
  • As of this morning, I'm back at 171. I was there last tuesday, but binged the following day and have been up ever since.
    But this is good. This means I've lost 6lbs since getting home! I hope to lose 2 more by the time I go back to school (2 more weeks) to finally get me back into the 160s!!

    Today will be Day 6 binge free for me, and I plan on keeping that up.
    I also need to stop eating such big breakfasts...
  • Good Morning ladies!

    Okay so I went MIA for a week or so because I had an unexpected visitor for the past 8 days. In a nutshell, my ex-husband, who is military and has been deployed for the past six months suddenly shows up at my door at 8:00pm on Jan 2nd. I had no idea he was even back and he led me to believe that he was still deployed lol. Anyways, we have 2 children together and we all spent time together. My eating was pure garbage. I exercised maybe once in those 8 days. I'm staying away from the scale for a good 10 days at least lol. He left last night so it's time to get back into the swing of things.

    How is everyone doing?
  • Moving Forward, Happy Holiday: I too am similar in height 5'3.5. My goal is about 145ish I keep dropping my goal weight slightly as I really don't know were I want to land. I want my maintenance to be fairly easy. I would like to be eating between 1500-1700 cals a day. I seem to like that. I am currently at 1350-1500 cals and am starting to squirm a bit. I am trying to decide if I should stay at this cal level and slow my weight loss or pinch a little more and hit my goal sooner. I fear restricting too much. I am feeling my self slipping a bit. Its getting harder.

    I am really hoping to be wearing an 8 at 143-147.....
  • Hi All, I'm new and I hope you don't mind me joining this group. My goal for the year is to lose 37 lbs. I want to lose way more than that but for this year I'm content with 37lbs. I already lost 3.6 lbs, so I have 33.4# to go. I started Atkins 72 on Dec 27th and after reading up on IF decided to incorporate it with Fast5 on Jan 5th. My mini goal is to lose 5# a month or at least 20# by April. After that I know it's going to be an up hill battle. I weigh in again on Monday and I'm praying for a miracle on the scale I'll definitely post my results on Monday.