Maintainers Vol 8

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  • Thanks for the information Maile. All of those behaviors and predictors make so much sense and I think most of us know that those are what will help us be successful, but need to see it in writing and hear it more frequently.

    Thank you also, maddiefoofoo for asking those questions that we all have. So many of then are questions that I have had, but just not asked so it is good to see how they were answered for you.
  • Can't wait to see all your answers. I am very skeptical of the 9 oz of protein. That does not sound anywhere near enough. Are you sure that's what he said?

    If I ate over 2000 calories a day I am positive I would gain. I would definitely track this for a while to see.
  • Here is a P4 worksheet from my coaches P3/4 workshop, on the P4 page 2 it states you need 1/2 your weight in protein for maintenance, the example given that 140lb Person needs a minimum of 70g of protein.

    It doesn't go into any details beyond the food combos though, also touches on the habits and our phase 4 WI schedule.
  • Crazy times here.

    Just wanted to chime in and say I eat between 1600-1800 calories. Over 2000 would tank me!
  • I agree with everyone on the 2000 cals...I usually keep it 1400-1600 and when running add in an extra fruit or extra yogurt which can bump me up to 1700-1800.

    When I first started maintenance I was browsing through the maintainers threads on different parts of 3FC and found some interesting information.

    One poster had said her thoughts on maintenance was to take what you weight now and X10 and that's where you start. It had different variations as in when active your weight X11 (or 12) can't remember etc etc etc. It's worth booting around this site to get others perspectives though.

    So for me I started at 1600, not everyday I get 1600 but generally through the week I'm about that on average. It does bump up when I'm running as I'm a little more hungry the next day so I take in a little more (I just make healthy choices, I no longer reward my run with a chocolate bar LOL)...but still some days I'm 1400 so it's equals out in the wash.

    Just my two cents!
  • Now that I have a few more minutes to update, HI!!

    I'm having an INSANE selling season right now and can barley keep myself afloat. Tomorrow alone I'm doing parties from 9am-10pm. Lord help me!

    Anyways, eating is going well. I think I've found my "groove" and am feeling good. Staying between 158-160.

    I'm going to my clinic's first ever "After Party." Apparently we're getting mini makeovers and a photo shoot... so thats exciting! Except I have nothing to wear (hope I can get to a consignment shop or two tomorrow!).

    Still running three times a week. Adding a Zumba class on Mondays with a friend. I've started re-adding a protein shake after workouts to help preserve my muscle (I lost some last week).

    Glad to see everyone is well and some new faces here!
  • Determined: Good luck on Phase 1. Fall is here and the holidays are coming. Halloween stuff is everywhere.

    I found that if I exercise after dinner..running up and down the stairs with my cats, it helps me take off an up pound. Plus it is good for the kitties.

    The fall days are pleasant. I am enjoying walks outside.
  • I start phase 4 next week, and my coach/nutritionist mentioned that she would probably have me eat 1400 calories a day. We'll determine the final level when I meet with her on Monday. I'll ask her how that range is determined. I'm so thrilled that I've been able to exercise again since starting phase 3. I must admit that exercising with 100 less pounds on my body is fantastic!
  • Hey all! It is good to be back on this site and reuniting with you! I have officially been back on P1 for 5 days, 100% OP. It has been a long time. I am finally in ketosis. I forgot how rough the beginning stages of P1 are. But I made it through and am anxiously awaiting facing the scale tomorrow. I know I won't be back to goal, but hopefully I will at least be back in the 130's, which will make me feel mentally better.

    The structure of P1 feels good and is like an old familiar friend. I had a little bit too much fun this summer with lots of traveling, so it's time to get back to business. Plus I can already feel that most of the bloat is gone, which makes such a difference.

    I really found the "maintenance" facts that Maile posted very interested. And up until this summer, it seemed like I was following those guidelines quite religiously. It makes total sense.

    This will be my first weekend OP, and even though it is great that it is the weekend, I have to admit I am a little bit nervous. We have all kinds of things planned so it will be challenging. Nothing I haven't done before, but for the last 10 months, it has been pretty nice to not worry about staying strict on the weekend
  • Sewingmomma: That is wonderful that you lost 100 pounds. No doubt exercise is more enjoyable now with the thinner you. I have much more energy now.
    Good luck on Phase 4 on Monday.

    Jenny: Good luck on your weigh in. It is hard getting on the full Phase 1 again.
    Just keep telling yourself, you made it through weekends before..and you can do it again...However, they are challenging when you are on Phase 1.
  • In 3FC under maintenance, there is a post on genes and obesity. Here is an exert from a lecture. They are talking about maintainer bodies.

    Our Bodies ARE Different!: This is the part that’s relevant to all of us maintainers. Like we’ve long suspected, our metabolisms ARE slower after we lose weight. Scientific research shows that we have to eat less and/or move more to sustain our weight losses.

    Here’s the deal - it takes 50 calories per kg of LBM to maintain the body weight of either a normal or an obese person. BUT … it takes only 42 calories per kg of LBM to maintain the weight of a reduced obese person (doctors and researchers call those of us who were obese and are now a normal weight the reduced obese).

    We ARE different! Dr. Leibel said that we reduced obese may LOOK normal on the outside but our bodies are very different on the inside. He said that, in order to maintain our weight, we reduced obese need to eat 15 - 20% fewer calories per day than a comparable person – same height, weight and gender etc – who never was obese.

    Why? The difference in calorie needs comes ALL from changes in NON-resting energy expenditure. The resting rate is unchanged. But our muscle efficiency increases by 15% after weight loss, so we become more efficient in using energy in exercise and everyday activities. And so we burn fewer calories per pound than either a normal weight or an obese person. It’s completely measurable in a lab – all you have to do is put the reduced obese person on a stationary bike and measure energy expenditure. We aren’t going to burn as many calories as normal people do. In practical terms, it means that when you’re at the gym on a treadmill, the person next to you is going to be burning 15-20% more calories than you do even is she is exactly the same height, weight and age (so long as she never was fat). Wonderful, eh?

    The dr is giving reduced obese people leptin. It seems to me there is some leptin diet somewhere.

    However, if this is true, this is surprising..
    Food for thought.
  • Maile, that's very interesting. Thank you for posting.
  • Maile Interesting read! I've always said that to my friends that I was different and that they would always be able to eat more then me as now my body had a biological memory of being over weight. Also that even though I lost weight, I still had the fat cells....they are just small now.

    BUT! Now there's another piece to the pie with regard to exercise. Another reason that we'll always have to be vigilant...I know for anxiety level has diminished somewhat...but it's still there, it's just 'quieter' now.

    VIP is doing IP now, he asked if he could have my head almost popped off and it surprised us both.
  • Very interesting Maile. I had sent an email to a group of dear friends who took me out for a birthday dinner in the summer. They had expressed concern that I was becoming obsessive and and should relax a bit more now that I was at what they considered a good weight.
    In the email I told them as someone who was obese a very short time ago I could not eat the way most people can.
    I didn't know the scientific explanation then but your post makes it very clear.

    Only thing is I was hoping it would balance out after I maintained for some years but it apparently it won't. Add to that the reduced efficiency of fat burning as we age and looks like I better get used to being vigilant. But I really need to find an exercise I enjoy.

    I never thought about going to the maintenance section of 3fc.

  • Quote: Madiefoofoo..Thanks for sharing your results.
    Ihsbel: are your cats ready for maintenance?
    Jenny: It was good to hear from you. I know the holidays are coming and it is a good time to stay focused.

    I am off to a new gym.
    So I still have not received my packet from the National WLR. Will it ever come?

    Here are some of their results..
    According to Thomas’ research compared with unsuccessful maintainers, these are the best predictors of keeping weight off:

    • Longer duration of weight loss maintenance--more than two years
    • More dietary consistency--low variety of food and lack of “splurge” meals at
    weekends and holidays
    • Less fast food consumption--once a week or less
    • Less TV viewing--less than 10 hours a week compared to the US average of 28
    • More frequent breakfast consumption
    • Lower levels of depressive symptoms and dis-inhibited eating

    Key behaviors associated with weight maintenance are:

    • Activity levels of over 200 minutes per week (at least for women in the cited
    • High levels of dietary restraint, such as:
    -Deliberately taking small helpings
    -Avoiding certain foods
    -Counting calories
    • Having lower levels of depressive symptomology
    • Controlling overeating

    The authors also identify the following strategies as important for successful maintenance:

    • Frequent meals and avoiding situations that encourage overeating
    • Generally eating at home and preparing your own food--eating out less than
    three times a week
    • Self-monitoring--weighing once a week and tracking food

    Wow, this is really helpful. I think I am doing this!